Tomato Ulysses F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Ulisse f1 hybrid tomato was bred by Holland breeders, but it is also grown by Russian professional farmers and amateur gardeners. He has a rich taste, plants can withstand even sharp temperature changes, is unpretentious in cultivation, and the crop can reach up to 4 - 5 kg from each bush.

Tomato Ulysses F1

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The plant is a determinant. First of all, this tomato has an elongated elongated shape resembling a cylinder. Ripe tomato is red with an orange tint. The fruit weighs an average of 110 grams. The pulp is dense, contains many vitamins and nutrients.

This variety is very beneficial to grow in an industrial environment, as it is stored for a very long time - more than 2 months. But only if the correct conditions are maintained: the place should be cool and dark enough, spoiled tomatoes must be removed to preserve the entire crop. Transporting well, even over long distances.

Ulysses has a powerful lash with very large foliage, this allows the plant to avoid sunburn. Strong bushes are prone to overgrowth, therefore, mandatory pinching is required. A lot of tomatoes usually ripen on one bush, often up to 15 pieces. They grow together, the bushes require a mandatory garter to the support, otherwise the branches may break before the crop fully ripens.

This hybrid variety has an early ripening period, and already 100 days after the germination period, the first fruits can be picked. And after transplanting seedlings until the fruit fully ripens, 65 - 70 days pass. Flowering and ripening in Ulysses is carpal. It can be grown in greenhouse conditions and in open beds.

The flavoring qualities of the variety are high. Sweet and with a pronounced tomato aroma, Ulysses is used not only fresh, but also makes juices and marinades. It is very convenient for salting, canning and pickling.

Growing conditions

You can grow a plant from seeds by direct sowing, then the vegetables will ripen within 100 - 110 days. And with the help of seedlings - the ripening time will be much shorter - up to 77 days.

I plant seeds for seedlings in March. When choosing a hybrid variety Ulysses, you need to purchase high-quality seeds in a package so that it displays all the information about the producer, with the name of the crop and variety, expiration date.

If the seeds remain their own, it is advisable to test them for germination, as they sometimes turn out to be unripe. To do this, the seeds are placed on a paper napkin, another napkin is placed on top, and then everything is wetted. Over 3 to 7 days, it should be observed whether sprouts appeared, and the wipes should be constantly wet. This method is very proven, and helps determine the quality of the seeds. If the seeds are more than 5 years old, they may lose such necessary quality as germination.

Growing tomatoes Ulysses F1

Before planting, seeds need to be given strength, for which they are warmed up and disinfected. Experienced gardeners do not recommend hybrid cultivar Ulysses grown in containers from juices. Tetrapak is certainly convenient, but plants planted in this type of cardboard packaging grow very slowly. The fact is that their inner side is covered with a substance that negatively affects the soil, as it is aimed at preventing food spoilage. It is better to use peat pots, but plastic cups made from sour cream and yogurt are also suitable.

If there is a small amount of soil taken from the garden in the tank, then, once in the open ground, it will be easier for the plants to adapt to new conditions.If you immediately add a small amount of ash here, then the earth will be enriched with useful trace elements, primarily potassium and phosphorus, and the protective properties against fungal diseases will increase. It is also desirable to supplement the soil as fertilizers with manure or peat.

Until the first shoots appear, cover the containers with foil, make sure that the temperature in the room does not drop below +23 degrees. Watering is done only with warm water. If the room has very dry air, it will be harder for the plants to germinate. It is necessary to provide plants with a large amount of light, many use an additional special lamp for this, which must be directed so that the light also hits the stems. This is important, because due to the dense deciduous cover, the bushes can only grow upward, which part of the crop may disappear.

When the seeds are lowered directly into the ground, the following pattern is observed - 50 by 40 centimeters. The soil must be fertile.

Bushes of this variety, if you do not allow them to branch, are very compact, because up to 7-9 plants can be planted on one square meter. Seedlings are planted only after the air temperature is not established, and will not fall below +18 degrees.

The danger to the variety is phytophthora and the causative agent of the yellow folding virus.

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