Tomato Ural giant - description and characteristics of the variety

Almost all gardeners grow tomatoes. But each of them prefers their favorite varieties, which they like for one reason or another. For those who want to get very large and aromatic fruits, a variety called the Ural giant is suitable.

Tomato Ural giant

Grade characteristics

The variety belongs to a new generation among large-fruited, and includes 4 species. From each other, they differ only in the color of the fetus. They can be not only pink or red, but also orange and yellow.

Each variety has its own special taste, smell and its own characteristics. Red fruits have a lot of lycopene, which is very beneficial for our body. Fruits of a pink shade are very sweet in taste. Yellow vegetables have a more pungent flavor, while orange ones have a lot of carotene.

Compared with other large-fruited, this variety can be attributed to early ripening. The bush is indeterminate and lianoid. The height is up to 1.5 m. Therefore, they require a garter.

Description of the fruit and their use

Tomatoes of this variety have a sweet flavor, they are fleshy, but juicy. According to the description, one tomato can weigh 700-800 g. Sometimes they grow even larger. They have a rounded shape, flattened on top. The skin of the fruit is thin, there are many chambers inside.

Great for making salads from fresh vegetables. You can also make sauces and juice from them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages, the following can be distinguished:

  1. If you take care of the bushes correctly, then up to 15 kg of vegetables are harvested per square meter during the season.
  2. Since the bushes are large, up to 5 ovaries can form on one brush. This allows you to use the area very efficiently.
  3. The fruits have a good aroma and taste.
  4. Vegetables, although large, crack extremely rarely.
  5. They tolerate both intense heat and coolness.

The disadvantage is susceptibility to diseases and many pests. Plants suffer from late blight and other diseases. In addition, the fruit is inconvenient to transport over long distances.


Before planting, fertilizers must be applied to the soil. This should be done in late autumn. Natural fertilizers such as bird droppings, wood ash are wonderful fertilizers.

Already formed seedlings are planted in the ground. Prepare it in advance, sowing seeds by the end of March, dipping them 1 cm into the substrate. After the appearance of these leaves, they are seated separately.

Before planting, you need to harden the plants, taking them out for 2-3 hours daily for a week. In the greenhouse seedlings can be planted in May. In this case, the age of the plants must be at least 2 months. You can plant on beds only after you make sure that there will be no more frosts. The plant should have more than 5 leaves and one brush. Fertilizer should be applied to each well.


Ural giant variety tomatoes
To get a good harvest, it is necessary to tie up the bushes, carry out their formation, water them in time, feed them and treat them against diseases.


  1. Bushes are constantly growing, and therefore require formation during the season. If this is not done, the yield will be low. It is necessary to remove the stepchildren and perform tracing.
  2. If the plants are well provided with nutrition, then 1 stepson is allowed to be left over the first brush. When the bush reaches a height of more than 150 cm, pinch the top. At the same time, several leaves should be left above the brush. Pinching will allow the plant to spend energy only on the fruit.

The fruits grow large, so the bush must be tied up.It is very convenient to use vertical trellises. The bush is wrapped around, and the brushes are tied separately.

Watering should be only warm water. You need to do this after dusk. Watered every 2 days, but in moderation.

Top dressing
Fertilizers should be applied during the season, approximately every 2 weeks. Both mineral and organic nutrition are beneficial. If you do not fertilize regularly and in sufficient quantities, you will not be able to grow fleshy and large fruits.


To prevent the development of various fungal diseases, it is necessary to spray plants with Fitosporin, which is safe from an environmental point of view. In case the plants are already infected, you need to use special drugs that are sold in stores for gardeners.

Plants of this variety require special and constant care, without which it is impossible to get a high yield. Only in this case, the fruits will be large, juicy and fleshy, and will have good taste.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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