Grass for cats and cats - purpose and breeding

Cats are classified as predators, and therefore the basis of their basic diet is meat food. However, fluffy pets are also attracted to grass. You can observe how the animal approaches the bush and begins to break off the blades of grass. Partly for this reason, the owners of such pets are engaged in growing greens in order to treat the cat in the future. In today's article, we will consider what kind of delicacy an animal will like, and which one should be discarded.

Grass for cats and cats

Which grass to give preference

  1. It is difficult to say for sure what kind of greenery will please one or another pet. For this purpose, the animal must be released to walk in order to appreciate its addiction. As practice shows, most of the furry friends prefer weeds like wheatgrass. This is a fairly tough plant that grows almost everywhere together with grass.
  2. As a rule, most of the unallocated space of the earth is allocated to him. A negative feature is that the weed is dirty, it concentrates harmful microorganisms and toxins from exhaust gases, helminth eggs, as well as chemicals, etc. All of this will absorb wheatgrass and, as a result, transmit it to the cat if it will have them eat.
  3. Of course, you can collect the grass and subject it to thorough processing, but it will be of little use. But it is impossible to extract from the plant all those toxic compounds that have accumulated for a long time. Accordingly, this weed falls away. Moreover, fully domesticated animals themselves do not know what they want. Some of them may even attack the broom in the hope of enjoying a treat. Therefore, the choice is left to the owner.
  4. On the other hand, even domestic vegetation concentrates a certain proportion of harmful substances, so the cat family is also not suitable. Hence, the need for hand-growing suitable grass rises sharply. This is done so as not to damage the digestive tract of the animal and transfer only valuable substances to the body.
  5. Some cats relish dried greens with great pleasure. Therefore, at the slightest opportunity to carry out the collection of vegetation in the summer, you should immediately use it. When the grass is collected, it is subjected to washing, moisture is removed and collected in bunches. Then they are suspended and dried in the pantry or on the balcony. Do not worry that the pet will not eat such grass. On the contrary, he will like it very much. The main thing to remember is that the collection is carried out far from the tracks, smoky places. The ideal option is the countryside.

Valuable properties of greens

There are many reasons why representatives of the cat family need to consume grass. However, giving it constantly is strictly not recommended, since most of the basic menu is meat food. Greenfinch is required only to maintain the proper functioning of organs and systems.

  1. Murks like grass, it will be extremely unfair to limit them in such nutrition. Leading veterinarians of the world have come to a common opinion that the consumption of vegetation has a positive effect on the life span. Cats that regularly consume greens live longer.
  2. Since ancient times, people have believed that pets who are sick must go to the clearing and find grass for healing. This is partly true, but the information is slightly distorted. Only pets who feel ailments in the gastrointestinal tract can use grass. Other diseases are not treated in this way. It is also worth knowing that some vegetation is simply poisonous and forbidden to be taken by furry friends.
  3. There is a more banal category of animals - they lean on the grass due to the fact that they like the taste and the process of chewing. Therefore, animals do not always swallow grass, but only stand still next to the bush and bite it. Most likely, they like the juice that is released during chewing.
  4. If the animal feels that the intestines are functioning differently, it may cause vomiting on purpose. For this, the pet chews hard grass, after which it specially burps it, thereby triggering digestive processes. Also, furry friends can eat because they can not fully empty the intestines. In any case, these actions are related to digestion.
  5. Representatives of the cat family need to lean on the grass for another important reason. Enormous diversity is being carried out, that is, basic nutrition is expanding. The composition of greenfinch contains valuable enzymes, including biotin with copper, zinc, potassium, cobalt, etc. Vitamin B9, which is necessary for blood and all important tissues, occupies a special place in the composition of vegetation. Folic acid is especially important for cats expecting offspring.
  6. The most justified aspect that provokes the furry family to lean on the grass, is cleaning the stomach. In the composition of greenery there are many coarse dietary fibers that act as a brush and remove all unnecessary from the walls. The organs of the digestive system are concentrated a lot of toxins and all the excess, and the grass completely eliminates the residues. Thanks to the grass, cats can spit up hair, causing vomiting.
  7. Some people think that animals consume vegetation just for fun. This is partly true, because they like fresh juice and the chewing process itself. But if a pet relies on dried grass with great pleasure, then perhaps he simply lacks the most valuable substances in the body.

The grass that cats consume

The grass that cats consume

  1. If the pet does not have the opportunity to systematically feast on fresh herbs, he will find ways to use the grass differently. As a rule, all attacks fall on plants planted at home in pots. The animal climbs the windowsills, looks for seedlings and leans on it, upsetting the owners.
  2. Some argue that especially grass-hungry pets even ate a broom, thereby putting themselves at risk for damage to the esophagus. No need to swear, just plant grass suitable for animals. It is important to remember that some indoor plants can lead to the death of a pet (mistletoe, daffodil, etc.).
  3. As for taste, the individuals in question are more likely to prefer valerian or mint to other goodies. If such an animal manages to find a similar plant, it immediately burrows itself in its leaves with its muzzle. Cats experience genuine enjoyment of a pleasant aroma.
  4. However, with regard to digestive function, such plants do not consume individuals. In the wild, felines try to give preference to cereal crops. Animals love to chew on plants that, when ripe, form spikelets.
  5. Street cats simply love to feast on creeping wheatgrass. It is such a plant that is well distributed in almost any locality. Therefore, if an animal walks on the street, it will never pass by such a popular cereal.
  6. If you yourself are not able to cultivate a quality lawn, you should protect your pet from grass that grows on the street. On such plants, there is simply a huge number of parasite eggs. In addition, greenery absorbs all the dirt of the environment.
  7. If your pet does not leave the house, you can pamper it with young freshly sprouted stalks of cereals. Cats enjoy barley, rye, oats, and wheat with pleasure. In addition, in the pet store you can easily purchase a special herbal collection for cats.
  8. It is worth noting that for the individuals in question it is preferable to consume precisely the young grass that has just hatched. It is in such a product that the maximum number of useful compounds will be concentrated. Such grass will energize the cat. Often animals love to feast on succulent plants.

Growing grass at home

Growing grass for cats at home.

  1. If you really want your pet to enjoy fresh grass all year round, you need to grow such plants yourself. Thus, the cat can have year-round access to vitamins. The procedure is quite simple, in addition, the animal will always have excellent health.
  2. You can plant any cereal crop yourself or purchase a collection of seeds, which are sold in specialized shops. Many owners claim that their four-legged friends never give up freshly sprouted oats. You can buy grains for planting at the market where food for birds and other animals is sold.
  3. If you still probably do not know what your pet prefers, it is initially recommended to plant assorted seeds. As a result, when the grass sprouts, he must definitely like something. In the future, you can grow only such cereals.
  4. Before starting the construction of crops will have to acquire several containers of small size. For such purposes, 3 units are quite enough. Alternatively, plastic boxes, flower pots, drawers or flower pots will do. Be sure to take care of where excess moisture will drain.
  5. Several containers are selected so that the cat is provided with fresh greens all year round. Plant the required number of seeds in the first container. Wait for the moment when they start to peck. Next, repeat the procedure with the second and third capacity.
  6. As a result, the difference between crops will be about 1 week. Just in the first week, the animal will have time to deal with the first portion of the treat. As a result, the pet will always have access to the whole vitamin complex. In addition, it is best to choose peat or chernozem as a substrate.
  7. It is worth noting the moment that feline representatives love not only fresh greens, but can also dig deeper into the ground. Therefore, it is recommended to lay moist cotton wool or gauze on the soil. Granules, wet sawdust, etc. are also suitable.
  8. To plant seeds, it is necessary to lay out a pre-selected substrate at the bottom of the tank. Soak it thoroughly with moisture. Pour seeds over the entire area, it should be covered with a dense layer. As a result, you get a dense green carpet when sprouting cereals.
  9. Cover the seeds with a second layer of substrate, moderately pour. Keep in mind that the tank with soil should only be half full. The bottom line is that when germinating, cereals will raise a second layer of substrate.

For seeds to sprout faster, light is optional. Create increased humidity and heat. Wrap the container with foil. It is best to keep such a pot on the windowsill. Fresh grass is simply necessary for our four-legged friends, so that they are always healthy.

Video: how to grow grass for a cat from wheat

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