Golden plover - description, habitat, interesting facts

The golden plover is understood as a bird, which quite easily tolerates temperature changes and cold climate in particular. She is not endowed with a fluffy and elongated tail, unlike relatives. Plover lives in Iceland, in this country the local people believe that the feathered individual signals the imminent approach of spring. The migratory type bird is not distinguished by its large size, however, it flies quickly. Let's look at everything related to this breed variety.

Golden Plover

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  1. The individuals of the presented group are charadriiformes. They belong to the genus of plovers and the family of charadriiformes. Experts said that today there are about 4 species of individuals. Golden birds belong to the southerners, they live in the corresponding territory.
  2. These birds do not differ in large dimensions, they are rather average in size. Individuals grow to almost 30 cm. With a body weight (maximum) of 210 grams. In terms of wingspan, indicators vary within 65–75 cm.
  3. By their external characteristics, it may seem that these birds are awkward. They have a small round-shaped head, thin as if unstable legs, and a massive physique. However, in reality, plovers are agile and fast.
  4. As for the number of these individuals, about 4 thousand heads live in the vastness of our homeland. When the migratory period begins (autumn, spring), about half a thousand individuals fly over Russia.
  5. The population is declining as hunting develops, as well as the development of new lands by humans. Birds have fewer places to build nests for offspring. Due to the fact that the area is shrinking, this species is listed in the Red Book.


  1. These birds prefer to live in wetlands, mountainous parts, in the tundra and in wastelands. They are very common in Europe, in its northern territory. For the winter, they are sent to the south side, as well as to the British Isles.
  2. Often individuals are found in England, Iceland and even Siberia. It is interesting that this species is practically not found in Central Europe; it can be said that in this part the population of individuals has greatly decreased.
  3. Behavior can be observed for a long time, especially if the birds are in the coastal shallows. When the tides begin, these zones succumb to flooding, and then after low tide you can find a lot of food. Birds are doing this.


  1. The color of the housing depends on the territory of the individuals, as well as their gender and age. The hue of plumage changes throughout existence. In the upper part, namely the area of ​​the tail, neck, head and back, feathers have a brownish-gray plumage with golden marks. It helps individuals blend in with the environment, disguised as enemies.
  2. When courtship begins, individuals of male gender are transformed. Their black feathers are framed by a white border. A dark spot originates in the throat region, which stretches through the abdominal region to the tail zone. This contrast attracts birds of the opposite sex and helps determine which individual is in front of the eyes.
  3. Female representatives also have a speck of dark tone in the abdominal section. However, it is more loose than dense and patterned. The coloring is kept until the end of the mating season, usually this is the second half of August. Over time, the feathers become dull, replacing the winter robe.
  4. When the nesting period begins, an apron on the chest and abdomen is still there.But at the beginning of autumn feathers replace each other, the bird is completely ready for flight and wintering.
  5. Young growth has a different pigmentation of plumage. Chicks in the abdominal part are covered with delicate whitish feathers. In the back there are golden gray markings with stripes of white tone. In young animals, the color is yellow in the abdomen and brisket. Dark spots are found on this part.

Plover voice

Plover voice

  1. It is worth noting that plovers will not be able to compete with, for example, the nightingale. However, these birds have a charming song with many interesting sounds. When the male begins to sing, he thereby attracts the female. This is called tocking.
  2. During the mating season, the male rises high in the air and begins to current. At the same time, he beautifully and widely flaps his wings. We can say that a beautiful marriage song always consists of two parts (verses). In the first case, the male tries to publish beautiful and rather complex whistles.
  3. This part can be called leisurely and the most beautiful. Here the sounds are repeated many times. At the same time, pauses can be seen between them. The second part is somewhat hasty. Sounds happen without stopping. At the same time, the whistles are quite interesting.
  4. When individuals begin to worry in their home, the whistle may resemble a sad and annoying intonation. In this case, you can notice monotonous, monosyllabic and multiple sounds. It is with the same screams that individuals call each other when they are in a pack.


  1. Individuals have a fairly diverse diet. The main part of the menu of such birds consists of worms, insects and snails. Such food in abundance can be obtained in the ground. Often presented birds prefer dragonflies, various larvae, spiders and beetles.
  2. Plovers are often interrupted by small locusts. When the migration season begins, such birds often make stops to rest. At this time, they mainly feed on crustaceans and all kinds of mollusks. As for plant food, it is present in small quantities in the diet of plovers. Birds eat marsh berries, seeds and green plants.


  1. Separately, it is worth mentioning that individuals primarily live in colonies. Moreover, other flocks are also present in such flocks. Often there are streets and curlews. Birds return to their nesting sites in early spring.
  2. In most cases, plovers place their nests in the ground in the form of recesses. Often birds build their homes at the foot of pines and on marshy bumps. It is worth noting that birds avoid grassy areas and ponds nearby.
  3. Among other things, birds do not rush to settle on the dried lands, where all the vegetation has practically disappeared. Almost all considered individuals return to last year's nesting sites. Also, the mating season begins in spring, and couples form.
  4. Birds go to get food in the daytime. If the food is not enough, such individuals may well go hunting in the evening. Birds begin to migrate to their habitat from the beginning of spring to mid-April. Feathered birds fly to warmer climes in November.

Golden plovers reach puberty and go to nesting sites in the second year of life. As for the younger ones, they wander from summer to summer from one place to another. After the nest is built, the birds line it with a thick layer of fluff and plant material. A clutch can have up to 4 eggs.

Video: Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria)

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