Basil - useful properties and contraindications

Basil is the basis of many culinary masterpieces, and this is not surprising. Chefs from all over the world fell in love with the plant for pleasant taste notes and a lot of useful substances in the composition. Basil acts as a spice, as well as the basis for cosmetic masks and perfumes. With its help, many diseases are cured and prevented. Let's look at the main characteristics of this greenery.

Useful properties and contraindications of basil

Useful properties of basil

  1. The composition focuses a lot of ascorbic acid, which acts as a natural immunostimulant. The systematic use of spices increases protective functions when vitamin deficiency, a change of seasons or the height of an influenza epidemic occurs.
  2. Basil is famous for its bactericidal properties, so it is often used to treat stomatitis, bleeding gums, and other diseases of the oral cavity. The plant quickly removes unpleasant odors, relieves inflammation and disinfects.
  3. In the field of ophthalmology, the effect of basil was evaluated. It contains beta-carotene, necessary to strengthen vision and increase its acuity. Everyone needs to eat greenfinch to prevent cataracts and glaucoma.
  4. Systematic eating of greens affects the whole body in a favorable way. This is manifested in the complex purification of internal organs and systems from toxins, salts of heavy metals, toxic substances and other poisons.
  5. The composition of the spice contains many vitamins from group B, which are responsible for the activity of the central nervous system. Eating a basil or means based on it normalizes sleep, relieves stress (mental, physical, emotional).
  6. The main value of the plant lies in its ability to remove excess urea, because of which, in fact, stones appear in the kidneys and urinary bladder. Greens splits small neoplasms up to 5 mm in size. and removes sand, facilitating the course of the disease.
  7. Often the plant is included in the daily nutrition of categories of people who seek to lose weight. It's all about the ability of basil to improve intestinal motility and motility, relieve stomach discomfort and accelerate all metabolic processes in general.
  8. Recent research experiments have proven the link between basil and its ability to fight cancer. When ingested, greens prevents the development of new capillaries in the tumor area, thereby causing it to dissolve.
  9. If there are no prohibitions regarding admission, you can use greenfinch to remove mucus from the respiratory tract. Basil is also able to lower body temperature due to the fact that it accelerates sweating and has a diuretic effect.
  10. The composition contains natural antioxidants, which are responsible for sealing the walls of the blood channels and removing cholesterol plaques from their cavity. Against this background, preventive measures of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombosis are carried out.

Basil in cosmetology

The value of greenery does not bypass the sphere of cosmetology. Masks and lotions are prepared on the basis of the basil, which tighten the skin, form the oval of the face, eliminate pigmentation, restore water balance. Basil is also used to treat and improve congestion, to combat dandruff, fat, dullness, cross-section and other problems.

  1. Face Lotion. The product refreshes, tightens, evens out skin tone.To prepare it, wash a handful of fresh plants, dry, immerse in a blender and make porridge. Transfer to a glass jar, fill with hot water (approximately 85 degrees), leave for an hour. After the allotted time, filter, pour into a closed bottle and store in the cold. Use every morning, keep in the refrigerator.
  2. Mask for the face. Natural remedies are good because they are universal. The systematic use of this mask (at least 2 times a week) will permanently save you from dirty and clogged pores, sagging, dehydration of the skin. Combine a tablespoon of fresh basil gruel with cold whipped egg white. Add a little honey and mix. Apply in a dense layer, take a horizontal position and relax the muscles. Wait half an hour.
  3. Hair tonic. Each girl has hair problems, even minor ones. The tonic helps to cope with loss of color, porosity, cross-section, electrification, fat content, loss. Mix basil and rosemary in equal proportions. Pour in hot water, leave to insist. Strain, apply the product after each habitual shampoo, but at least 2 times a week.

Basil for women

Basil for women

  1. Grass brings value to women who suffer from a painful menstrual cycle or are experiencing a climatic period. Basil regulates the abundance of secretions, increases hemoglobin due to the iron content in the composition.
  2. The plant must be included in the daily menu of those who seek to get rid of extra pounds. Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, basil promotes the breakdown of fat.
  3. Women more often than men suffer from varicose veins in the legs. Since the plant dilutes blood and removes cholesterol plaques, treatment and prevention of pathology are carried out.
  4. The plant is invaluable for beautiful ladies who suffer from heavy legs syndrome, puffiness. Due to the normalization of blood flow and the diuretic effect, relief comes.

Maternity Basil

  1. Girls who are in an “interesting” position may not limit themselves to taking greens. Basil has tonic and firming properties. If the baby in the womb is overly active, the spice will calm him a little.
  2. Pregnant women often suffer from constipation, heartburn and other digestive problems. Due to the ability of the plant to increase metabolism, respectively, the absorption of food and its passage through the esophagus are accelerated. All unpleasant symptoms go away, the stool is getting better.
  3. Dishes, which include fresh herbs, have beneficial properties for the heart muscle, circulatory system and thyroid gland. It is especially useful to combine grass with fish, poultry, lean meat, and legumes.
  4. But it is worthwhile to understand what such a harmless, at first glance, plant can do harm. Contraindications include hypertension, poor blood coagulation, and increased uterine tone.

Basil for nursing mothers

Basil for nursing mothers

  1. Most often, newly made mummies include both green and purple basil in their diet. But the first grade prevails. It contains all the substances that positively affect the heart muscle and musculoskeletal system of the baby.
  2. When a woman takes a plant, the digestive system improves, the risk of developing intestinal bacteria decreases.
  3. Basil has bactericidal properties, it naturally sterilizes the body. Therefore, mom needs to consume greenfinch to cure poisoning or colic in the baby.
  4. The value of spice is also contained in the chemical composition. If a woman eats basil, she will make milk more nutritious and oily, eliminate possible bitterness.
  5. Contraindications to taking the spice include only individual intolerance and an allergic reaction in the mother or baby to the constituent substances of the plant.

Basil for men

  1. Spice got a different name, it is called royal grass. Since ancient times, basil in any form has been used to increase potency. This becomes possible due to the fact that the plant enhances the flow of blood to the groin area.
  2. In addition, basil accumulates many acids, minerals (in particular zinc), vitamins, which positively affect the psycho-emotional environment of a person and his reproductive system.
  3. Greenfinch is recommended to be included in everyday nutrition of categories of people who plan to conceive a child. It's all about the ability of the plant to accelerate sperm production and increase the chances of fertilization.

Slimming Basil

  1. In the world of dietetics, plant seeds are in great demand for weight loss. The raw materials perfectly cope with the task and allow you to keep the figure at the proper level. A positive result does not affect the plant variety.
  2. The unique ingredients in the basil have an overall positive effect on the entire body. This influence allows you to maintain health and shape at the proper level. Keep in mind that it is necessary to include seeds of directed action in the diet, and not for seedlings.
  3. Such raw materials can be collected independently and prepared. The plant and seeds are mixed in almost any dish. To achieve the maximum benefit from the seeds, it is recommended to take them for breakfast in conjunction with a fruit drink or a light dessert.

Basil application

Basil application
With kidney disease

  1. If you suffer from a chronic pathology of the genitourinary system, you need to drink a healing infusion. The tool effectively helps and restores the activity of the kidneys. To prepare the composition will need 12 gr. dried basil leaves.
  2. Grind the raw materials and pour 250 ml. boiling water. Seal the container and insist about 1 hour.
  3. Strain and take 80 ml. three times a day after meals 40 minutes later. To get rid of kidney stones, you need to drink the same decoction before bedtime, 120 ml.

With weakened immunity

  1. In folk medicine, there are many different components to strengthen and strengthen the immune system. In the task, a basil-based remedy showed itself well. The composition is prepared quite simply.
  2. This will require china. Put in a vessel 20 gr. dried leaves, pour in 500 ml. boiling water. Insist components of the order of half an hour. Strain the finished product and consume during the day before the meal. The course lasts at least 2 weeks.

For respiratory ailments

  1. If you suffer from severe cough, bronchitis and inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, it is worth resorting to the help of plant juice. The composition can be obtained by squeezing from leaves and stems. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before flowering basil.
  2. Juice, regardless of variety, must be combined in equal amounts with flower honey and purified water. If you take the raw material in its pure form, you may encounter irritation of the mucous membrane of the internal organs. Take 30 ml. morning and evening for 10 days after a meal. Next is an equivalent break. The course consists of 3 such procedures.
  3. You can resort to an alternative no less effective method. Tea based on basil perfectly suppresses all the symptoms of a cold. The drink is famous for its strong antibacterial effect. The main thing is to prepare the composition correctly. Combine 5 gr. dry raw materials and 300 ml. boiling water. Insist 10 minutes. To brighten the taste, mix lemon juice and honey.

With diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system

  1. Basil helps to cope with cardiac pathologies and neurotic state. To strengthen the cardiovascular system and get rid of all kinds of diseases, you need to resort to recipes of traditional medicine.
  2. To prepare the composition, you need to combine 6 gr. dry raw materials and 0.5 liters. boiling water. Insist components of the order of a third of an hour. Take 250 ml. twice a day. You can also resort to an alternative method.
  3. The recipe implies the highest concentration. For this, the portion of the product must be increased 3 times. Pour the components into 300 ml. boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take an infusion of 50 ml. 4 times a day.

Basil contraindications

Basil contraindications

  1. Like any natural product, basil has a number of contraindications, in addition to invaluable benefits. It is worth familiarizing yourself with this before including raw materials in your daily diet. It is forbidden to take the plant in any quantity and form in case of circulatory disorders in the brain. Stroke is implied.
  2. If you have chronic pathologies of a neurological nature, completely exclude basil from your own menu. Among this, one can distinguish bouts of epilepsy and a predisposition to the occurrence of seizures.
  3. Basil is categorically contraindicated in diseases of the vascular system in the form of thrombophlebitis. Also, do not consume raw materials with ischemia of the heart and a predisposition to heart attack.
  4. The plant is forbidden to take with poor blood coagulation. Contraindications also include chronic or acute hypotension.
  5. Basil is not always recommended to be taken during gestation or during feeding. The abundance of essential oils can adversely affect the health of mother and baby. However, do not completely exclude the plant from the diet. A small amount will be invaluable. Consult a specialist in advance.
  6. Keep in mind that children can give the plant from 4 years. The fact is that the leaves contain mercury, so you can not abuse raw materials. Eating greens in large quantities can lead to the development of serious pathologies.

Basil collection and storage rules

  1. The plant can be harvested throughout the summer. After this, raw materials can be prepared for the winter or until the next season. Try not to allow greens to bloom, cut off the tops in time.
  2. For long-term storage, the basil must be dried and placed in a glass sealed container. Store the plant in a dark room.
  3. Also, before storing the grass for storage, carefully inspect the product for insects and living organisms. Try to grow a bush away from pests, select a separate flower bed.
  4. If you prefer fresher raw materials, the leaves can be frozen. To do this, it is recommended to spread the greens on a tray. As soon as the leaves freeze, pour them into a bag.

Basil is not in vain called the "royal grass" due to its extensive beneficial qualities for the human body. But it is worthwhile to understand that uncontrolled intake of the plant will lead to sad consequences. Before you get to know the basil for the first time, make sure that you have no prohibitions on its consumption.

Video: the benefits of basil for the body

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