Brussels sprouts - health benefits and harms

Brussels sprouts belong to the cruciferous family. Vegetable culture is a copy of white cabbage only in a reduced size. The weight of one Brussels sprout varies from 10 to 30 grams, the volume of the vegetable does not exceed the parameters of a walnut. Everything does not end on these interesting features; cabbage also has a number of positive qualities.

The benefits and harms of brussels sprouts

Varieties of Brussels Sprouts

There are many varieties of vegetables, the popularity of a particular species depends on the area of ​​growth and personal preferences of the population itself. In the vastness of our homeland, the following varieties are in great demand:

  1. Dolmik. Early ripe Brussels sprouts, which were brought out and cultivated by the Dutch. The variety is a rounded root, which has a dull greenish tint and medium size. Most often, Dolmik is consumed fresh, it is frozen for the winter, and also stewed.
  2. Boxer. The variety has become popular due to its resistance to temperature extremes and the first frosts. Boxer similar to the previous grade bred in Holland. Its roots are round, dense, medium in size, saturated green. Cabbage is suitable for making mashed potatoes (twist), freezing for the winter, stewing, eating fresh.
  3. Curl. Late ripe cabbage, bred by Czechs. The roots are of medium density and relatively light weight, the color varies from yellow-green to dull green. "Curl" is in demand due to its excellent taste, and the variety itself is high-yielding. Fresh or processed cabbage is suitable for the reception.
  4. Hercules. The variety was bred and cultivated by our compatriots. Late ripe cabbage is extremely resistant to the first frost, temperature extremes. The roots are oval in shape, the diameter varies between 3-5 cm, the density is low. A variety of cabbage is suitable for preservation and use at home (stewing, etc.).

The benefits of Brussels sprouts

  1. You should include cabbage in the daily menu to make up for the lack of nutrients. The vegetable focuses folic acid, which has a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and fetus inside the womb.
  2. Cabbage also accumulates other B vitamins, they are responsible for the activity of the central nervous system of a person. Frequent use improves the psycho-emotional environment and reduces the likelihood of insomnia.
  3. The Brussels vegetable establishes digestive processes, it is often used to combat constipation. Low calorie content allows overweight people to eat cabbage and at the same time gradually lose weight.
  4. Incoming amino acids in combination with natural saccharides clear the blood channels of cholesterol and protect the heart muscle from failures. Minerals strengthen blood vessels and arteries, enhance blood circulation.
  5. In cabbage there are mineral compounds that increase their positive properties when combined with vegetables and olive oil.
  6. The culture includes zeaxanthin and lutein, these substances are required to maintain healthy eyes. Cabbage is recommended to be consumed by categories of people with low vision. Special substances prevent fiber degeneration and prevent glaucoma.
  7. In Brussels sprouts, vitamin K is concentrated in a large volume. It is necessary to stimulate brain neurons, increase mental activity, improve memory and concentration. In combination with B-group vitamins, the work of the heart and central nervous system improves.
  8. Beta-carotene, coupled with antioxidants, immunostimulants, dietary fiber, cleanses the body comprehensively. Cabbage is needed to prevent premature aging of tissues, remove toxins and prevent cancer.
  9. Vegetable culture benefits the elderly. Cabbage strengthens bones and reduces the likelihood of fractures, lubricates joints, prevents senile dementia. Also, the vegetable has a positive effect on the heart, reducing the risk of malformations to a minimum.
  10. Not without the value of cabbage for children. The composition contains vitamins and other compounds that improve the absorption of calcium and form the central nervous system of the child.
  11. Brussels sprouts can be safely called a male vegetable. A vegetable-type culture is necessary for the prevention of diseases related to the genitourinary system. Cabbage also increases the ability to conceive, increasing the sperm burning ability.
  12. Experienced doctors advise taking heat-treated cabbage to people who have recently undergone surgery or a serious illness. The vegetable has regenerative properties, so recovery will come faster.

The benefits of Brussels sprouts for women

The benefits of Brussels sprouts for women

  1. All the above useful qualities can be safely applied to the health of the female half of the population. But there are still some features. So, the culture improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  2. Cabbage is indicated for consumption by girls who have a baby or are breastfeeding. In the first case, the fetus will be formed in accordance with the term, in the second - lactation and milk fat are enhanced.
  3. Indole-3-carbinol, which is part of the vegetable, is necessary for the prevention of mammary gland cancer and the treatment of an existing ailment. This complex compound blocks the flow of blood to the tumor, starting its destruction.
  4. Useful qualities apply to those who are just planning to conceive a child. Folic acid has a positive effect on the reproductive system, increasing the chances of reproducing children.

Brussels sprouts for weight loss

  1. The calorie content of Brussels sprouts is extremely small. Per serving weight 100 g. Allocated only 42 Kcal. The final value depends on the variety, sometimes the calorie content rises to 50 Kcal.
  2. Despite these indicators, the nutritional value of the vegetable crop is high. Eating two servings a day will relieve sharp bouts of hunger and increase metabolism.
  3. Brussels sprouts go well with stew and other vegetables. Thanks to this, you can balance the right diet.
  4. To have the effect of losing weight, balance the diet. Refuse fast food and other harmful dishes. Take the habit of doing exercises or start attending the gym.

Brussels sprouts from cancer

Brussels sprouts from cancer

  1. Studies were carried out with the participation of this culture, during which they proved the beneficial properties of cabbage for cancer patients.
  2. The vegetable concentrates isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol. These substances prevent cancer of the lungs, mammary glands, ovaries, colon.
  3. The effect of cabbage on the body is impressive. Special substances block the circulation of blood and the formation of new capillaries in the area of ​​the tumor. The neoplasm begins to dissolve, a partial or complete recovery occurs.
  4. In addition, isothicyanates release internal organs from radionuclides, remove toxic substances, salts of heavy metals. All this leads to improved cardiac activity.

Harm Brussels sprouts

  1. If you consume stewed vegetable cabbage, the muscles of the digestive tract begin to relax. This can lead to heartburn, flatulence.
  2. In some cases, an allergic reaction occurs, it is also worth remembering.
  3. If you have chronic ailments of the stomach or intestines, before the first acquaintance with the vegetable, visit a gastroenterologist.
  4. In vegetable culture, there is a high accumulation of hetrogen, which does not affect the thyroid gland activity in the best way. Therefore, with ailments of the endocrine system, be careful.
  5. Indoles interfere with the full digestibility of iodine. Eliminate cabbage consumption if you have a deficiency in this element.

Brussels sprouts are good for the human body if used properly. Follow the measure, consider contraindications, make sure that there are no chronic diseases. Stew the vegetable or consume in a fresh form, combining with meat, herbs and even nuts. This type of cabbage is often used to get rid of extra pounds.

Video: how to cook brussels sprouts

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