Bergamot tea - health benefits

Tea is deservedly considered the most popular drink, as it is loved by children and adults. Good tea diversifies the daily menu and makes a festive feast especially memorable.

The benefits and harms of bergamot tea

At the same time, tea drinking is a special ceremony, the participants of which not only enjoy a pleasant drink, but also appreciate its taste. After all, the composition of teas can be very diverse: they add pieces of fruit, flavorings, dried berries and flowers, mix different herbs. There are many options for composition, but the most popular supplement among all known components is bergamot. Adding this ingredient to tea gives the drink an incomparable tart and slightly spicy taste.

What is the peculiarity of bergamot

Bergamot appeared thanks to the efforts of breeders who decided to cross two different cultures: citron and orange. As a result of this experiment, a new type of fruit tree appeared, called the “princely pear”. In appearance, this plant, covered with thorns, resembles a little lemon and a little bit of its genetic relative - lime. The tree grows in Italy and other countries of the Mediterranean region, as well as in America.

This fruiting species of trees can reach a height of up to 10 meters. During flowering, the plant is covered with white or reddish flowers, exuding an unusually pleasant aroma. When the time of ripening comes, the fruits of a spherical shape appear on it. The pulp of these gifts of nature is not suitable for cooking, as it has a specific bitter-sour taste. But the dense peel of ripened fruits, as well as flowers with leaves, have found widespread use. Essential oil is produced from the so-called orange nuts, which is very much appreciated. The product obtained by manual pressing is especially in demand. Bergamot oil extract is in demand in medicine, food and cosmetics. The dry components of the plant are added to saturate the taste in teas.

Good to know! Princely pear or bergamot - unpretentious plant. Therefore, if desired, it can be safely grown at home.

Types of Teas

There is a version that popularization of bergamot tea was promoted by Lord Charles Gray, who served as British Prime Minister in the 30s of the nineteenth century. This prominent English politician, in gratitude for his assistance in some matters, received samples of amazing tea from one important Chinese person. The drink was so liked by the inhabitants of foggy Albion that it soon became indispensable in every English family.

And today, the popularity of bergamot remains at the same high level as in the old days. Tea with the aroma of exotic fruits love to drink in different parts of the world.

There are two types of bergamot drink: green and black. True tea connoisseurs prefer dark varieties because they are much healthier. Black tea instantly relieves fatigue, gives strength, energizes with vital energy. Green tea is known to contain a large percentage of caffeine.

The assortment of tea products with the inclusion of bergamot is very diverse: it is available in packaged form and in bulk, on sale you can find composition with other valuable plants. Although many well-known manufacturers are producing tea with the addition of bergamot, Earl Gray tea is the most popular. This variety differs from the others in its unique composition - it combines a blend of black tea and bergamot oil base.For these purposes, the best varieties of Indian, Ceylon or Chinese tea are taken.

It is interesting! In the UK, this type of tea is so popular that it is often added to the dough when baking traditional muffins.

What are the useful properties

All the useful qualities of a tea drink with bergamot are due to the content of plant essential oil in it. People have widely used this natural component since ancient times to treat many diseases. Indeed, in the oil there are substances that successfully cope with the function of antibiotics: it is limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate. Thanks to these elements, earlier in Germany, inflammatory processes, skin diseases and other infections were successfully treated.

Modern scientists through scientific research have proven that tea with bergamot is an excellent antiviral agent and helps strengthen the body's defenses. In addition, it has a pronounced sedative effect and can be used as a disinfectant. Also, bergamot tea is ranked as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Positive properties

The advantages of a tea drink with bergamot include its following features:

  • improves appetite;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • lowers temperature;
  • promotes restoration of sexual functions;
  • eliminates the effects of stress;
  • lowers cholesterol and sugar;
  • positively affects brain activity, which, in general, helps to improve memory.

People with cardiovascular problems are concerned about the effect of bergamot tea on vascular tone. As clinical trials have shown, this drink has absolutely no effect on blood pressure.

Good to know! To judge the usefulness of tea or its harm is possible only when the composition contains natural essential oil, and not its chemical substitute. When using flavoring, talking about the usefulness of the drink does not make sense at all.

When drinking bergamot tea is not recommended

The princely pear, like any other vegetable culture, has a number of contraindications. These restrictions include:

Harm of Bergamot Tea

  • allergic manifestations to citrus fruits;
  • hormonal dysfunctions;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pathology of blood vessels and heart;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases of the intestines and stomach.

Given the specific effect of the drink on the body, giving it to drink to small children is not recommended. Only after reaching the age of 12 this restriction is removed. It is also undesirable to drink tea with bergamot during the period of carrying a child by a woman.

When breastfeeding, mom may occasionally allow herself to drink a cup of fragrant tea if the baby does not have allergic manifestations. But this relief is possible no more than twice a week.

Important! Since bergamot has a tonic effect, it is not recommended to drink tea with it at night.

How to brew tea

To get a really healthy drink, you need to adhere to certain rules when preparing it. All actions should be performed in stages, without missing any of the following points:

  1. First, the teapot is boiled with boiling water.
  2. Then a dry component is poured into the container for brewing at the rate of: 1 liter. hours per glass.
  3. Pour tea with boiling water is not possible, for this purpose it is recommended to use boiled, but slightly cooled water.
  4. Tea should be infused for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise it will turn out to be too strong a drink with a tart aftertaste.

The process is much simplified if you take ready-made tea bags with the tea mixture as raw materials. The principle of preparation remains the same, only the infusion time of aromatic tea is reduced to two minutes.

There is another option for making great tea.Supporters of proper observance of the tea ceremony adhere to this method. Usually connoisseurs of traditions themselves prepare a mixture for brewing. To do this, take:

  • 200 g of any quality fine leaf tea;
  • pour the product into the brewing tank;
  • add a few drops of bergamot oil ester;
  • close the dishes with the mixture hermetically;
  • the mixture should be infused for five days, while it must be periodically mixed.

Then, from the workpiece obtained in this way, you can take the desired portion and brew it using the method described above.

Tea with bergamot will decorate any meal. The drink goes well with beekeeping products that emphasize its unusual taste. It can be drunk even with milk and lemon. This tea is well suited to sweets and light snacks.

Video: Bergamot Tea

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