Pea flour - benefits and harm to the health of the body

What culinary experts do not come up with to please lovers of delicious food. And, of course, thanks to them, there is pea flour, which appears after careful grinding of the fruits of a herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family - peas.

The benefits and harms of pea flour

This flour fully preserves all the beneficial properties of peas and is considered a dietary product. Almost everything can be made from pea flour, starting from simple bread, crackers, biscuits, and ending with cutlets, meatballs. Since such flour has a positive feature: it does not absorb fat during frying, which means that there will be no harm to health, and extra pounds will not appear. Nutritionists reveal a secret: per 100 grams. the product accounts for only 253 kcal. If a small part of pea flour is mixed with wheat, baking bread, this will not affect significantly the taste, and the usefulness of the finished product will increase several times.

The flour obtained from peas is very actively used in baby food. Prepare:

  • cereals and mashed potatoes;
  • mixtures necessary for complementary foods;
  • jelly;
  • cookies and donuts;
  • pancakes and pancakes.

Preserving all the beneficial properties of peas, flour also has vitamins, minerals, and vegetable protein. Those who prefer vegetarian food should include flour as a complete source of amino acids and protein. For patients with tuberculosis or diabetes, dishes from this flour will also be very useful.

Fact! Treatment of endocrine diseases requires a certain diet, which includes pea flour.

If abscesses or wounds occur on the skin, compresses using flour will be very useful.

What valuable substances does pea flour hide?

This flour has a rich nutritional value, it even leads by overtaking wheat and rye flour. And, importantly, there is absolutely no cholesterol in it.

In the flour obtained from peas, there are:

  • Pantothenic acid.
  • Alimentary fiber.
  • Cellulose.
  • Proteins
  • Vegetable protein.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Nitrogen compounds.

The amino acids from which proteins are formed, there are many of them in the product. First of all, it is lysine, trionin, pyridoxine. Especially by the way, these substances, when it is required to support the work of such organs as the liver, stomach, intestines, bone marrow, endocrine system. They also have an antiviral effect, increase immunity and help in the formation of collagen and elastane.


  1. Vitamin C - stimulates normal cellular respiration, is responsible for the strength of the walls of blood vessels, fights microbes, and increases defenses in case of poisoning.
  2. B1 - is inextricably linked with metabolic processes - carbohydrate, protein, water, but especially its lack affects the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. B2 - helps the oxidation of carbohydrates and amino acids, if the body systematically loses it, the work of many functions of the nervous system is disrupted, and then the mucous membranes and skin are affected.
  4. Without B6, fat and protein metabolism is not carried out, the central nervous system depends on its presence in the body, as cramps, sleep disorders and irritability signal that there is a large shortage of this vitamin in the body. Potassium resists harmful bacteria. Its shortage, doctors say, leads to a decrease in brain activity, headaches, chronic fatigue, dizziness, heart disease, constipation.
  5. PP - it is important for oxidative processes, helps the digestive system to work, promotes good blood formation, fights dermatitis.
  6. D - is responsible for the bony part of the body and is involved in a number of metabolic processes.
  7. Vitamin E has a wide range of effects: it dilates blood vessels, normalizes the muscular system, in men it promotes the maturation of germ cells, and helps women to maintain pregnancy.
  8. K - it is necessary that blood coagulation does not have pathologies. With a lack of this vitamin, liver diseases and hemorrhagic diathesis develop.

Trace elements and minerals

  1. Selenium is used as a preventive measure against oncological diseases that arise from radiation and chemicals, since it stimulates the formation of antibodies.
  2. Calcium. Most popular in diet food. With its help, enzymes function normally in the absorption of proteins and fats, nerve impulses are transmitted and muscle contractions are regulated.
  3. Phosphorus. Each cell of the body and interstitial fluid are made of this element, as a composite. Effective only in the presence of calcium.
  4. Magnesium. It regulates the passage through the cell membrane of nutrients, is involved in the work of systems such as muscle and nervous.
  5. Sodium. Participates in water metabolism and many biochemical reactions.
  6. Zinc helps maintain immunity, vision, the structure of nails and hair, and forms blood cells.

Dishes from pea flour will benefit by improving digestion due to better digestibility of vegetable protein, normalizing weight. They will also give strength by enhancing brain activity and physical activity. To do this, it is enough to take a teaspoon of flour before meals.

If the human body cannot perceive gluten, which is necessarily found in cereal plants, and therefore is deprived of the opportunity to eat bread, it can safely include a variety of dishes made from pea flour in the menu. This is because there is no gluten in the product.

What harm does flour hide

The harm of pea flour

  1. First of all, you should not get involved in dishes from such flour for those people who are prone to flatulence, since fermentation in the intestines is possible. To reduce gas-forming conditions, spices should be added during cooking, such as dill or fennel. After taking meals, it is not recommended to drink water, especially cold.
  2. Purines are present in this flour. As you know, they contribute to the accumulation of uric acid. Therefore, people with gout or kidney disease should reduce this product in the diet.
  3. Fiber is present in large numbers here. And that means the stomach will be overloaded. Therefore, if the digestive system often gives malfunctions, it is better to completely abandon culinary products made from pea flour during exacerbations.

Own flour

To make flour yourself, you need to choose pure peas without flaws. It must be washed and dried, finely laid. You can grind with:

  1. Electric coffee grinders. Then the consistency is soft and tender;
  2. Manual coffee grinders. In this case, the flour will not be so soft;
  3. Mortar, by hand. But this process will take a lot of time. And the mixture itself will turn out rough.

Be sure to dry the obtained flour by spreading it on a thin layer of fabric. To avoid wet areas, you need to mix the flour. After drying, the flour will become much lighter, and will no longer stick to your hands. Store only in a dry room, and be sure to sift before use.

Video: pea flour pancakes

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