Cayenne pepper - benefits and harm to the body

Cayenne pepper (also known as "chili") rightfully includes the number of spicy spices that exist on our planet. Tropical America, namely Mexico, is considered the historical homeland of this perennial shrub, but it can also be met on open Thai and Indian soils. In other countries of the world, it is grown mainly in greenhouses and greenhouses. This seasoning conquered Europe in the 15th century, and the legendary Christopher Columbus brought it to the Old Continent. Among European countries, chile is most popular in Hungary. The preparation of many national dishes here is not complete without it. Another interesting fact: in the Caribbean, this pepper is for some reason considered a fruit. Its various subspecies exist: habanero, anaheim, serrano, blanched, jalapeno.

The benefits and harms of cayenne pepper

The sharp burning taste of cayenne pepper gives the presence in its composition of such an alkaloid as capsaicin. The color of the fruit of this plant is the most diverse, starting with red and yellow, and ending with purple and black. The size of the pod varies from 0.5 to 1.5 centimeters. It can be in the form of a ball or a trunk cone.

Cayenne pepper does not have any unique taste. However, he adds spice and piquancy to other dishes.

Useful properties of cayenne pepper

The positive effect of this product on the human body can be very, very long.

  1. Used in the treatment of various diseases, such as sore throat, gout, tonsillitis, flatulence, scarlet fever and even hemorrhoids.
  2. Chili removes mucus from the nasopharynx well. This is a very important point in the treatment of colds and flu.
  3. The anti-inflammatory functions of cayenne pepper relieve the patient’s suffering with diarrhea, gastric ulcer. He is just a great fighter against tonsillitis and an effective way to eliminate spasmodic, dry cough.
  4. Allergy sufferers should have chili peppers in their diets. This tool, which has a completely natural origin, is used to treat allergic seasonal reactions.
  5. Migraine-prone cayenne pepper will become a lifesaver. The fact is that this product is able to stimulate pain reactions in various organs, thereby activating the brain. This process helps reduce the level of substance P and reduce the perception of pain by a person as such.
  6. It is also worth noting that chili stimulates the digestive tract. Its use increases the production of gastric juice, which positively affects the metabolism. Intestinal gas and bloating are also well treated with cayenne pepper.
  7. Pain and other discomfort in the joints will be relieved by chili. This product causes a burning sensation on the skin, due to which a similar effect is achieved.
  8. Cayenne pepper, by the way, is an excellent stimulator of blood circulation and an even better detoxifier. This product makes a person sweat profusely, thereby, removing substances poisoning him from the body.
  9. Cayenne pepper keeps the oral cavity as healthy as possible and improves digestion. And all thanks to his ability to activate the production of saliva.
  10. Include chili peppers in your diet if you want to reduce the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. Cayenne pepper also prevents blood clots and acts as an aid in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
  11. Recent studies by American scientists have shown that chili peppers help prevent lung cancer, especially among heavy smokers. It is also quite effective in the fight against liver cancer.
  12. You can use cayenne pepper as a kind of preservative.It well prevents the development of bacteria in other products.
  13. To pay attention to this most useful product is also for people who are overweight. Canadian scientists have proven that if you take cayenne pepper in the morning, you can reduce calorie intake by the end of the day. In addition, it helps burn fat during digestion.
  14. Gum disease and such an unpleasant toothache are afraid of cayenne pepper.
  15. Outwardly, it is used even in the treatment of venomous snake bites.
  16. Chile helps fight rheumatism and skin ulcers. Eliminates sharp back pain (also called lumbago).
  17. Blood pressure levels will return to normal with regular use of cayenne pepper in food. The general condition of the human cardiovascular system will also be positively affected by the fact that chili helps older people balance their cholesterol levels.

Can cayenne pepper be harmful?

Can cayenne pepper harm
Despite its many beneficial properties, chili may still be contraindicated in certain categories of people. In particular, we are talking about those patients who suffer from convulsions or epileptic seizures in general. You should not abuse cayenne pepper for kidney diseases of various types. An easily excitable nervous system may also be affected by this product. Also, in rare cases, its individual intolerance also occurs.

Cayenne pepper in folk medicine

  1. Cayenne pepper tonic. Mix 1/10 teaspoon of chili pepper with 2 tablespoons of maple syrup and the same amount of lemon juice. As for the last ingredient, it is desirable, of course, that it is freshly squeezed. Add 150 grams of water to the resulting mixture. It is better to store the resulting drink in the refrigerator, but you can drink it in both cold and hot. The recommended dosage is from 3 to 4 glasses per day. The course of treatment is at least 1 week, but you can extend it to 3-3.5 weeks.
  2. The Cayenne pepper diet has also earned a lot of positive reviews. The recipe is extremely simple. We need only 3 ingredients - water, green tea and cayenne pepper itself. Waking up, drink a glass of slightly salted water. In the afternoon - a glass of cayenne pepper drink. Before going to bed, we drink either water or green tea at our discretion. As you can see, the diet is quite strict, because it does not provide for the use of food. Only a healthy person with a harsh character and willpower can cope with it. Before you go on a similar diet, carefully weigh everything. A better consult with a specialist. In any case, sitting on it for more than 4-5 days is not worth it. It is also worth remembering that no diet in itself can solve your problems with excess weight. It should be used only in conjunction with sports and a healthy lifestyle. By the way, for weight loss cayenne pepper is produced even in special capsules. You need to take 3 pieces per day.
  3. Cayenne pepper for colds. On a piece of chili pepper we insist vodka, take it inside, take cover with a warm blanket and sweat well. For children or those who are negative about alcohol, you can use milk. We bring it to a warm state and just add a pinch of ground pepper. We drink and, again, take refuge in the heat.
  4. Grind 30 grams of cayenne pepper and fill with any vegetable oil. The resulting substance should be infused for at least 2 weeks. Next, we filter it and use it as grinding for rheumatism, radiculitis, arthrosis, etc.
  5. Mix 1 teaspoon of chopped chili with 250 grams of oil and 100 grams of honey. We consume from 3 to 4 times a day. The recommended dosage is 2 teaspoons. This tool is used to cleanse the body.
  6. 25 grams of crushed cayenne pepper pour 200 grams of good vodka. We insist 2 weeks. You need to eat with food. The recommended dose is 20 drops.This infusion is used in the treatment of intestinal disorders, and also normalizes blood circulation. Some men also resort to it to restore potency. It can be used to reduce weight, but in this case, the dose is reduced to 15 drops, which are mixed with a glass of water.
  7. Chili helps with hair loss. To do this, mix salt and ground cayenne pepper, apply to the head before bedtime, wrapping it with something.

Video: cayenne pepper benefits

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