How to quickly and effectively lose weight for the summer season

In winter, the body accumulates fats to keep warm. Add to this a sedentary lifestyle, the desire to wrap yourself in a warm blanket instead of skating or skiing, tasty and high-calorie New Year holidays, and then St. Valentine's Day. Valentine, March 8, Easter, and now the recipe for a few extra pounds is ready. This especially upsets the beautiful half of humanity. And ahead of vacation, the sea, the sun! Of course, I want to look at 100%.

How to lose weight fast by summer

We offer you some tips on fast and effective weight loss, in the first few weeks of compliance you will lose 500 g per day. Then the process will be somewhat suspended, but if you continue to follow the rules, gradually, without harm to health, you will reduce weight by 5-7 kg.

Attention! People suffering from any endocrine pathologies should consult their doctor to form a diet!

Change dinner with breakfast

In the afternoon, we all have a lot of worries: both mothers on maternity leave and working women. In the evening, when the children went to bed, and the household chores were finished, I really want to rest and relax, to please ourselves with something tasty. And we fry pancakes, drink tea with sweets or rolls, eat a hearty, high-calorie dinner. Meanwhile, the body at this time also needs to rest.

One simple step will help you rethink your eating behavior. Swap breakfast and dinner. Have the cheesecakes prepared for the family for dinner? Save yourself a few pieces in the morning. The calories that you get from the goodies are easy to burn during the day, and in addition, breakfast will start the entire metabolism, give the body a signal to wake up. This, by the way, can cause an earlier rise, and you will not have time to look around until you make a good half of the work planned for the day before 11-12 hours. Isn't that a good incentive?

Dinner 4 hours before bedtime

Tips like “don't eat after six in the evening” are familiar to many, but are they effective? It all depends on the lifestyle. If you are used to going to bed late, then a lack of food after 18.00 will only bring stress to your life, and you can only think about food. It is much more convenient to give yourself the installation to postpone the last, easiest of all, meals at a time when about four hours are left before the expected retirement. For example, if you go to bed at midnight, then eat at eight in the evening. After this time, you can only eat an apple, grapefruit (an excellent fat burner!), Drink low-fat kefir or yogurt without flavoring.

Light dinner: what is it?

The phrase "light dinner" can be misleading, since not everyone knows what it is. Here are some examples:

Light weight loss dinner

Here is a recipe for a light and tasty salad, the taste of which will pleasantly surprise you:

Take a Chinese salad, chop finely. You can replace it with white cabbage, but then to isolate the juice, you need to shake it with your hands (without salt!). Add to the first ingredient grated raw carrots (you can sweet varieties), finely chopped tomato. Pour the salad generously with lemon juice instead of salt.

Add a drop of sunflower oil. Put in a bright, pleasing to the eye salad bowl, garnish with tomato and lemon. You can eat such a dish for dinner as much as you like! Due to the lack of salt, foods are absorbed better, and excess water leaves the body, contributing to weight loss.

Drink more water

Ideally - every two hours to drink a glass of clean water, you can boiled. Liquid activates the metabolism, and metabolism is faster.Water can be replaced with dried fruit compotes, cooked without sugar, kefir or freshly squeezed citrus fruit juice (if there is no allergy). You can’t even imagine how much energy is contained in a glass of grapefruit juice and tangerine with ice, such a drink works like a real antidepressant! This is an excellent substitute for harmful soda and juice with sugar, which should be completely excluded from the diet.

Change eating behavior

Eat up to 6 times a day, but in small portions. Follow the principles of separate nutrition: do not eat meat dishes and high-calorie side dishes (potatoes, pasta) at one meal. From the heat treatment of meat, fish and vegetable dishes, prefer stewing, baking, avoid fried and smoked. Try not to skip any of the meals, because the body gets used to getting food at the same time. Do not take the changes as a diet, because this is precisely a change in eating behavior!

Reducing the amount of salt will also benefit your overall health. To avoid over-consumption of this product, salt the food on preparedness, and in some products (baked breast of poultry, salads), replace with lemon juice or soy sauce.

More life

What is hidden behind this appeal? Do not give in to a sedentary lifestyle, do exercises as much as possible, do not miss the opportunity to take a walk in the fresh air.

Lose weight on the positive

Forget the word "elevator", you are quite capable of walking several floors on foot, and household chores can replace expensive trips to the gym.

When hanging clothes for drying, bend with straight legs when you take another thing from a basin standing on the floor. Tighten and relax the press when washing dishes. While watching TV, you can and should do yoga. When working at a computer, take a break for a simple warm-up every half an hour. Believe me, these simple recommendations can change your life!

Believe in yourself

Set yourself tangible goals that are easy to achieve, and believe that you are able to fulfill the plan. This applies not only to the normalization of weight, but also to all other matters. You do not need to promise yourself that you will turn the mountains in two hours, if this is completely unrealistic. Performing modest, but achievable tasks will help to believe in yourself, learn to follow the rules that lead to the goal.

More positive emotions.

Emotions - this is just what stimulates the body in a positive way. Walking with children, family vacations, a good book, fresh impressions. This is what helps to feel life in its entirety. It’s important not just to lose weight, it’s important to achieve the goal to look better and delight loved ones, to please yourself and others!

You can also please yourself in the kitchen: buy unusual products, such as avocados, and think of a use for them, come up with a salad or a snack.

Don't be a bore

Of course, it is not easy to have the willpower to comply with the rules established for yourself, but minor deviations from the lifestyle will not harm you, but you will not be a bore in the eyes of others. So, if you come to visit and are treated to a cake, you should not refuse only because you do not eat sweets in the evening.

The most important thing for changing the lifestyle that will lead to systematic weight loss is a good mood and loyalty to yourself.

Video: how to manage to lose weight by the summer

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