How to lose weight quickly with cling film

People turn to extreme options for losing weight when you need to lose weight in a short time. Usually this happens before an unplanned celebration or vacation. There are often cases when ladies want to get rid of extra pounds in a week. The second category of people is professional athletes who have not passed the weight category. In both cases, the best option would be to reduce the volume and total body weight due to accelerated sweating. It is for these purposes that they use a food film.

How to lose weight with cling film

Weight loss

You can achieve quick results by getting rid of excess water in the body. The technique is not designed for slow weight loss, volumes are melting before our eyes. After you lose the necessary kilograms and then start drinking again, the weight will return.

To achieve a lasting effect, you need to drink at least 2.5-3 liters of pure water per day. In addition, green tea with jasmine in moderation (it leaches calcium from bones) will not be out of place.

You also need to regularly visit the gym (4-5 times a week), eat seasonal vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, eat lean meat and fish.

Usually a neoprene slimming belt is used to remove the liquid, but in your case it will be replaced by a cling film.


  • pregnancy at all times;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • unstable heart rate;
  • thyroid disease;
  • allergy to the components contained in the film;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

The technique of losing weight with a food film

If you went through the list of contraindications and did not find anything in relation to yourself, feel free to proceed with the procedure.

The technique of losing weight with a food film

Necessary materials:

  • hard scrub;
  • gentle peeling;
  • washcloth;
  • vacuum silicone cans;
  • cream with a warming effect;
  • warm winter clothes;
  • food wrap.
  1. In most cases, the food film is designed to reduce volumes by withdrawing the liquid, but you need to know that it also eliminates cellulite. If you plan to wrap your hips or buttocks, clean these areas in advance with a coffee scrub. To prepare it, mix 100 gr. coffee grounds with 40 ml. regular shower gel. Begin to intensively massage the skin, continue the procedure until it turns red and hot. If the cling film will be used on the stomach or arms, use gentle peeling for these areas. He will not bring the skin to redness, this is not necessary, since cellulite is not provided for in these areas.
  2. After cleaning, rub the areas that will be wrapped with a film, a hard washcloth. You can also use a special glove to speed up blood circulation, but you can’t buy it everywhere.
  3. Apply a warming cream to the body, massaging in a circular motion, rub it into the skin until completely absorbed.
  4. If you plan to wrap your buttocks and hips to get rid of cellulite, then get silicone jars at the pharmacy. You will need 1 pc. Place it on the back of the thigh, squeeze a little to create a vacuum. Now slowly start driving in a circular or linear motion up and down. Do not linger on one point for longer than 2 seconds, otherwise bruises and subcutaneous bruising will appear. Cans cannot be used on the inside of the thigh.
  5. After treatment with a scrub, washcloth, vacuum, the skin warmed up sufficiently and became soft, the pores opened. It's time to start wrapping.Rotate the cling film about 20 cm., Lay it on the desired area and carefully wrap. Make 5-6 layers. It is important to pay attention to the degree of tightening, you can not tighten the film too much, otherwise the blood circulation will be disturbed, due to which the area will begin to go numb. Weight loss is achieved only with full blood flow, not for nothing that you stimulated it so rapidly with banks and a washcloth.
  6. Now put on warm winter clothes to create a greenhouse effect. Do household chores: vacuum, wash dishes, floors, windows. Do anything, just do not sit still. If you carry out the procedure after a hard working day, dress warmer and lie down under the covers. Include an interesting movie or read a book.
  7. Now let's talk about the exposure time. It directly depends on what kind of heating agent you used. If the composition involves frequent and general use, hold the film for about 2 hours. As a rule, such products do not go beyond the scope of eggs, cabbage, kefir, essential oils and other “delicate” products contained in it. If the cream contains chili pepper, sea salt and other components that can burn the skin, wait no more than 1 hour. Proceed from the general condition, the slightest tingling is considered normal, a strong unbearable burning sensation is unacceptable.
  8. After the expiration of the term, remove the film, wash first with warm, then cool water. Spread the skin with anti-cellulite or moisturizer, depending on which parts of the body the procedure was performed on.

Practical recommendations

Recommendations for losing weight with cling film

  1. Do not work out the whole body at once, wrap separate zones. For example, work out your hips and buttocks today, work with your hands tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow with your stomach. If the procedure is carried out simultaneously, the risk of overheating, increased blood pressure and heart failure is high.
  2. During exposure, monitor your well-being. If you begin to feel dizzy, remove the film and take a contrast shower.
  3. Do not wrap at short intervals. Excessive sweat changes the chemical composition of the blood, sending less oxygen to the cells. It is fraught with heart disease, fever and dehydration.
  4. The recommended frequency of the procedure varies from 3 to 4 times a week, while evenly distributing the load on different zones. The duration of the course is usually 1-2 months, then a break is made for several weeks and the sessions resume again.
  5. In order to carry out the procedure as efficiently as possible, you can not only do household chores, but also perform exercises.

Stand upright, straighten your back and begin to walk in place, raising your knees high. Perform actions within 5 minutes.

Walking can be replaced by jumping. To do this, put your legs together, bounce and spread them apart, raising arms up. Do 2 sets 50 times.

Lie on the floor, put your hands under the buttocks, straighten the body. Raise your legs slowly, holding them together. Lower your legs, do not touch the floor and raise again. Do this 10 times, rest and repeat the exercise.

In order to achieve maximum results and rapid weight loss, you need to carry out a wrapping with preparation. To begin, clean the skin with a scrub or peeling, then rub it with a hard washcloth. Apply a warming cream, rubbing it thoroughly, make a vacuum massage with jars. Only then wrap the body with cling film.

Video: cling film and slimming belt

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