How to tighten the skin on the hands at home

Every girl and woman strives to be well-groomed, slim and beautiful. For this reason, many representatives of the beautiful half go on a diet, wanting to lose a couple of extra pounds. The body does not have time to adapt to changes, as a result of which collagen is not produced quickly enough. As a result, body weight decreases, and the skin loses its elasticity. This is especially true for the hips, abdomen and, of course, the hands.

How to tighten the skin on the hands

Causes of skin sagging

  • weak production of collagen and elastin;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • abuse of salty, fatty and sweet foods;
  • dehydration of the skin;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • frequent use of mono diets;
  • overweight;
  • age;
  • genetics.

Peeling to improve skin elasticity

Peeling is considered the most effective way to tighten the skin of the hands. Incoming components improve the production of collagen and elastin fibers, due to which the epidermis comes in tone.

The procedure should be carried out 1 time in 2-3 days until you achieve the desired result. Before peeling, you must first steam the skin. To do this, take a hot bath. Wash off the composition only with contrasting water (first cold, then warm).

  1. Sea salt. To prepare a gentle composition, take 125 gr. fine salt without impurities and fragrances. Pour in 85 ml. vegetable or olive oil, add 60 gr. rye bran or oatmeal. Stir the mixture until smooth, scoop into your palm. Massage the problem area for about 10 minutes.
  2. Seaweed. Buy kelp powder in the pharmacy, take 45 gr. composition, add 5 ml to it. ether ylang-ylang, 40 ml. castor oil. Pour 30 g. flaxseed, knead and let stand for a quarter of an hour. Spread the mass on the palms, massage the problem areas. Try to pat on the skin, pass it between your fingers. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  3. Coffee. To prepare the peeling you will need 85 gr. coffee grounds, 50 gr. fat sour cream, 65 gr. rice. Pass the grits through a coffee grinder or grinder, mix all the ingredients into one mass. Apply to the skin, knead each hand for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Natural oils and esters. A great way to tighten the skin of your hands is rubbing natural and essential oils. The first option includes vegetable, corn, sea buckthorn, castor and olive. To the second - ether of geranium, ginseng, patchouli, jojoba, grape seed. Mix the formulations together so that 45 ml. natural oil accounted for 7 ml. ether. Then massage the mixture into the skin of the hands with massaging movements, treating problem areas. Do not flush.
  5. Pepper. Buy at a cosmetic store or pharmacy 70 gr. pink clay, dilute it with water to a paste-like consistency. Pour 20 g. hot red pepper, 35 gr. crushed sea salt. Distribute the product on your hands, wait for the partial drying. When this happens, begin to remove the composition, rolling it with your palms.
  6. Honey. Combine 125 g into one mass. honey (preferably candied, thick), 35 gr. ground turmeric, 40 ml. cane sugar, 35 ml. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Cover the prepared mass with sagging skin areas, massage them for about 15 minutes.
  7. Clay. The pharmacy sells cosmetic clay. You need to buy pink, white, black and blue. To prepare the mass for peeling, take 30 gr. of each variety, pour milk to make the mixture pasty. Dry the zest of half grapefruit, grind it into powder, pour it into the clay. Add 65 ml.burdock oil, mix, rub the problem areas with the prepared mixture for about 10 minutes.
  8. Almonds and walnuts. Take 65 gr. coffee grounds, add 20 ml. vegetable oil and 45 gr. oat flour. Grind in a convenient way 7 pcs. walnuts and 10 pcs. almonds. Mix all the ingredients, add fat cream, so that the consistency of the mass resembles sour cream. Cover the skin, massage each hand for 10 minutes.
  9. Citrus fruit. Peel one orange and one grapefruit. Place the zest in the oven, dry, grind in a blender, coffee grinder or mortar. Add the juice of one lemon, scoop the product into the palm of your hand. Do massage of problem areas in turn, peeling duration - 30 minutes.
  10. Vitamin A, E. Buy ampoules containing vitamin A and E from the store; you need to take 2 pcs. of each composition. Mix them together, add beet sugar. Do not allow crystals to dissolve, immediately begin to rub the mixture into the skin. Knead, pinch and stretch the skin. The duration of treatment of each hand is 7-10 minutes.

Body Wraps

To tighten the skin on the hands, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach. Wrap only after peeling to improve effectiveness. The procedure is carried out for two months, subject to the daily use of one of the formulations.

  1. Glycerin and chili. Take 10 gr. ground chili (can be replaced with 15 g. red pepper), add 35 g. rice flour, 30 ml. glycerin, 45 gr. olive oil and 3 ml. rosemary ester. Apply the mixture on the skin of the hands, wrap in cling film in 3 layers. Wait about 25 minutes, rinse.
  2. Gelatin and coffee. Dilute 60 ml. water 30 gr. edible gelatin, wait for the mixture to swell. Add 55 gr. coffee grounds, 35 gr. honey, mix, pour 20 ml. glycerin and two ampoules of papaverine (sold at the pharmacy). Apply the product on the skin, wrap the hands with a film, leave for 1 hour.
  3. Mustard Powder. Brew in boiling water 30 gr. chopped burdock root, let it brew for about 25 minutes. Strain, add to the broth 30 gr. mustard powder, 50 gr. oatmeal medium grinding. Pass the washed lemon with the zest through a meat grinder. Connect all the components together, cover the skin of the hands with mass. Wrap yourself with cling film, wait half an hour.
  4. Clay and cinnamon. Mix together 45 gr. black clay, 30 gr. ground cinnamon, 40 gr. honey. Add 75 gr. walnuts, previously grinding them into powder. Dilute the mass with a decoction of chamomile or black tea, if it turned out to be too thick. Apply on the skin with a thick layer, fasten with polyethylene, wait 40 minutes.
  5. Seaweed. In the pharmacy you will find kelp and ficus. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 40 gr. powder each species of algae, and then dilute them with water. To enhance the effect, you can add essential oil of patchouli, pine or thuja in an amount of 5-7 ml. The mixture is applied to problem areas with a thick layer and aged for about half an hour.
  6. Herbs. The tool is used in the form of a compress from the infusion of medicinal plants. You will need 30 gr. yarrow, 25 gr. rosemary, 45 gr. chamomile, 20 gr. eucalyptus. Brew plants in 300 ml. boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. Dampen gauze in several layers in infusion. Apply a compress to your hands, leave for 40 minutes.

Practical recommendations

How to tighten sagging skin on the hands

  1. In most cases, the skin on the hands sags due to lack of fluid, for this reason it is recommended to drink at least 2.6 liters. purified water per day.
  2. If your hands become flabby because you have lost too much weight, normalize your diet, regularly do peelings and body wraps.
  3. Take the habit of going to the gym or doing exercises at home. Everything will do: work with dumbbells, push-ups, pull-ups, jump rope.
  4. Massage problem areas at any convenient time.It is enough to touch the skin between the fingers until redness. In this case, do not forget to lubricate the dermis with a cream that improves tone.
  5. Completely refuse fatty foods, which make the fat layer on the hands thicker. Exclude salty dishes from the menu, they retain fluid.
  6. Have breakfast correctly (oatmeal, berries or cottage cheese). Scientists have repeatedly proved that the lack of breakfast is the reason for the loss of skin elasticity. This applies not only to the hands, but to the whole body.

To increase tone and tighten saggy skin, it is enough to do peeling and body wraps once every 2 days. In this case, physical exercises aimed at working out the triceps and biceps will not be superfluous. Remember to drink enough daily water to moisturize your skin.

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