How to lose weight without harm to health: useful tips

Hateful kilograms spoil the figure, lead to a number of dangerous diseases (arrhythmia, disruption of the vascular system, unstable blood pressure, etc.). All this terrifies a person, pushing him to look for all kinds of ways to lose weight. It is important to understand that an improperly selected diet or non-observance of important aspects leads to even greater health problems. It is necessary to know the measure, then losing weight will pass without stress for the body.

How to lose weight without harm to health

Get rid of excess weight gradually.

You should not look at the covers of glossy magazines, which depict skinny models. As a rule, they ruin their health by smoking a couple of cigarettes for lunch. Prepare physically and mentally for the process of losing weight, increase walking, instead of the bus go a few stops on foot. Imagine the idea that soon you will completely change your lifestyle and become a different person. Tune in a positive way.

You can not lose immediately for 3 months immediately 20 kg., Slimming should proceed gradually. The ideal option is weight loss for a period of 6 months or more (subject to 10+ extra pounds). Dietitians equate fast weight loss with shock therapy. Since the body is immersed in imbalance and stress, the long-awaited weight loss will not bring you joy for certain reasons. Let's consider them in more detail.

The negative effects of losing weight in a short time

  1. A sharp change in body weight contributes to a slow and incorrect metabolism. Internal organs are not able to so quickly reorganize in a new way, because of which failures occur. The body has been stocking up fats for years, and when a sharp decrease in weight occurs, metabolism automatically slows down (as a result of a protective reaction). After that, you again begin to eat normally, without overeating or eating illegal foods. However, the body again accelerates the metabolism and stores 2 times more fat in its reserve. In this way, he tries to compensate for the losses. For these reasons, sharply losing weight people often return to their previous weight and throw 4-5 kg ​​on top. "as a gift".
  2. The liver is overloaded. Not many people think about how much the liver passes through itself in attempts to rid the body of harmful substances. The main function of this internal organ is to cleanse the body of decay products and toxins. With moderate weight loss, the liver copes with the load and successfully utilizes waste. If the weight loss is rapid, this leads to poisoning of the body and slagging, because the body is physically unable to cope with the task.
  3. In addition to slow metabolism and liver dysfunction, rapid weight loss leaves sagging skin behind. To remove it is not so simple, this is due to a lack of collagen and elastin fibers, which also did not have time to adapt to the changes. First of all, the consequences affect the face, stomach, arms, hips and buttocks.
  4. With the abuse of rigid diets, vitamin deficiency develops. For example, vitamin D is designed to absorb and break down fats; if it is not enough in your diet, vitamin D will not be absorbed. The same applies to hair and nails, skin, teeth and gums, which depend on the vitamins of different groups. You are attacked by flaky epidermis, dull hair, brittle nails, and the immune system will also decrease in general. The body will not be able to produce antibodies that protect against viruses and bacteria.
  5. Due to a sharp weight loss, blood pressure starts to jump, memory is aggravated, a person experiences a lack of strength and apathy appears. In cases where you are on a diet low in fast and slow carbohydrates, there is a lack of glucose. Deficiency leads to starvation of brain tissue, weakening of vascular and muscle tone. A person begins to suffer a headache, which soon turns into a migraine. The loss of strength leads to impaired attention and weakening of the body as a whole.

Do not starve

In no case do not refuse food. The recommendation is especially relevant for people suffering from heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis. In the last two cases, such weight loss results in death. Due to starvation, fat is split only by 18-22%, the volume goes due to a reduction in water, the withdrawal of proteins, salts and minerals, which are necessary for the body to function properly.

What does refusal lead to?

What does refusal lead to?

  1. The body begins to swell due to protein deficiency. Tissues absorb liquid if you sit on rigid diets for a long time, implying only the use of fruits and vegetables, dairy products (drinking), buckwheat. Since food contains few proteins, the body is not able to absorb them into the blood, as before.
  2. Due to the strong loss of minerals, the heart is disrupted, a partial blockage of blood vessels occurs, and the state of the endocrine and nervous system worsens. According to statistics, after the advertised rigid methods of losing weight, it will take more than 1.5 years to restore the body.
  3. Along with sharp weight loss, an exacerbation of chronic diseases begins. Losing weight begins to experience intense hunger, severe headaches (in particular, migraine) appear, significantly reduced performance and mental activity.
  4. After a certain time, a white or yellow coating forms on the tongue, urine has a pronounced smell of acetone, which indicates the development of acidosis.
  5. The skin throughout the body begins to peel off, despite the high water content in the body. The nail plate is folded and broken, the hair loses its former shine and falls out intensively.
  6. Due to electrolyte imbalance, convulsions often occur, fainting begins, blood flow is disturbed, and the tone of the vascular system decreases.

How to lose weight without harm to health

After studying the consequences of refusing food and dramatic weight loss, you clearly present a deplorable picture. To avoid this, study important aspects and recommendations.

Stage number 1. Follow the drinking regimen
During the fight against excess weight, you need not only to drink more, but also to do it correctly. Drink at least 2.6-3.0 liters of fluid per day, of which at least 2 liters should be pure water (filtered or mineral without gas).

Compliance with the drinking regimen when losing weight

In this case, you must forever abandon the use of juices in bags, fruit drinks of dubious composition, carbonated drinks, black tea (not leaf). Pour over purified water, diluted freshly squeezed juices (50:50), green and herbal tea. Homemade compote can be drunk, but in moderation and sugar free. Pure coffee must be diluted with low-fat milk.

Drink 350 ml before each meal. water with lemon juice. Water is a source of healthy skin and the full functioning of internal organs, it nourishes the body with moisture, as a result of which metabolism is accelerated and food is more easily absorbed. Do not drink cold water, but only at room temperature. In the summer, you can drink it warm to quench your thirst faster.

Stage number 2. Drink a course of vitamins
Any weight loss in one way or another represents stress for the body. It does not matter if you are on a diet or eating fractionally in small portions. The slightest changes mislead the body, due to which it is more difficult to rebuild in a different way.To help the internal organs, it is necessary to drink a multivitamin course for general health once every 4 months.

As a rule, the technique is designed for 2 months, therefore, you need to purchase about 2 packs (60 tablets). In addition, buy badger or fish oil, they have a beneficial effect on the lungs, skin, hair, nails, teeth. They remove mucus from the respiratory tract (especially important for smokers), stabilize blood pressure and heart function.

Stage number 3. Do sports
Exercise is not recommended for people sitting on hard, exhausting diets. Since we have already examined the negative consequences of this kind of weight loss, sports are not contraindicated for you. Sign up for a gym or aerobic gym, start jogging in the evenings (after 6 p.m.) or buy a bike.

Girls are recommended to sign up for dancing, stretching (muscle stretching), Pilates (breathing aerobics), swimming pool, gymnastics. It is important that the sport is not a burden, only then physical activity along with proper nutrition will lead to a correct and long-awaited weight loss.

Stage number 4. Adjust your daily diet
Proper weight loss does not imply strict requirements and restrictions, you only need to change the menu so that it has all the necessary micro and macro elements, minerals, vitamins. Below are important aspects that, in combination with sports, a course of multivitamins and the correct drinking regimen, will help get rid of hated kilograms without harm to health.

Daily diet for weight loss

  1. Start keeping a diary, prescribe in it a menu for 7 days in advance. After that, make a list of necessary products and go shopping. Always keep the refrigerator full of wholesome foods to avoid bad snacks.
  2. Find on the Internet a table of energy values ​​of products and come from it. Calculate the permissible calorie intake for your figure, adhere to the rules. Count calories, make the menu in such a way as not to go beyond. For example, if in your case it is allowed to consume 2000 Kcal, it means that you need to add another 500 Kcal to this number and burn them by physical activity.
  3. Remember, the basis of proper nutrition is the frequency of food intake (at least 5 times a day). Eat little and often, for 1 meal the body assimilates no more than 450 Kcal, therefore, calculate portions based on this indicator.
  4. Do not sit at the table late in the evening, watch the biological clock. The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before going to bed. Dinner should consist of light foods. Every day eat at least 400 gr. fresh vegetables and 350 gr. fruit.
  5. Completely exclude from the menu semi-finished products, homemade spins and pickles, sausages and trans fats (fast food, dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, ready meals). It’s better to lean on fish and meat, they are longer digested (3-4 hours), which allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety. Be sure to skin the meat.
  6. Once in the middle of the week, arrange unloading. Do not starve at this time, eat light foods. These include fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, steamed vegetables and in their own juice.
  7. Reduce portions gradually, do not do this right away, reduce the amount you eat gradually. For example, in the first week, reduce 100 Kcal, in the second - 150. The stomach holds about 300 g. food, in all other cases, he stretches it. Try to keep a serving of food in a glass.
  8. Have a snack between the main meals. For these purposes, nuts, milk, fruits, cereals are suitable. Do not take food while watching TV, fully focus on the process, being in silence.
  9. Get a double boiler or slow cooker, cook dishes in foil or baking bags using the oven.
  10. Carefully ensure that the daily menu contains as much calcium as possible. Put on hard low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, eggs.Drink juices with celery (freshly squeezed). Do not forget about the right carbohydrates that are found in porridge, cereals and legumes.

In order not to harm the body and not disable the work of internal organs, it is necessary to abandon the mono-diet for a cut. Lose weight gradually, monitor your health, drink more fluids. Go in for sports, eat protein foods, the right carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits.

Video: how to lose weight correctly and quickly

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