How to run to lose weight effectively

Recently, a healthy lifestyle has been very popular, therefore, men and women are trying to maintain their normal weight. Diets, exercise equipment, intense physical activity, often do not have such an effective result as we would like. For example, after using any system for losing weight, you can get rid of fat, but there is a risk of sagging weak untrained muscles, visually it will look unsportsmanlike and unaesthetic. Meanwhile, regular jogging can be an effective way to tone and lose muscle mass.

How to run to lose weight

Why running is useful

First of all, the load is distributed evenly to all muscle groups without exception, metabolism is activated, and fat is broken down. Regular jogging helps the body to become more graceful, embossed and slimmer without tiring exercises in the gym. Blood is saturated with oxygen, blood vessels and heart muscle are strengthened, bone tissue becomes stronger.

Most often, for weight loss, running is used by girls, young people use it as a means to dry muscles.

Sometimes the “athletes”, spending about 20 minutes running a day, are puzzled why, despite their efforts, the result is not felt, and the extra pounds continue to remain in their places. Not everything is so simple, in order to lose weight, you need to follow a certain technique.

Why can not lose weight

If you approach the matter mechanically, as a kind of not very pleasant duty, nothing will come of it, for this very reason that most people are very quickly disappointed in running and quit classes. A person should experience positive emotions from morning or evening runs, combine pleasant with useful.

With light running at a relatively low speed, the muscles draw energy from the glycogen produced by the liver. It grabs him for more than half an hour of intensive studies.

If the run was short in time, the body will very quickly use glycogen, and during the first meal it will not slow to replenish the missing reserves. Thus, the liver simply does not have time to get to fat, which is a source of energy, and there will be no desired weight loss.

How to lose weight from jogging

Weight will begin to go away when the body switches to fat as a source of energy and concentrates on the area of ​​fat deposits. The signal that a positive trend has gone is fatigue and intermittent breathing.

In order for the fat to start to go away, you need to run for at least 40 minutes, or better - 60. Only then the metabolism will stabilize, and the fats will break down. It is better to increase the speed and running time gradually, so that the muscles are accustomed to the loads. You should not spend more than an hour jogging on the first day, because an organism unprepared for such loads will begin to take energy not from fatty deposits, but from proteins, so it will not leave the desired weight, but the necessary muscle mass.

Interval Running Efficiency

For those people who do not have a lot of time, as well as smokers and having cardiovascular diseases, interval running is perfect. This is a very serious burden for the circulatory system and lungs, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Interval Running Efficiency

What is interval running? These are intense workouts, including alternating maximum loads and relaxation.

For example, the first hundred-metering is overcome with quick steps, while muscles and ligaments are warmed up; the second is jogged, at this time breathing normalizes; the third is running at maximum pace; fourth, the pace is declining. At the fourth hundred meters, breathing returns to normal, there is a short rest. Then it all starts over.

In interval training, colossal physiological changes occur in the human body. During the sprint, calories are consumed due to the breakdown of glycogen, and when walking, the liver gets to the fats to make up the lack of this substance. This is how the process of losing weight begins.

Fast running over short distances (sprint) provides blood flow to the muscles. Due to this, fats are oxidized and release energy, which is stored in the body in the form of carbohydrates.

Training is very effective, after 20 minutes a person feels tired. In addition, fats are burned even after 6 hours after exercise, muscle mass is not lost.

Running technique

Even with normal walking, there is a load on the spine, to say nothing of running, when this load doubles. In order to minimize the possibility of injury, you should follow a certain running technique:

  1. Avoid abrupt ejection of the body up and heavy landing of the foot on the running surface. You can not swing the body to the sides. Such fluctuations occur due to unprofessional arrangement of the feet, they must be on the same line, the whole “blow” takes the thumb.
  2. The biggest mistake of novice runners: when moving forward, a person unbends the lower leg earlier, therefore, all the power of the blow falls on the straight leg. This is fraught with injuries. What an experienced athlete does: extends the leg smoothly and carries it forward.
  3. It is imperative to monitor your posture. The body should be fixed, this will prevent injuries to the spine. Hands should be bent at the elbow joints, fingers should not be clenched into fists. The head can not be tilted back - this way the stomach bulges. Slowing forward should also not be, as this makes breathing difficult.

It is equally important to choose the stride length. It should not be too narrow or wide.

You should know it

Tips for novice runners

  1. It is better to start running in the warm season, for example, in the spring, since in winter the risk of getting a cold is significantly increased.
  2. Morning run is useful for people suffering from diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular system. Go for a run about an hour before breakfast.
  3. Running during the day helps to strengthen muscles, in the evening it is most effective for losing weight and burning excess fat.
  4. It is desirable to alternate running with a skipping rope, by the way, you can take it for a run, and if you take a player with your favorite music with you, the ordinary process will turn into a pleasant walk.
  5. It is better to choose clothes for running from natural textures, it is better to exclude synthetic fabrics. A tracksuit should be comfortable, and, of course, stylish and attractive. Running in a bright, cute T-shirt and trendy trousers is much nicer than in old stretched sweatpants.
  6. Preference should be given not to sneakers, but to sneakers, because it is possible that you will have to run on asphalt.
  7. For the summer, girls are better off purchasing special shorts, as the body loses weight much more in them, thereby removing excess fluid from the body. Shorts help fight cellulite.
  8. For men and women, the running program is practically the same, for the elderly and young people it can vary significantly. When compiling a program, one should take into account not only age, but also the state of human health, and the schedule of its work. Elderly people should exclude interval running.

Who should not run

Running has contraindications:

  • Overweight. We are talking about excessively large weight, as there is a load on the lower limbs.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Serious heart problems.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Chronic bronchitis and asthma.
  • The presence of infectious diseases.
  • Vision problems.
  • Chronic diseases of the internal organs.
  • Spinal diseases.

These contraindications should be taken into account and running classes should be replaced by other, less intense ones, for example, swimming and fitness, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Can I lose weight with running? The answer, of course, will be yes. Not only to lose weight, but also to build muscles without exercise equipment, make them toned and athletic. The main thing is to run systematically and not be lazy. Over time, you will learn to benefit from monotonous tedious activities and lose weight with pleasure. But you should not hope that running is a panacea. Only in combination with a balanced diet will it be effective.

Video: how to run to lose weight

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