How to cook asparagus in Korean: 5 recipes

There are many recipes for making asparagus. Shredded pickled vegetable goes well with main dishes. Due to the content of asparagus in the composition of the salad, the food acquires a delicate aftertaste. Traditionally, asparagus is prepared as an independent snack from dried root vegetables. However, butter, carrots, mushrooms, and fried sesame are often added to the salad. Consider the popular recipes in order, give step-by-step instructions for making Korean snacks.

How to Cook Asparagus in Korean

Korean Asparagus Benefits

  1. Asparagus is also called fuju, the product normalizes the activity of the intestinal tract, eliminates constipation. A similar feature is caused by the content of a large amount of fiber in the composition of the fetus.
  2. With regular use of snacks, the work of the heart muscle stabilizes, blood flow improves, and brain activity accelerates. Asparagus is extremely beneficial for diabetics because it normalizes glucose levels.
  3. Useful properties are the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein and plant fibers. In combination, these compounds have a positive effect on body weight, lowering cholesterol.
  4. For girls who experience pain during menstruation, endometriosis, asparagus helps relieve discomfort. At the same time, men can avoid oncological diseases of the prostate and intestinal tract.
  5. Doctors recommend asparagus to people suffering from massive hair loss (bald patches). The vegetable strengthens the follicles, accelerates blood circulation to the lymph, nourishes the scalp, and promotes the accelerated growth of hair.
  6. Soybean is rich in calcium, which improves the structure of bone tissue, nails, hair, and skin. At the same time, incoming amino acids allow cells to carry out rapid regeneration, normalize self-cleaning of the epidermis, and “break down” sebaceous plugs.
  7. Soya product smoothes fine wrinkles, eliminates microcracks, and nourishes the skin with moisture. In most cases, asparagus restores the salt, alkaline, acid and water balance of the body, and prevents premature aging of the dermis.

Despite the undeniable advantages, asparagus can cause individual intolerance. Do not rush to use the finished product in large portions, for a start, eat 30-50 gr. and evaluate the reaction of the body.

If we talk about the shelf life, dry fuzhu can lie for a long time, while the finished snack is 2 days.

Korean Asparagus: Classics

  • garlic - 4 pcs.
  • soy sauce - 85 ml.
  • dried asparagus - 180-190 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 15 g.
  • small salt - 12-15 gr.
  • table vinegar 6% (optional) - the amount at the discretion
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • Korean carrot spices to taste
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - in fact
  1. Soak the asparagus in cold filtered water, leave for 7 hours. After the expiration of the allotted time, squeeze the slices, chop the vegetable into strips (length 4-6 cm.). To make the appetizer look beautiful when serving, cut the asparagus diagonally (a slice will be visible).
  2. Next, peel the onion, chop it, start the heat treatment. Pour oil into a pan and heat at maximum power. Reduce the heat of the burner, send the onions to fry. When the vegetable has a golden crust, turn off the stove.
  3. Combine soy sauce with vinegar. Pass the garlic through a press. Pour the oil from the pan into a separate bowl, add the garlic, dress the sauce with chopped asparagus.
  4. Add fried onions, granulated sugar and salt, a mixture of table vinegar and soy sauce, and spices for Korean carrots.Stir the mixture until smooth.
  5. Move the appetizer into a tightly closed container, send it to the cold for 4 hours. The exposure time directly affects the final result. The salad will be tastier if you insist it for about 6-10 hours.

Korean Asparagus: A Quick Way

Korean Asparagus

  • table vinegar (6-9%) - 55 ml.
  • dried asparagus - 225 gr.
  • drinking water - 110 ml.
  • carrots (large) - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • sunflower oil - 110 ml.
  • salt to taste
  • sugar - 15 gr.
  • shredded red pepper - 1-2 pinch
  1. Boil drinking water, pour dried asparagus with it, leave for 1 hour. Rinse and chop carrots, if possible, use a grater to make a salad “Korean carrots” (diamond-shaped).
  2. Add chopped vegetable to soaked and squeezed asparagus, squeeze garlic here. Stir, cover the container with a lid and let it brew for half an hour.
  3. Proceed with the preparation for pickling. Combine seasoning with granulated sugar, salt. Pour in the vinegar solution, transfer the mass to the saucepan, send to the stove.
  4. When the mixture begins to boil (first bubbles appear), turn off the burner. Pour the asparagus with garlic and carrots into the cooked mass. Put a snack under oppression, soak for 1 hour at a temperature of 25 degrees, then transfer to cold.

Creamy Asparagus

  • granulated sugar - 20 gr.
  • Asparagus - 475 gr.
  • lemon juice - 55 ml.
  • butter - 60 gr.
  • salt - 30 gr.
  1. Wash the asparagus, remove the coarse patches (bottom area). Boil the fruit for 10 minutes, then turn off the stove. Drain the solution in which the heat treatment was carried out (it is useful for preparing the sauce).
  2. Divide the boiled asparagus into fibers or chop slices diagonally (slice obliquely). Pour filtered water into the pan, add salt, sweeten (if desired), pour in lemon juice. Boil the vegetable for another half hour.
  3. Melt the butter in a convenient way, pour into a saucepan. Remove the boiled asparagus, pat dry with paper towels. Move the appetizer on a flat plate, pour the creamy sauce. Serve the asparagus sliced ​​in ham, cheese, and walnuts.

Asparagus with sesame seeds

Asparagus with sesame seeds

  • garlic - 2 prongs
  • sugar - 5 g.
  • salt - 5-10 gr.
  • black sesame seeds - 10 gr.
  • white sesame - 5 gr.
  • dried asparagus - 230-250 gr.
  • oil (vegetable or olive) - in fact
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • ground paprika - to taste
  • spices for carrots in Korean - 10 gr.
  • apple cider vinegar - 55-60 ml.
  1. Pour asparagus with cold drinking water, leave to soak for 5 hours. If possible, stand the vegetable all night. After the expiration of the allotted time, wring out the composition, chop it into pieces diagonally.
  2. Take a grater for cooking carrots in Korean, pass the washed vegetable through it. If there is no special device, use an ordinary grater.
  3. Combine chopped carrots with chopped asparagus, salt, sweeten (optional), add seasonings. Fry sesame seeds in a hot dry frying pan, add to the bulk.
  4. Pour in the vinegar solution, put the vegetable or olive oil to warm up to the maximum mark. When the mixture is bubbling, pour it with asparagus with carrots and seasonings.
  5. Shake the dishes several times so as not to damage the contents. Leave the appetizer in the cold for 3-5 hours, during this period the asparagus in Korean will infuse and become especially tasty.

Mushroom asparagus

  • vegetable oil - in fact
  • champignons - 280 gr.
  • dried asparagus - 200 gr.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • seasonings for Korean carrots - to taste
  • salt - 10 gr.

  1. Pour in asparagus with drinking water, let stand 3-5 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the vegetable and squeeze it. Chop slices diagonally.
  2. Rinse and peel the mushrooms, cut them into plates along the legs. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, fry mushrooms for a quarter of an hour.
  3. After that, passivate the onions, after chopping it in half rings.Drain the oil remaining after frying the mushrooms and onions into a separate container, send asparagus to it.
  4. Put the dish under the press for 1 hour, then mix with mushrooms, onions, salt. Move to a sealed container, insist in the cold for 4 hours.

In Korean, asparagus has a lot of useful properties, so it is important to learn how to cook it correctly. Consider appetizer recipes with cream sauce, add lemon juice, mushrooms, carrots, onions, favorite seasonings and apple cider vinegar. Vary proportions based on personal preferences.

Video: Korean Asparagus Recipe

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Phew! He doesn’t know that fuju (goofy, doupie, yuka, tofu skin) is not asparagus!


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