Cabbage juice - useful properties and contraindications

Many of us are used to the fact that juices must be fruity. Of the vegetables, the most famous are tomato and carrot, the rest, undeservedly remain in the shade and are popular only among true fans of healthy food. But in vain, because among them there are wonderful, wellness, carrying the body a whole range of useful minerals and vitamins. Among them, cabbage juice occupies an honorable place.

Useful properties and contraindications for cabbage juice

What are its useful and healing properties? What is included in cabbage juice? How to cook it correctly and at what time intervals to use? Who is contraindicated to drink cabbage juice? Let's try to answer these questions.

Cabbage - the oldest healer

Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetable crops; its age is estimated at millennia. The homeland of numerous species of this family is considered to be the Mediterranean and some areas of southern Europe. Many prominent philosophers, physicians and historians described the healing properties of this plant, devoting whole tracts and books to it, and famous chefs valued cabbage for its high gastronomic qualities.

The ancient Romans and Greeks considered it a universal medicine, using which it was possible to get rid of headaches, insomnia, deafness and many diseases of internal organs. It is believed that the name of this vegetable came from the ancient Roman “caputum”, which means “head”.

In Russian history, cabbage is first mentioned in the annals of Svyatoslav, which dates from 1073. Russian peasants everywhere cultivated, procured and enjoyed this vegetable crop with pleasure, and ancient herbalists used crushed product for quick treatment of wounds received during hunting or in battle.

Modern scientific studies have confirmed the statements of Theophrastus and Avicenna about the healing and nutritional properties of cabbage juice and its positive effect on the human body, because according to scientists it contains almost all the elements of the periodic table.

The composition and useful properties of cabbage juice

Drinking cabbage juice is much healthier than eating a raw vegetable, as it does not contain fiber. Fiber stimulates the gastric mucosa, causes gas fermentation, which, as a result, leads to bloating. Otherwise, freshly squeezed juice contains all the valuable substances that are found in fresh vegetables, only they are absorbed by the body much faster and better.

The chemical composition of cabbage is characterized by the presence of a large number and variety of vitamins. Among them - ascorbic acid or vitamin C (100 g of the product contains up to half the daily norm), which helps to activate the protective properties of the body, has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues. A significant content of vitamin K is necessary for better blood coagulation, as well as for the formation and strengthening of bone tissue. In addition to the above, in cabbage juice there are almost all the vitamins of group B, also D, PP, biotin and tocopherols. Special attention is given to the rather rare element methylmethionine (vitamin U), which has been successfully used to treat peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

White cabbage juice is also rich in mineral complex, among the components there are a lot of magnesium, iron, potassium and sodium salts, calcium, trace elements such as tin, silver, nickel, molybdenum and others should also be noted.About sixteen free amino acids and a large number of enzymes were found in the product. Having such a complex biochemical composition, cabbage is a source of nutrients necessary for the body and a valuable drug.

Therapeutic effect of cabbage juice

Cabbage juice is widely used in traditional and traditional medicine. It is often used to treat and prevent various diseases:

  1. With gastritis, ulcers, colitis, cholecystitis and other gastrointestinal pathologies, cabbage juice perfectly heals, cleanses, reduces inflammation, and is also indicated for normal activity of metabolic processes in the body.
  2. It is an excellent doctor for colds, with bronchitis and cough it is used as an expectorant, and if a sore throat, rinsing with cabbage juice relieves pain and irritation. This procedure also helps with bleeding gums and stomatitis.
  3. Using it for cardiovascular problems, you can lower cholesterol, normalize blood pressure, significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  4. Fresh from cabbage normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, relieves swelling and is an excellent regulator of water balance in the human body.
  5. With insomnia, disorders of the nervous system, the presence of potassium has a calming effect, relieving arousal and improving mood.
  6. Due to the high content of folic acid, which is necessary for the regeneration and growth of cells, cabbage juice is an excellent preventive measure against the appearance and development of neoplasms.
  7. As a low-calorie product (only 25 kcal per 100 ml), but with high bioactivity, juice is often one of the components of diets for overweight people. Having in its composition substances that prevent carbohydrates from being converted into fats, it helps to quickly get rid of unnecessary kilograms.
  8. Regularly drinking this drink can significantly improve the condition of the skin, thanks to the presence of antioxidants, prevent aging, strengthen hair, nail plates, restore tooth enamel.
  9. Cabbage juice is very useful when planning an “interesting position”. Folic acid will contribute to the normal conception and bearing of a child, and will also be an excellent protector against viruses and colds, which are dangerous and extremely undesirable for a future mother.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the healing and positive qualities, cabbage juice, however, like all herbal preparations, has contraindications for use:

Harm and contraindications for cabbage juice

  1. Recently undergone surgery in the abdominal region, excessive gas formation can be harmful during the recovery phase.
  2. In diseases of the pancreas, especially in acute periods.
  3. If there is an increased acid content in the gastric juice.
  4. With a predisposition to flatulence.
  5. Personal intolerance to the product and allergic reactions to cabbage.
  6. It is better not to drink juice for those who have suffered myocardial infarction, especially you need to be careful in the first six months.
  7. With kidney diseases, the diuretic effect of a cabbage drink can provoke an exacerbation.
  8. Due to increased gas formation, it is not recommended to drink juice for pregnant and lactating women, with an insufficiently formed digestive system of the baby, bloating and painful colic are possible.

In order for the use of cabbage juice to bring only benefits to the body, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, and if in doubt, it is better to consult your doctor. You also need to remember that everything should be in moderation, you should not drink more than two glasses a day, especially in the initial stages of getting to know this drink.

How to make cabbage juice

For cooking, it is best to use vegetables grown in your garden.If the product is purchased at the bazaar or in the store, pay attention to the presence of suspicious spots and damage, and do not buy early cabbage, as the level of nitrates in it is very high.

To prepare this vitamin cocktail at home will not be difficult. First you need to get rid of the upper leaves and, after cutting the head of cabbage, remove the core. Then, using a juicer, get the desired drink. For lack of special equipment, you can take a household meat grinder or use a small shredder, in this case, you will have to squeeze the juice from the chopped cabbage manually or by press.

Half a kilogram of raw vegetable is enough to get 200-250 ml of the finished liquid. Cooked fresh can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

In no case do you need to salt, sugar, season with spices or pasteurize! From this, cabbage juice will lose most of its beneficial properties.

In the absence of contraindications, in the cold season, you can use sauerkraut for a healing drink. This juice perfectly preserves all the vitamins and minerals of a fresh vegetable, in addition, in the process of fermentation, new organic compounds are formed, which are also necessary for the normal vital functions of the body.

How to use

Like other vegetable drinks in juice therapy, cabbage juice should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with small portions, half a glass for the first meals is enough. Carefully observing the reaction of the body, gradually increase the volume to 200 ml. To use two to three times a day, half an hour before a meal, preferably in a heated form, as nutrients are better absorbed.

Fresh cabbage does not differ in pleasant taste and so that it brings not only medicinal benefits, but also pleasure, you can mix it with carrot, beetroot or apple juices, ginger, lemon or honey are also excellent additives.

With regular and proper use of cabbage juice, in some cases, you can completely do without medication. It is able to heal your body, increase its resistance to disease, give vitality and vitality. And the use of masks based on it will help to refresh the appearance, make the skin more attractive and young.

Video: the benefits of cabbage juice

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