Cilantro - useful properties and contraindications

Cilantro fell in love with many for its interesting taste, versatility and abundance of useful properties. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in nutrition, cosmetology, and alternative medicine. In order to properly correct the health of greens, it is also necessary to study the information regarding its contraindications.

Useful properties and contraindications of cilantro

Composition and properties of cilantro

The plant is not in vain belongs to the category of medicinal. Useful properties are due to incoming compounds that positively affect health.

In the composition, a large volume is given to vitamin K, which is responsible for the composition of the blood and the enhancement of its coagulability. With the help of gruel from cilantro, cuts and bleeding wounds can be cured.

There is also tocopherol in greenfinch, a member of the group of natural antioxidants. Vitamin E is important for couples planning to conceive a baby. He prepares the expectant mother and father for procreation.

Not without Vitamin P, a positive effect on the blood channels. This element stimulates brain neurons; it is used to prevent strokes and senile dementia. With a lack of substance in the body, diarrhea, dermatitis develops.

A place of honor in the composition of greens is given to vitamins, which are included in group B. Of these, it makes sense to isolate choline, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine and others. All of them have a positive effect on the human nervous system, suppress insomnia and chronic fatigue.

Choline in combination with pantothenic acid stimulate the outflow of bile, as a result of which the liver works and restores its structure. Folic acid is required for the proper formation of the fetus in the womb of a pregnant woman.

The plant is not deprived of vitamin A, which acts as a natural type of antioxidant. Greens are famous for beta-carotene, it is valuable for eye health and increased visual acuity.

The benefits of cilantro

Cilantro is famous for its positive effect on the body, namely:

  1. Cleanses the esophagus from stagnation, promotes digestibility of food.
  2. It removes toxic substances, poisons of a different nature, carrying out detoxification.
  3. Enhances the motility of the digestive system.
  4. Helps to lose weight.
  5. Relieves swelling due to its diuretic effect.
  6. It removes cholesterol plaques, cleansing the blood channels.
  7. Helps the body digest heavy foods faster without burdening the stomach.
  8. It increases appetite, therefore it is recommended for people after illness.
  9. Relieves vomiting and nausea in case of poisoning, toxicosis.
  10. Accumulates dietary fiber and pectin, which cleanse the intestines and prevent cancer of the esophagus.
  11. It removes fluid, therefore, eliminates edema during pregnancy.
  12. Disinfects the oral cavity, fights bleeding gums and halitosis.
  13. It is used to relieve a hangover after a stormy feast.
  14. Reduces blood pressure, is suitable for hypertensive patients.
  15. Fights aching toothache.
  16. It reduces intracranial pressure, due to which the frequency of migraines is suppressed.
  17. It normalizes the heartbeat, prevents a heart attack, ischemia, stroke.
  18. Introduced in the menu of diabetics, because it reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood.
  19. It relieves insomnia, nervous tension, apathy.
  20. Gruel is used to treat dermatological diseases.

In cilantro, there are many essential oils that are effective in combating infection and fungus of various etiologies.

Cilantro for pregnant women

Cilantro for pregnant women

  1. If the lady, who is in an interesting position, does not have diseases and contraindications, cilantro must be entered into the daily menu. The abundance of B vitamins will contribute to the fact that the fetus in the womb will develop in accordance with the gestation period.
  2. Greens improves the digestive system. As you know, pregnant ladies suffer from constipation and heartburn. Cilantro throughout pregnancy will relieve such delicate problems.
  3. Earlier it was said that the plant has the ability to remove excess fluid. Against this background, the syndrome of heavy legs disappears, swelling of the face and limbs decreases.
  4. With toxicosis, which usually appears in the early stages, you can eat fresh herbs. It is no worse than medicinal decoctions and cherries eliminates nausea and promotes better digestibility of food.
  5. However, in order not to harm the baby’s health when breastfeeding, cilantro should be abstained for 3-5 months after childbirth. Otherwise, milk may be bitter, the baby will simply refuse to eat.

Cilantro for allergy sufferers

  1. It is not worth mistaking to believe that greens have anti-allergic properties. A lot of esters accumulate in it, which can cause allergies in people with a sensitive body.
  2. A negative reaction manifests itself in the form of painful cramps in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, urticaria (skin itching), stool and digestion in general.
  3. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, immediately take an antihistamine. Otherwise, laryngeal edema may develop. If you doubt the reaction of the body, start acquaintance with cilantro with 1 leaf.

Cilantro in folk medicine

Cilantro in folk medicine

  1. With problems with the digestive tract. If you have a disturbed gastrointestinal tract, you should use a simple recipe to restore normal functioning of the internal organs. Grind in a mortar 20 gr. plant seeds. Pour in raw materials 1 liter. boiling water. Wait a third of an hour. Take 200 ml. drink after each meal.
  2. If you have bad breath. To deal with a rather unpleasant and common problem, you should use a simple method. Such a tool also copes with the creepy aroma of alcohol and tobacco. Combine in a stewpan 15 gr. dried raw materials and 400 ml. boiling water. Boil the composition for 10 minutes. After cooling, rinse your mouth if necessary.
  3. Nervous breakdown. To cope with a depressive state and stabilize the nervous system, you should take 30 gr. plants and mix 110 gr. vodka. Insist in a glass container for about 2 weeks. Strain the composition and take 50 drops daily for 10 days. Tincture has an anticonvulsant, sedative and antidepressant property.

Cilantro in cosmetology

  1. Useful components of the plant have a positive effect on the skin and hair of the fair sex. Cilantro is often included in various masks and body care products. The raw materials are caffeic and chlorogenic acids. Such enzymes resist the development of skin cancer.
  2. Plant essential oils are often mixed into day creams. Such a tool nourishes and moisturizes the skin well. The systematic use of the composition will smooth out bumps, creases and small wrinkles.
  3. Also, the product fights against oily skin and acne. The composition eliminates all inflammatory processes. Such a cosmetic product is especially recommended to be applied in the warm season. Oil, which is absorbed into the skin, protects tissues from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
  4. A decoction based on plants is widely used as a hair rinse. Hair follicles are fully fed with the necessary substances. The structure of the hair is noticeably strengthened, preventing the cross-section of the hair.Healing broth effectively fights dandruff and seborrhea.

Cilantro contraindications

  1. Cilantro is categorically contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. The presence of essential oils can trigger the development of an allergic reaction.
  2. Use caution during pregnancy. During lactation, spice is best excluded from the diet. For more persuasiveness consult a doctor.
  3. With abuse of the product, insomnia and memory impairment are observed. Also, in women, hormonal failure can occur. The menstrual cycle goes astray.

All the useful properties of cilantro should be considered in terms of what elements are contained in the composition. But the effect of greenery on the body is not the same, it all depends on the initial state of human health.

Video: healing properties and contraindications of cilantro

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