Ginger root - useful properties and contraindications

There is hardly a person who has never tried ginger. Canned delicious slices from the root of the plant fell in love with adherents of Japanese cuisine. Ginger not only shares the taste of one type of rolls or sushi from another, but also has a bactericidal effect on the body. However, if used improperly, the roots are quite capable of harming. Let's consider the possible contraindications of the plant, as well as examine in more detail its beneficial properties.

Useful properties and contraindications of ginger root

Ginger Root Properties

  • a decrease in body temperature during colds due to increased sweating;
  • improvement of digestive processes;
  • prevention of constipation and fermentation of food in the esophagus;
  • relieving pain in joints and muscles;
  • strengthening immunity, prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza;
  • struggle with increased gas formation, bloating;
  • increased outflow of bile, reduced load on the liver;
  • normalization of the level of iron in the blood, prevention of anemia;
  • relieving soreness during menstruation in women;
  • conclusion of slags, toxic substances;
  • combating food or alcohol poisoning;
  • elimination of vomiting during seasickness and toxicosis in pregnant women, etc.

The listed qualities do not complete the entire list of useful properties. Ginger in fresh and pickled form has long been used as a restorative and tonic. It dilutes the blood, removes cholesterol plaques from the cavity of the blood channels, as a result of which atherosclerosis is prevented. Roots are also effective in heart disease.

Pickled ginger stimulates brain neurons and saturates cells with oxygen. Against this background, increased mental activity and important cognitive functions. It is useful to eat root vegetables for all those who work hard mentally.

Ginger Root for Women

  1. The most common problem that almost all women experience during menstruation is soreness in the lower abdomen and lower back. Reception of roots will relieve unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Ginger has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, as well as the entire esophagus as a whole. It will eliminate diarrhea, bloating, excessive gas formation, nausea during poisoning, toxicosis. Helps the plant in the treatment of ulcers and gastritis.
  3. From ancient times, fresh and pickled roots are used to restore vitality in case of excessive fatigue. At the same time, a psycho-emotional environment is being established, insomnia is being eliminated.
  4. Also, do not worry about your figure. Ginger has a low calorie content (only 15 units), improves digestive processes and helps burn fat. Dietary root is used to cleanse internal organs of toxins and remove excess fluid.
  5. The female half of the population freezes more often than the male, so tea or a decoction with ginger will help keep warm. It is enough to crush the roots with a grater or blender, insist and take a little bit.
  6. Ladies who are susceptible to anemia during pregnancy should drink ginger tea to increase their hemoglobin. The same advice should be followed during menstruation, when most of the iron is washed out with secretions.
  7. Girls who are in a ticklish position or breastfeeding should carefully monitor their diet. At the slightest sign of a cold, eat a couple of sliced ​​pickled ginger or add the roots to the tea.

Ginger Root for Men

Ginger Root for Men

  1. Ginger is considered to be a true male plant, because from ancient times it has been used to increase potency, treat inflammatory processes of the prostate gland and prostatitis.
  2. With ailments associated with the genital or urinary system, appoint a decoction of ginger root.
  3. The plant contains zinc; this mineral compound is necessary to enhance the production of testosterone and increase all the important male functions associated with this hormone.
  4. Ginger is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, it increases libido, makes a man more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  5. A vitamin complex in combination with minerals is necessary to maintain energy, and soon recover from physical activity or mental labor.
  6. Various infusions on the water, decoctions, teas effectively affect the circulatory system and heart. Since men aged 45+ are automatically at risk for heart muscle disease, ginger can help prevent them.
  7. After a large feast, which was accompanied by the use of spirits, a hangover occurs in the morning. Ginger roots help break down and remove ethyl alcohol, relieve the liver, and improve overall well-being.

Ways to use ginger root

  1. Grated root can be added to various sauces only after they have undergone heat treatment. Otherwise, ginger will lose some of the benefits.
  2. If you like to cook confectionery or sweets, add seasoning 2-3 minutes before the readiness of the treat.
  3. Roots go well with meat, fish dishes, sea cocktails. In this case, ginger is added 10-15 minutes before cooking is complete.
  4. Ginger is in harmony with baking, in this case, powdered seasoning or candied fruit is used. For 1 kg. dough accounts for about 1 gram. seasonings.

Ginger Root Treatment

The root crop is widely used by folk healers for the prevention and treatment of ailments of varying severity. Let's look at some recipes.

Ginger Root Treatment

  1. Sore joints. Due to the fact that essential oils, fatty acids, minerals are concentrated in the product, the root has a positive effect on joints, cartilage and bones. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to consume at least 60 grams per day. Ginger In addition, the root is used externally. To do this, make a compress by rubbing the root and wrapping it in gauze. Apply to a sore spot, wait an hour.
  2. Sprain, muscle pain. With the listed symptoms, it is necessary to use homemade ginger oil. It is done quite simply. It is necessary to grate the root, pour vegetable oil, heated to 40 degrees. This mixture is infused for 15 days, after which it is filtered. The composition needs to rub the affected areas several times a day.
  3. Bronchial asthma. This disease is chronic, it causes tremendous discomfort. Ginger in this case is used in the form of infusion, which is prepared according to the following recipe: clear 0.5 kg. roots from the peel, grate, mix with 1 liter. alcohol. Leave in darkness and warm for 20 days, periodically shake the contents. After straining, take the product after a meal twice a day, 25 ml., Mixing with a glass of water.
  4. Obesity. Since the calorie content of ginger is small, it is often used as a fat-burning and cleansing agent. Against this background, natural weight loss occurs. Nutritionists recommend taking 0.5 l per day. decoction prepared on the basis of 140 gr. ginger root. Such a tool will not only allow you to lose weight, but also cleanse the body.
  5. Prostatitis. A method of treating an unpleasant disease has become known thanks to the Eastern countries. Most often, such an ailment develops in men at a more mature age. It is important to understand that only traditional medicine recipes can not do.Ginger acts as an effective secondary component that enhances the effect of drugs. Prepare the treatment composition. Combine 12 gr. ground ginger and 100 ml. vodka. Insist 10 days, if necessary strain. Take a composition of 20 drops 3 times a day for half an hour before a meal.
  6. Diabetes. Despite this diagnosis, the use of ginger will greatly alleviate the patient's condition. The unique composition of the root is simply indispensable in the presence of diabetes. Amino acids necessary for the body are concentrated in raw materials. Freshly squeezed juice from the root of the plant stabilizes the level of glucose in the blood. Also, a valuable composition increases blood coagulation and removes bad cholesterol. It is enough to regularly include spices in your daily diet.
  7. Toothache. If you have a problem with an inflamed gum or tooth, you should act immediately. It is strongly recommended that you consult a doctor as soon as possible. For the first time, you can resort to the help of ginger. Chew a small piece of fresh root and attach to a diseased tooth. For a while, the problem will go away.
  8. With problems with the digestive tract. If you are faced with the problem of poor digestion, it is recommended to use a mixture of ginger lemon and salt. Connect the components together in a small amount. Eat 12 gr. finished composition. In addition to the benefits for the gastrointestinal tract, the mixture perfectly detoxifies.
  9. Pain in the abdomen. To cope with problems of this nature, you need to prepare a decoction. For this, 30 grams will be required. grated ginger, flowers of black elderberry, mint, yarrow. Fill components with 0.5 l. boiling water. Infuse the ingredients for 2 hours, strain and drink throughout the day.
  10. Hemorrhoids. With such an unpleasant ailment, ginger root can well cope. To enhance the positive effect, it is recommended to combine raw materials with aloe. Mix in a small container 3 gr. ground ginger and 15 gr. fresh aloe gel. Take the finished product twice a day. The course lasts until complete cure.
  11. Toxicosis. Ginger will also help cope with motion sickness. As a rule, the symptoms of such troubles are similar. There is a feeling of nausea, dizziness and weakness. The recipe for the preparation in both cases is the same. Take 12 g. grated root with a glass of mineral water or tea. When traveling, raw materials are recommended to be consumed half an hour before departure.
  12. Gastrointestinal Disorder. To cope with such a problem, it is worth combining natural ginger yogurt and nutmeg. To prepare the composition, you should adhere to simple instructions. Combine in a total capacity of 120 ml. mineral water without gas, add the same amount of homemade yogurt. Enter in a drink of 2 g. ground nutmeg and ginger. Stir and drink.
  13. Cold. In inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx, one can “make” healing candies from spices. Peel a small piece of the root of the plant and put it in the oral cavity. Do not be afraid of side effects in the form of a slight burning sensation and cooling. Dissolve the plant as a candy until you completely lose the previously described sensations in the tongue.

Ginger Root Contraindications

  1. Before starting self-medication with the help of a spicy root, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some contraindications. It is forbidden to take raw materials in any form and quantity in case of oncological neoplasms associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. If these rules are neglected, ginger will provoke a larger tumor growth. Also, do not include spice in the diet in the presence of kidney stones and gall bladder. The product promotes the movement of sand.
  3. It is forbidden to use spice for ischemia of the heart and a tendency to stroke, heart attack. It is not recommended to include raw materials in the diet of pregnant girls, carrying a baby in the second half of the term.Ginger can aggravate well-being at elevated body temperature.
  4. Do not try to take spice for pathologies associated with the pancreas. Consider individual intolerance, an allergic reaction, and chronic diseases associated with the skin.

Ginger root is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent that is designed to eliminate many diseases. The plant has a positive effect on human health, strengthening it on all fronts. But contraindications should be considered.

Video: Ginger Benefits for Male Strength

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