Walnut leaves - useful properties and contraindications

Since ancient times, walnuts are famous for their valuable properties. Interestingly, not only the nucleus found applications, but also partitions, shells, peels, and even leaves. All parts are widely used in alternative medicine, areas of cosmetology, the culinary industry and dietetics. All components vary in their useful qualities, let's look at everything that affects walnut foliage.

Useful properties and contraindications of walnut leaves

Useful properties of walnut leaves

  1. Foliage is famous for its wide range of uses. All this becomes possible thanks to a regenerating, hemostatic, astringent, anthelmintic, analgesic effect. In addition, the infusion on the leaves decently strengthens the immune system.
  2. Freshly squeezed juice is squeezed from the green part, which is subsequently used to quickly tighten wounds and abrasions. Juice on the leaves is treated with lichen and other problems that are dermatological in nature (psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis, etc.).
  3. Gruel from the leaves can be used to eliminate acne, purulent acne, clogged sebaceous ducts. Such a folk remedy draws all contaminants from the pores, therefore it is used in cosmetology.
  4. Medicines are prepared on the basis of foliage and walnut kernels themselves, which are subsequently used to treat rickets and speedy recovery of a patient after an illness. If rickets is at the initial stage, its treatment may be limited to taking folk remedies on the leaves.
  5. Due to its hemostatic effect, various tinctures, decoctions, pastes for ingestion during bleeding are prepared from walnut foliage. The composition quickly delays the lesion and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.
  6. Usually in folk healing, healers use walnuts in the fight against worms and other parasitic worms in children and adults. But such therapy is recommended to be supplemented with medication, which includes juice from walnut foliage.
  7. It is useful to include foliage in therapy to restore the human immune system. Such indications are relevant for categories of people who, since childhood, often get sick and do not miss a single influenza virus epidemic. Leaves quickly fill up the lack of nutrients, improve blood composition and increase resistance to viruses.
  8. Walnut foliage has the ability to lower blood pressure by opening vessels, improving blood circulation and removing excess water from body tissues. Thanks to the last mentioned quality, swelling of the extremities is reduced.
  9. In the presence of diseases associated with the intestinal tract and the entire digestive system in particular, you need to consume the juice from the leaves as prescribed by the doctor. It heals minor ulcers on the mucous membranes, facilitates the passage of food through the esophagus, eliminates constipation, flatulence, and heaviness in the stomach.
  10. Walnut leaves are used to make medicinal ointments, creams and lotions, aimed at reducing pain during sprains, pain in muscles and joints. The product warms and relieves discomfort.
  11. It has already been mentioned that foliage has astringent properties. This quality is appreciated by people who suffer from diarrhea. Only half a teaspoon of infusion, used in a delicate situation, will relieve adversity and prevent the washing out of valuable substances from the body.

Walnut leaf treatment

Most often, ointments, decoctions, tinctures and other products are prepared on the basis of raw materials that help to cope with dermatological problems, purulent lesions, furunculosis.

  1. Ointment. Grind fresh washed washed foliage in a convenient way. Mix with 0.1 liter. vegetable oil, insist composition for a week. After this period, install the contents on the stove, heat at low power for 3 hours. Filter through gauze. Again, simmer on the stove for 40 minutes, then add 20 g. beeswax. Stir, cool. Use for skin problems, sore joints, and sprains.
  2. Bath. To calm down, normalize the psycho-emotional environment, get rid of purulent inflammations and rashes, add a decoction to the bath. It is prepared from dry leaf foliage, brewed in 1 liter. boiling water. The procedure lasts 20 minutes.
  3. Flushing. This tool effectively eliminates lichen of any nature, non-healing wounds, purulent acne, boils, black spots. Make a tincture of 100 ml. vodka and 15 gr. shredded foliage. Leave in the dark for 2 weeks and strain. Treat the affected area with a cotton sponge.
  4. Lotions. If shoes rub, there are corns, corns, cracks in the heels, use lotions. Grind a handful of fresh foliage, apply for a short time and clamp with bandages. Then soak in a warm bath.

Walnut leaves in folk medicine

Walnut leaves in folk medicine

  1. Since ancient times, hazel leaves have helped with diabetes. Raw materials relieve the patient’s condition and effectively normalize sugar levels. The product showed itself especially well in the fight against the disease at the initial stage.
  2. The systematic use of leaves avoids the development of complications during the period of the disease. In diabetes mellitus of the second type, raw materials prevent damage to the lower extremities and the oral cavity. Leaves help normalize the acidity of the stomach and protect the digestive organs from various pathologies.
  3. The walnut product has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Normal metabolism allows you to better absorb glucose. As a result of treatment, the patient feels better. To cope with the pathology, you can resort to the help of infusion.
  4. For the preparation of a healing composition, 20 grams will be required. dried leaves of walnut. Pour in raw materials 210 ml. boiling water. Insist the components to cool completely, strain. Take 70 ml. thrice a day.
  5. You can resort to an alternative recipe. Take 60 gr. fresh leaves and chop, fill in raw materials 250 ml. boiling water. After insisting, strain and give the patient 30 ml. thrice a day.

Cardiovascular diseases

  1. Modern medicine has confirmed that walnut leaves have a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. The human body quickly adapts to the environment and gets used to its negative effects. Infusion of leaves allows you to cleanse blood vessels of toxic compounds.
  2. Regular intake of the product allows you to cope with most diseases of the cardiovascular system. The healing composition has a slight diuretic effect. Due to timely cleansing, blood pressure normalizes, which is important for hypertensive patients.
  3. Almost every person faced a problem when his heart ached or hurt. Similar symptoms in the form of an increased heart rate could also occur. Instead of taking medications that negatively affect the liver, it is better to use a natural product.
  4. An infusion based on leaves is saturated with tocopherol and retinol, such substances perfectly cleanse the blood and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. To prepare a medicinal potion, 15 grams will be required. raw materials and 250 ml. boiling water. Combine the products and leave for at least an hour.
  5. After this, strain and drink 50 ml. 5 times a day. Such a tool is also suitable as a prophylaxis. In the case of more serious pathologies, the amount of raw material is recommended to be doubled. Reception should be done exactly the same. For more detailed information, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Walnut leaf contraindications

  1. Individual intolerance and an allergic reaction can be observed on walnut leaves.
  2. It is forbidden to take infusions and decoctions based on raw materials with increased blood coagulation.
  3. Leaves are contraindicated in neurodermatitis, thrombophlebitis, acute intestinal diseases and pancreatitis.

Walnut leaves have a valuable composition and unique healing qualities. With the help of infusions in ancient times, quite serious illnesses and pathologies were cured. Consider the uses and benefits of raw materials.

Video: Walnut Leaf Tea Recipe

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