Tangerine peels - benefits and harm to humans

The aroma of mandarins and needles is what is always associated with the new year. Mandarins are always laid out on the New Year's table - this has already become a tradition. However, tangerines are not only a mandatory attribute when celebrating the new year, but also a healthy fruit. They contain carotene, pectins and many vitamins. The skin during treatment with tangerine juice acquires a healthy appearance, its tone improves.

Benefits and harms of tangerine peels

Tangerines are acidic or sweet, their skin can be thin or thick. However, all of them have a positive effect on human health. With regular use of these fruits, the vascular walls become stronger. Fruits give a healthy tone to the face, make the skin more elastic. These unique fruits also help fight acne. The effect of treating the skin with tangerine peels and tangerine oil will be noticeable after a couple of procedures.

Mandarin fruits contain many substances, as well as minerals that improve health. The peel is another important part of the fruit. It is rich in useful substances, and also it contains a high content of essential oils and vitamins. Therefore, throwing away the skin is wrong. It will be more correct to use this part of the mandarin, which, according to the mistaken opinion of many, is useless.

About the benefits of tangerine peel

How to prepare tangerine peels for consumption? The peel should be dried. During the drying process, an aroma will be felt that will save the house from unpleasant odors. The specific substances of the peel of this fruit will save the room from bacteria and kill germs. The smell of the peel will relieve fatigue, relieve stress. It is very useful to carry a bag of peeled tangerines with you. In a stressful state, it is enough to breathe in the tangerine aroma to feel the lost balance. A bag with a tangerine peel will guarantee a good night's sleep.

The peel of a mandarin is also an excellent remedy for colds. Enough to spread the peel around the house to feel the improvement. A similar effect has garlic, or rather the phytoncides emitted by it. However, garlic has an unpleasant odor and not everyone will like it. The aroma of mandarins will appeal to many. The peel of tangerines, like garlic, is rich in essential oils. They help to disinfect the air, remove viruses in the air.

Can the peel of these fruits improve digestion?

The peel of tangerines also helps if digestion is impaired. The peel is pre-dried. Then the ingredients are ground and brewed in hot water. You can also just add them to tea. The benefits of such a drink are enormous. It disinfects the gastrointestinal tract and eliminates digestive problems. The gall bladder will start to work better. The peel of tangerines will relieve flatulence, dysbiosis.

Important! Infusion of peel tangerines is not recommended to eat before meals. No sugar should be added to the resulting infusion.

The described drink also eliminates excess weight, can be a good dessert. To do this, crush the peel and add it to yogurt, porridge, cottage cheese.

Can peel mandarins relieve cough?

It has been found that dried tangerine skins soften a cough when there is inflammation in the airways. There is also a tool that will help sputum to move faster.It will take two tablespoons of peel, which is poured with a mug of vodka. Within one week, the composition should be infused in the dark. The resulting composition is filtered, put in a mug and pour water, add 15 drops of tangerine oil. The composition is drunk 3 three times a day before meals.

Inhalation, which is based on the peel of tangerines, can be used for colds. The peel of these fruits is finely chopped, lowered into a container with a narrow throat, and poured with boiling water. Steam starts to evaporate from the tank - they need to breathe. After carrying out such a procedure, one should not go outside.

Tangerine peel with fungus

It is established that tangerine peel saves from fungus on the nails. It is recommended to rub the nail plates with the peel of this fruit. It takes several procedures to get rid of the problem.

Treating warts with tangerine skins

The peoples of the East have long known that tangerines are useful. Sour fruits help remove warts. You need to take a small unpeeled mandarin and brew it in a mug. The contents of the container should be crushed so that gruel is formed. The composition, which turned out as a result, is treated with warts. The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes. In a few procedures, the problem will be solved.

Tangerine peel as a cure for insomnia

Tangerine peel as a cure for insomnia
Mandarins include oils that support the nervous system. Insomnia is a problem with which tangerines can help. Baths with the skin of this fruit will relieve nervous tension, normalize the heartbeat. It is necessary to fill a glass of peel with 3 liters of hot water and wait until the composition boils. Then the composition is insisted hour. The strained and squeezed infusion is poured into the bath. The optimum water temperature is 37 degrees.

Is it possible to treat mastitis with peeled tangerines?

As a rule, mastitis is observed in women who are breastfeeding. Pathogenic flora leads to inflammation in the chest in women. The tangerine shell eliminates staphylococci. A decoction consisting of the peel of these fruits is a safe remedy that treats postpartum mastitis. It will take 50 grams of the outer shell of the mandarin fruit, to which 10 grams of licorice root is added and everything is poured with boiling water. The composition should be infused for an hour. The broth is filtered and drunk twice a day in a glass. From the broth, good lotions are obtained. Places on the chest that are hard to the touch should be treated with the resulting composition.

Mandarin oil in cosmetology and aromatherapy

Oil made on the basis of tangerines and peels can be bought at a pharmacy. If it is combined with a cream for the skin, then the wrinkles will be smoothed out faster, and the tone of the face will improve. Oily skin is treated with essential oil. The composition also helps to narrow pores, get rid of acne. The product effectively fights purulent inflammation on the skin and herpes.

It is necessary to add oil to the aromatic lamp, which is based on tangerines. A sweet and unforgettable smell will give real pleasure.

There are many lovers of tangerines on Earth. These fruits took their place of honor on the New Year's table. This product helps maintain and preserve human beauty and health. And even the peel of this fruit solves most of the health problems. It is foolish to throw out a skin of tangerines. Indeed, in this case, a person deprives himself of an unforgettable taste and does not feel this indescribable New Year's fragrance. The peel is a unique product. It has excellent taste - most importantly, skillfully add it to teas, compotes and desserts.


Not everyone can use tangerines and peels, there are contraindications. From excessive consumption of these fruits should be abandoned to those who have a stomach ulcer, gastritis. Mandarins increase acidity and can complicate the course of the disease.

Video: Do ​​not throw tangerine peels!

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