Can pregnant women eat sushi and rolls?

Pregnancy is always an exciting period in the life of any woman. At this time, every pregnant woman needs to carefully and carefully approach the preparation of her diet, constantly thinking about the health of her unborn child. Indeed, many of the products not only may not be useful for the baby, but even harm him. Therefore, in order for a child to be born healthy, any woman should approach the choice of a food set with a great deal of attention.

Can pregnant women eat sushi and rolls?

More recently, such gastronomic representatives of Japanese cuisine as sushi and rolls belonged to the category of exotic dishes. Now they have already ceased to be a curiosity and many even cook them in their own kitchen. Such gastronomic representatives have gained wide popularity among the population of our country. If you go to the sushi bar, you can see that it is never without visitors, customers are constantly in it, and this is direct evidence of the popularity of sushi and rolls.

But now it is not a simple woman who is in ordinary conditions, but one who is in an interesting position. Can she eat such dishes and do they harm her unborn baby?

Japanese cuisine and its benefits

If in Japan the food, which uses sushi and rolls, has long been traditional in nature, then this cannot be said about our country. But, at the same time, such dishes are also quite popular with us. At first, they were extremely suspicious of such food. For a long time they could not understand how to use ingredients that, it would seem, absolutely do not combine with each other. But everything turned out to be somewhat different in reality. The combination of products that make up the dishes was not only harmonious, but also tasty.

It is difficult for a woman who is a gastronomic fan of sushi and rolls during pregnancy to deny herself the pleasure of enjoying these dishes. The products that make up these dishes undoubtedly have a certain benefit for our body, since they are a source of vitamins and minerals, without which the body of a pregnant woman simply can not do. This is necessary not only for herself, but also for her unborn child:

  1. Fish is a valuable nutritious product, not only when the woman is pregnant, but also under ordinary conditions. It contains a huge amount of valuable substances that are useful for the growth and development of the fetus. However, this does not apply to all fish species, without exception.
  2. Rice is an indispensable product, which is a constant representative of the daily diet of any person. It contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Rice groats are also useful during pregnancy. No one doubts about this.
  3. A set of piquant ingredients is served on the table for a reason, but is wrapped in a special sheet called nori. The basis for its manufacture are red algae. It's no secret that seafood is extremely rich in iodine. Without this important element, the thyroid gland is not able to function normally. The presence of the algal component will positively affect the condition of the woman and her unborn child.
  4. Japanese cuisine has another important advantage. All are dietary in nature. During pregnancy, for any woman, this circumstance acquires special relevance.

It's no secret that during pregnancy, a woman, as a rule, is prone to gaining extra pounds.A standard serving consists of 8 rolls. With them, the body will receive 500 calories. But from its use there is a fairly good sense of satiety. Therefore, the ratio of these figures is quite acceptable.

Possible limitations

Is everything as simple as it might seem upon a superficial examination? Why is it sometimes taboo is adjacent to the use of rolls by a pregnant woman? The reasons for this are as follows.

Maternity Sushi and Roll Restrictions

The main reason is that Japanese rolls contain raw fish products. This can be fraught with the following danger:

  1. The fish that is part of the dish is not subjected to heat treatment, and this can cause a number of infectious diseases.
  2. Eating raw fish can cause helminth infestations (e.g. diphyllobothriasis).
  3. Such dishes have a very limited shelf life. If storage conditions are not observed or the sale terms are violated, they can cause food poisoning. The risk of infection is very high, because sometimes the requirements of the sanitary-hygienic plan are violated during their manufacture. This, unfortunately, is still encountered. Therefore, doctors unanimously believe that pregnant women should not use rolls and sushi. Do not forget that a number of components are attached to the dish, which also will not be useful to a woman during pregnancy.

Ginger is served for sushi and rolls. It is capable of causing allergic reactions. The likelihood of their occurrence increases especially during the period when a woman is waiting for her unborn child.

The dish is served wasabi, which is a spicy seasoning. Any spicy food during pregnancy is not recommended for women, as it can cause problems in the digestive tract.

Not a single portion of sushi or rolls can do without soy sauce. If it is completely natural and prepared according to classical technology, then it will be beneficial for a woman. However, there are big doubts that such a sauce will be offered in a cafe or restaurant. Most likely, it is manufactured using accelerated technology and the benefit of such a product will be zero.

What sushi and rolls are allowed by a pregnant woman?

A woman can use those rolls that are made from vegetarian products or have been subjected to heat treatment. But even in this case, a consultation from a doctor before using them will never hurt. At present, anything is allowed to be wrapped in a noriya. Therefore, the choice should be stopped on those ingredients that will not harm the unborn baby.

The most optimal will be the use of those dishes that are prepared with your own hands. The future mother herself will decide what needs to be included in the dish, make it in accordance with all the rules in compliance with the requirements of the sanitary-anti-epidemic regime. It will be much safer, both for herself and the future baby.

If there is no time and desire to make them yourself, then you can enjoy this dish in a Japanese restaurant. When visiting it, the choice should stop at hot or vegetable rolls. It is advisable that they do not contain spicy seasonings and sauce. You can eat them without fear that they will ruin the figure.

Naturally, vegetable rolls can not be compared with a real Japanese dish. But the woman has the right to choose. She must choose between temptation and security. After all, the health of the unborn child can be put on the scales. For a responsible future mother, of course, the advantage will be in the direction of health.

Video: is it possible to eat sushi and rolls during pregnancy

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