Can pregnant women drink mineral water?

What is commonly called mineral water? This is water, which includes a significant amount of salts, vitamins, trace elements and other active substances. Most often, mineral water is understood to be drinking water, but there are other types of mineral water: medicinal and intended for external use or inhalation. They differ from each other in composition due to the purpose for which they are used.

Can pregnant women drink mineral water

Most popular for most people is drinking mineral water. In the people it is most often called "mineral water". Typically, mineral water intended for drinking is supplied with carbon dioxide, then it is poured into bottles of different displacement and closed, while sealing. It is considered a very healthy drink for people of all ages. Is this really so? Are there any contraindications to the use of mineral drinking water for pregnant women? Are there rules to help you choose the best product?

Mineral water in the diet of pregnant women

As with many other products, pregnant women cannot unequivocally answer the question about the presence of contraindications to the use of mineral water. There is an opinion that water without gas is not capable of doing any harm. On the contrary, it brings exceptional benefits. If you choose the right option that suits your body, then mineral water can make up for the missing important trace elements, and also relieve you of a debilitating thirst better than any other drink.

If, for health reasons, a woman’s pregnancy predominantly occurs at home or in the clinic, which does not allow her to spend a sufficient amount of time outdoors, doctors can offer her oxygenated water. It increases vitality, strengthens the immune system, makes up for the lack of oxygen in the body, that is, it prevents the occurrence of fetal hypoxia.

Important! In the case of a strong desire to drink just sparkling water, you need to monitor its amount. Do not overdo it and monitor your well-being.

Drinking mineral water is very different in composition. It is distinguished by various complexes of salts and minerals. Be sure to carefully study the composition of the water offered by various manufacturers. If possible, consult your doctor. If in doubt, discard mineral water, as pregnancy is not the best time for experimentation. Replace the drink with berry fruit drinks or fruit compotes.


When drinking mineral water, negative consequences can occur. It is strictly prohibited for those who have gastritis and an ulcer, especially if the diseases go away with vomiting and pain in the stomach. If the expectant mother suffers from diarrhea and pancreatitis, water with a high content of salts and minerals should also be treated with great care. The use of mineral water is also prohibited in case of gallstone disease.

Particularly acute is the question that is associated with the use of mineral water saturated with carbon dioxide. Despite the great benefits of the water itself, the gas contained in it can cause damage to the body of a pregnant woman. It inflates the organs of the digestive chain and often causes belching, escaping through the esophagus. Such an obstacle to the normal functioning of the system can cause pain and increase heartburn.Continuing gas movement through the intestines can result in constipation or loose stools. All this emphasizes the undesirability of pregnant women consuming carbonated mineral water.

Types of drinking mineral water: which mother to prefer?

It is better for a pregnant woman to choose mineral water without gases with a moderate amount of salts and trace elements. There are various components that make up mineraloks:

Mineral water during pregnancy

  1. Potassium sodium salts. Water with their content will be very useful for pregnant women. They optimize the functioning of the female body, contributing to the flow of various processes in it: from metabolism to conducting nerve impulses.
  2. Chlorides. They are undesirable for expectant mothers, as they absorb the body’s water, preventing it from getting out of it, resulting in increased blood pressure and edema of various parts of the body.
  3. The composition of the canteen drinking water. The use of this type of mineral water is, without a doubt, a win-win option for expectant mothers. If the female body during pregnancy does not have enough salts and other trace elements, then drinking table water will easily solve this problem. A moderate concentration of substances in this type of drinking water will not cause harm to the body. However, even before using it, it is better to seek the advice of your doctor.

Choosing the Right Drinking Mineral Water

  1. Stop drinking artificially mineralized water. It is purified tap water with added salt. Only a gourmet can distinguish her taste deficiencies, but the effect produced by her will affect anyone. And it may not be what is expected from mineral water.
  2. For symptoms of nausea, drinking mineral water is best. However, you can not drink it too much, since excess water in the body will lead to edema. A few glasses will help you overcome the attack.
  3. When buying mineral water, check the date of its bottling, as well as the expiration date.
  4. Do not get carried away with sparkling water. Prefer her slightly carbonated or water without gas.

Inhalation during pregnancy

The weak body of a woman during pregnancy is susceptible to various diseases. It is important to pay attention to strengthening the immunity of the expectant mother. But to do this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, since the use of many drugs is contraindicated during pregnancy. It is necessary to look for alternative ways that will be safe for the female body, and also able to cure a cough or runny nose. One of them is inhalation. Its holding dilutes the mucus and helps to facilitate breathing.

Important! Inhalation should be carried out using mineral waters with a low alkaline content. These include the famous Borjomi, as well as Narzan.

Before using water saturated with carbon dioxide, it must be released. To do this, you can simply open the bottle cap or speed up the process by pouring water into another container in which you can mix the liquid intensively. After two hours have passed (the optimal time for gas to escape from the water), you need to warm up the water and breathe its vapor.

Expectant mothers can use table mineral water without gas, since it does not harm the body. In the case of other types of drinking mineral water, it is better to refrain from drinking them, replacing juices, compotes and fruit drinks. You can use mineral water in inhalation. However, do not neglect the opportunity to seek the advice of a doctor.

Video: mineral water - medicine or poison?

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