Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold?

Parenting and caring for children of any age requires certain knowledge from parents. Lacking information, many mothers and fathers turn to specialists for help. Therefore, pediatricians often have to not only deal with the treatment of children, but also answer their parents' questions. Moreover, doctors admit that they most often turn to them about seemingly basic things. For example, modern parents are worried about walking with young children who have slight signs of a cold. Although this is the most common situation, there is no single way to solve it. It all depends on factors and circumstances in which we try to understand a little.

Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold?

When a walk is forbidden

Everyone has heard about the benefits of walking. Therefore, mothers regularly try to comply with the walking regimen recommended by the children's doctor. But staying in the fresh air will benefit the baby only when he is completely healthy and the weather is favorable outdoors. Otherwise, even a short exercise can turn into a problem. Therefore, the planned walk will have to be canceled if:

  • the child has a fever;
  • the weather turned bad on the street.

In such a situation, you can simply ventilate the room well, replacing the traditional walk in this way. A little sick baby also needs an influx of fresh air, because without this condition the healing process will drag on. Therefore, you can briefly stay with the child in the park or walk along the alley with green spaces. But in no case should you combine a walk with a visit to shops or a market.

How to walk with a newborn

The period of infancy in children lasts about a month, or rather - 28 days. All this time, the little man is still protected by maternal immunity. But even this reliable barrier sometimes does not cope with a cold and as a result, the nose is laid in the baby. It is not worth despairing with such a development of events, but you need to show the baby to the doctor. Timely measures taken and prescribed treatment usually eliminate acute symptoms in a few days. Only minor runny nose symptoms may remain.

If the child's temperature is within normal limits, then you can resume walking. The first days they should be short, about half an hour in the summer. In winter, with a sick infant up to a month, it is better not to go outside until he is completely recovered. In general, this issue must be discussed with the pediatrician. Under comfortable weather conditions, even with babies of the first months of life, it is allowed to walk. The fact is that in a natural environment, a child will have a runny nose faster than in a dusty room.

The mode of walks with the baby up to a year

Daily walks with a small child are also useful in the sense that they positively affect his psychomotor development. This event helps strengthen immunity. Therefore, a slight runny nose should not cause a rejection of such an important event for a growing baby. If the baby is active and in a good mood, staying in the air will only benefit him.

The only condition that parents are advised to observe is to limit contact with other children. After all, a runny nose is most often a sign of a viral infection, which is very quickly transmitted from a sick child to a healthy baby. Therefore, you need to take care of other children and not expose them to the risk of infection.Mom may well replace her crumb companion with a game and organize him a fun pastime on her own. You can take a ball, a car, a children's bucket with you and engage in exciting games with your baby. Of course, active classes are permissible when the baby feels tolerably well and shows a desire for games.

But, if the child is naughty, refuses food and has a temperature above 37.5, you should not walk. It is necessary to postpone the air exercise in adverse climatic conditions.

For children of this age, the duration of a walk under comfortable weather conditions can be an hour. In the warm season, you can walk twice - in the morning and afternoon.

There is another important nuance that caring parents must remember. The kid should not be confused even if he was a little sick. A too warmly dressed child will sweat, and this will not create favorable conditions for recovery. On the contrary, in windy weather the baby can catch a cold even more.

Also, before walking, you can not give warming tea and medicines that cause increased sweating. It is forbidden to walk immediately after undergoing physiotherapeutic procedures and massage. Going out is recommended no earlier than half an hour after treatment.

And the last: if a sick child of any age is sluggish and refuses to play, do not force him to drag him for a walk. Such an event will definitely not bring him health, and his mood will certainly spoil.

Expert opinion

The famous pediatrician E. Komarovsky believes that a sick child, like a healthy one, needs regular walks. Physical activity and properly planned air exercise will only contribute to recovery and strengthen the baby's strength. The main thing is to choose the right place for a walk, and dress the child adequately for the weather. This recommendation applies to children of absolutely any age.

It is best to take walks in the park area or any other quiet place where parents with the baby can relax from the noise and breathe in fresh air. With older kids, you can arrange joint games. Let the child take the initiative and involve mom in his game. Do not bother him. But it is worth protecting from the excessive mobility of a sick baby, because excessive activity will increase the sweat separation, and the child can become even more ill.

It is appropriate to recall the measure. Moderation in walks should also be observed in everything, especially when it comes to a sick child.

Video: is it possible to walk during an illness?

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