Can zucchini with breastfeeding?

After the birth of the baby, the attention of any mother completely switches to caring for him. And the main item on the list of important matters is nutrition. After all, a small person, or rather his health and development, now depends only on what his mother eats at the table. Therefore, every lactating woman with addiction monitors her own diet and tries to supplement it only with healthy products.

Breastfeeding Courgettes

Healthy and safe vegetable

Knowing that the menu should be varied and safe at the same time, many mothers are especially worried when choosing vegetables. And these doubts are understandable, because the assortment of vegetable products is so diverse that it is difficult to find the ideal option that will be most useful for the baby and mom herself. Surprisingly, such an almost ideal vegetable in all respects is easy to find on the counter of any store. This is a modest but very healthy zucchini.

Nutritionists strongly recommend this vegetable to all mothers. Moreover, they allow diversifying the diet with this natural product at the very initial stage of natural feeding. Zucchini is very nutritious, they are saturated with vitamins and important trace elements. But most importantly - this vegetable poses a minimal risk in relation to allergic manifestations in the baby.

The benefits of zucchini

In addition to high nutritional value and safety, zucchini never has a negative effect on intestinal activity, which is very important for the health of crumbs. After all, the first months of life, the digestive system of a newborn baby does not work stably, and the slightest change in the mother’s diet is necessarily accompanied by colic or diarrhea. But zucchini is perfectly absorbed by mother and baby, having a beneficial effect on both organisms.

The obvious advantage of zucchini is its low calorie content - only 24 kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, the presence of this product in the maternal diet will not allow a woman to gain extra pounds, which often happens with ladies during natural feeding. In addition, the vegetable marrow of the fine copes with the cleansing of the body and enriches it with trace elements necessary to maintain normal functions.

Rich composition

It is no coincidence that nutritionists consider zucchini a natural source of energy. You can verify the correctness of this opinion by studying the chemical composition of the product. Zucchini, regardless of their variety, can boast a stunning set of nutritional components. Vegetable culture contains:

  1. Almost a complete complex of essential vitamins, including ascorbic acid, the proportion of which prevails in the composition.
  2. There are organic acids.
  3. Mineral components are represented by a huge content of potassium, calcium, phosphorus is also present in the vegetable, although in a lower concentration, there is iron (a small percentage).
  4. Fiber is rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestines. In a word, the composition of the vegetable marrow is selected so that the vegetable brings maximum benefit to the person.

Beneficial features

Zucchini has many qualities worthy of respect. Let us dwell on his main abilities.

Useful properties of zucchini

  1. Due to the high content of nutrients, zucchini helps to build baby's bone tissue, tooth growth. Vegetable with regular use improves the condition of the skin, and helps mom recover quickly after pregnancy and childbirth.
  2. Low calorie product allows you to use it without risk to the figure.
  3. The ideal proportion of potassium and sodium provides a stable water balance of the body, helping to remove excess fluid and toxins from it.
  4. Organic acids are harmoniously matched in the zucchini. Their low content does not irritate the intestines, but stimulates its peristalsis. As a result, digested food does not linger in the body.
  5. Zucchini simulates the regeneration process and positively affects blood circulation.
  6. This vegetable is able to maintain vitality and strengthen the immune resource.

An important point! Lactating women are recommended to eat dishes from a vegetable marrow at least three times a week. By the way, this vegetable is ideally suited for the basis of the first feeding, which introduces the baby into the food for 5-6 months.

Terms of use

While a woman is breast-feeding a baby, zucchini, like other vegetables, should not be eaten raw. Moreover, you can not start the introduction to the diet with fresh vegetable products.

The rules for eating zucchini of a nursing mother

It is recommended to cook dishes from boiled and stewed vegetables. But after the baby is fully adapted, it is allowed to experiment a bit with various vegetable dishes.

Zucchini can appear on the table of a nursing mother a few days after the birth of the baby. The first portion should be represented by a pair of tablespoons, steamed or boiled vegetable. If the baby tolerates the vegetable supplement well, the dose can be gradually increased. But you can not abuse even useful in all respects products. Therefore, moderation should always be respected.

Criterias of choice

A very careful approach requires the selection of any vegetable products. This rule applies to zucchini. Of course, ideally used for cooking nutritious vegetable dishes zucchini grown on their own plot. But, if this is not possible, only seasonal vegetables should be selected in the store. Purchase of products on the market is not excluded. But in any case, the fruits should be selected only mature, without damage and with a uniform color.

Be sure to thoroughly wash the vegetables before cooking. It is advisable to pour over boiling water.

Best Options for Breastfeeding

It was noted above that raw zucchini to a nursing mother is contraindicated. Therefore, here we will consider popular dishes with the participation of zucchini, which can be quickly and effortlessly prepared at home.

Vegetable stew is a composite dish, where, in addition to zucchini, there should be carrots, potatoes, cabbage. These ingredients are best steamed, but can be baked in the oven to maximize the nutritional value of mixed vegetables. If a woman prefers fried vegetables, sometimes you can diversify the menu with zucchini cooked on the grill. A great option for vegetable diversity is squash pancakes.

Zucchini caviar has a large army of fans. It is always appropriate on the table, and it is not difficult to cook it if there is a good quality zucchini. Of course, here we are talking exclusively about the dish of our own preparation, because the store product contains additives that are harmful to the baby. Zucchini caviar can appear on the mom’s menu only 5-6 months after the baby’s appearance. It is recommended to enjoy the taste of a healthy dish no more than 3 times a week, and the amount of the product should not exceed 400 grams.

Is it possible harm from zucchini?

And in conclusion about what should be avoided. Since zucchini activates the removal of fluid from the body, drinking it in large quantities by mom can lead not only to intestinal upset, but also to a decrease in lactation. And mother's milk for the baby is a staple food. In addition, this ability of a vegetable can cause serious problems: useful elements that the body needs are washed out with water.For example, normal cardiac activity is not possible without a sufficient concentration of potassium salts. All of these factors must be taken into account.

Video: vegetables for a nursing mother

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