Is it possible to drip aloe juice in the nose of children?

Young children, as a rule, are much more likely to experience colds than adults. This is due primarily to the fact that in children the protective system is still at the formation stage, and, therefore, cannot withstand external influences. Typically, a cold includes a cough, sore throat and nose, and a runny nose. Obstruction of air in the nose can provoke the appearance of many other unpleasant consequences. For this reason, most mothers and father seek as soon as possible to eliminate the difficulty in breathing in the child in order to save him from real torment.

Is it possible to drip aloe juice in the nose of children

Aloe properties

Aloe is one of the effective means of alternative medicine. The second name of this plant is agave. It is worth noting that aloe has long been used for medicinal purposes. In addition, today it is used even in cosmetology. To date, more than three hundred species of aloe have been discovered. Various types of this plant have been successfully used in the treatment of nasal congestion in both the older generation and children.

Aloe has a unique composition. It contains:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • resins;
  • beneficial enzymes and minerals.

The main advantage of the agave in comparison with other plants used in medicine is the presence of vitamin B12, which is necessary for the human body. Aloe juice is incredibly useful because it is able to eliminate inflammation in the body, heal various wounds and injuries, as well as eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Moreover, aloe promotes the regeneration of lost and damaged tissues and cells, and also helps to cleanse itself of toxic substances.

With clogged nasal passages, the agave effectively helps due to the ability to remove swelling. After aloe penetrates the patient’s blood, its components begin to cleanse the blood from the effects of the activity of harmful microorganisms. This effect significantly helps the immune system to overcome the pathology, and to do this as quickly as possible. The positive effect of the action of aloe is not only the release of the respiratory tract and restoration of breathing through the nose, but also in eliminating the factors of the development of the disease.

Is it possible to use agave in pediatric therapy?

Before proceeding to therapeutic procedures with the addition of agave juice, you need to know the following data:

  1. Agave juice in children can be used slightly less often than in adults.
  2. Agave juice is far from always able to really help get rid of congestion in children.
  3. Recipes with the addition of agave, which can be used in pediatric therapy, are significantly less than recipes for adults.
  4. Treatment of colds with the addition of agave juice in children can be somewhat dangerous for the child, since aloe can cause allergic manifestations or even burns of the mucous membrane and the appearance of ulcers on it.
  5. It is forbidden to use agave juice with oil in the treatment of colds. Oil in such situations is used exclusively to soften and remove the crusts formed on the mucosa. If such crusts are present in the nose, for now, aloe juice should be discarded, since it will not be able to penetrate dried mucus. But the oil will perfectly help soften the crusts and clear the nasal passages. If the crusts in the nose are not observed, you can use aloe juice. But it is better to refuse oil in this case, since it can cause nasal congestion.
  6. Do not use aloe juice with honey. Some recipes on the Internet contain honey, however, it is worth remembering that this product is the real food for pathogenic bacteria. If the juice of the agave is instilled with honey, there will be no effect from the medicine, since honey contributes to the more rapid growth of bacteria. After using such a mixture, other colds can appear, for example, otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis and other ailments.

Before starting children's therapy with agave juice, it is best to visit a specialist. The pediatrician will be able to assess whether there is a need to use the juice of the agave, and what harm the medicine can cause to the child.

It is worth considering that in newborns, the nasal mucosa is especially sensitive. Therefore, the baby can be burned if even diluted plant juice is used. On the Internet you can find recipes that recommend a harmless dosage of aloe juice. For example, many folk recipes recommend using no more than three drops of juice diluted with one tablespoon of water. Such a mixture will not harm the baby, however, and will not bring any benefit. For this reason, infants are better off not burying aloe.

Especially valuable is the use of the agave, when there is thick mucus in the nose, possibly even with inclusions of pus. These signs are characteristic of bacterial infections, which are effectively combated by enzymes that are part of the agave.

If the mucus in the baby is not thick, but rather like water, it is better not to treat the nose with the juice of an agave. It is worth noting that only a small part of the pathologies is combined with rhinitis, so aloe can be used far from always.

It is important in century therapy that all guidelines are clearly followed. Before the first procedure, you should check for allergic manifestations in the child. To do this, apply a small amount of the substance to the skin under the nose and leave for about half an hour. If the baby has red spots, you can not use aloe. In addition, you should stop using the agave in the case when after the use of the drug side effects appeared.

How to dig in the agave?

Before preparing the juice of the agave or medicine based on it, it is necessary to choose the right plant and squeeze the juice out of it, observing some rules:

Agave juice from a cold

  1. First of all, you need to choose the plant itself. The effective effect of the agave can be obtained only if the plant is at least three years old. It is at this age that the plant accumulates beneficial properties. In general, such a plant can be very useful, since today it is also actively used in cosmetology.
  2. To squeeze the juice, it is best to select the most fleshy leaves. Such parts, as a rule, are closer to the bottom of the plant. You need to select such leaves, and then cut them directly under the root.
  3. Before squeezing the juice, you must hold the leaves of the plant at a low temperature during the night or day. For greater convenience, you can cut them in the evening and leave them in the cold at night.
  4. Chilled leaves must be carefully cut lengthwise, and then squeezed juice from them. Or you can do it another way: finely chop the leaves, then put the pieces in gauze and squeeze the juice out of them. You can use a blender for these purposes, which will be more convenient.
  5. The resulting juice should be stored no more than a day. It is best to put it in a clean glass container, preferably a dark color.

Young children a little older than a year need to dig in the agave, necessarily diluted with water. In this case, you need to add water twice as much as juice. The resulting mixture can be used up to 5 drops. After instillation of the medicine, massage the wings of the nostrils with your fingertips. Repeat this massage until the mucus is completely gone.

What does Dr. Komarovsky recommend?

According to the expert, using unconventional methods in the treatment of nasal congestion in children is only necessary in cases where traditional medicines do not bring the desired effect. However, before using aloe, Dr. Komarovsky advises visiting a pediatrician. In addition, the country's most famous doctor recommends combining juice therapy with aloe vera with the following actions:

  1. Regular ventilation of the room where the child is constantly.
  2. Preparing the room in which the baby sleeps. It must be dry and clean.
  3. Irrigation of passages in the nose with saline.
  4. Providing a plentiful drink to the baby.
  5. Preliminary cleansing of the nose with saline or aspirator.

It must also be remembered that aloe juice has the ability not only to relieve inflammation, but also to slightly dry the mucous membrane.

Video: how to cure a runny nose with aloe?

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