Can I drink valerian when breastfeeding?

It is no secret that for women who have recently become a mother, certain medications are contraindicated. This is understandable. After all, any tablet after taking by the mother together with breast milk can enter the baby's body. The body of the crumbs is still so weak that a very small dose can cause symptoms of poisoning.

Valerian breastfeeding

In this regard, the question arises, but how are things with valerian? Can I take her to a nursing mother? After giving birth, the woman is in a state of constant stress, and it is considered quite normal. With the advent of the baby, there was also a lot of additional trouble, and you constantly have to worry about the state of health of the child. A significant imprint on the state of the emotional sphere of a woman is made by hormonal failure.

It is required to choose the best option to calm down and put your nerves in order. However, this must be done in such a way as not to harm the condition of the child. In this regard, perhaps, valerian is the most correct decision. The drug is considered safe not only for the health of the nursing mother, but also for her baby. But you can not drink it uncontrollably and as much as you want the most nursing mother. Before using it, it is imperative to consult a doctor who will give all the necessary recommendations and prescribe the required dosage.

When should valerian be taken?

Valerian will be an excellent tool for those who are in a state of constant stress. Taking the medicine is indicated for the following conditions:

  • Migraine.
  • Insomnia.
  • Depressive state.
  • Nervous excitement.
  • A condition associated with spasm of internal organs.

To eliminate these conditions, valerian is taken in tablets or in the form of tinctures. But self-administration without consulting a doctor is prohibited. In this case, it does not matter in what dosage form it is planned to be taken.

How does valerian work?

Some believe that this tool is completely safe. They argue their arguments with the fact that it is a natural herbal remedy. Nothing like this. For a nursing mother, this is the same medicine and it must be used in strict accordance with the dosage that will be determined by the doctor. This must be clearly understood.

Valerian officinalis is able to affect both the nursing mother herself and her baby. Moreover, sometimes the consequences can be pronounced negative.

What can happen with uncontrolled use of valerian? All possible manifestations can be reduced to the following positions:

  1. The occurrence and development of an allergic reaction. True, this rarely happens, but still possible. Especially often this situation can occur if the recommended dose has been exceeded.
  2. Sometimes the effect is exactly the opposite. Instead of calming down, there is overexcitation with sleep disturbance. If valerian is taken for a long time, then the child may experience constipation.
  3. After consuming valerian, the baby may become lethargic. If the baby sleeps too much and reluctantly takes his chest, then this should alert mom.
  4. Some argue that valerian is able to reduce the volume of milk. This statement has no basis. This is nothing more than a myth. The reason for the decrease in lactation should not be sought in valerian, but in something else.The main enemies of reducing milk production are stressful situations, a constant state of nervousness, chronic lack of sleep.

Useful advice. If the nursing mother is overwhelmed by fatigue, then it will be a rational step to delegate the upbringing of the child to relatives for a while, and to rest herself and get a good night's sleep. After that, everything will return to normal, including lactation, and will fall into place.

Release form

In pharmacies, without problems and any prescription, you can buy valerian in various dosage forms. The choice is the mother, and depends on in what form it will be most convenient for her to take her. Release Options:

  • Tablets.
  • In the form of herbal tea for tea.
  • Available in the form of dragees.
  • Dry valerian root for infusion.
  • Valerian extract in the form of tincture.

It is easy to understand that the variety of dosage forms will determine the convenience of methods of its use. When breastfeeding, valerian is most often prescribed in the form of tablets. The fact is that they, in comparison with tincture, exhibit a milder effect. In addition, tinctures are prepared according to the recipe for alcohol, and it can harm the child. To achieve the expected result, it will be enough if you take only two tablets daily.

But one should not expect a momentary effect. It will not come immediately, but after some time. The drug should accumulate enough in the body. Do not rush, and in the absence of effect, increase the dosage. Such activities can only do harm. You just need to be patient and the sedative effect will certainly show itself. The usual course is 10 days. As a rule, this is quite enough. Sometimes it is necessary to extend these deadlines.

Is valerian safe for babies?

The product is able to effectively calm, and exhibits a sparing effect. But not everyone is approved of its use for infants. For example, Dr. Komarovsky argues that only a mom can calm a valerian, and for a child she is a completely useless remedy. But, despite this, many parents continue to give babies valerian. In no case should this be done. Tincture contains alcohol, but for a child’s body it’s like death. The drug can enter the body of a child only with mother's milk, which takes valerian tablets. Valerian is absorbed by the female body, enters the breast milk and with it will be in the baby's body. For greater safety, the mother should drink the pill, and not take valerian in any other form.

There is one alternative effective method of using valerian toddler. It is actually valid and proven. It is necessary to moisten the fleece with tincture of valerian and put it next to the crib. Nearby you can place a fresh decoction of the plant.

Important! You can not use valerian in the presence of pronounced deviations in the work of the heart and nervous activity. It is not allowed to combine valerian with other sedatives, since no one knows what the effect may be.

Of course, being a natural natural medicine, valerian will be a good alternative to any other analog obtained by synthetic means. Natural components are always more useful than any, even the highest quality synthetics. But we must not forget that even she, whatever one may say, is a real medicine. Therefore, it must be used deliberately and reasonably. It is always necessary to remember that during lactation, mother should take care not only about her health, but also constantly think about her baby.

Video: what kind of medicine can you breastfeed

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