Is ice cream possible during pregnancy?

Of course, every woman wants to experience the joy of motherhood in her life. However, upon learning about pregnancy, most expectant mothers are surprised and at times shocked with all sorts of restrictions and rules, especially on their menus. The diet of most women is undergoing major changes. If before pregnancy it was possible, without hesitation, to eat everything that was desired, now many products are starting to raise questions. This is due to the fact that now the future mother is already responsible for two organisms.

Is it possible to have ice cream during pregnancy?

A large number of questions to doctors comes about sweets. After all, one sometimes wants to enjoy something tasty. Especially a lot of doubts in pregnant women arise about ice cream. There are many opinions regarding this product. Someone claims that eating ice cream during the period of bearing a child is very useful, and someone, on the contrary, insists on the harmfulness of the product for expectant mothers. To understand the reason for such opinions, it is necessary to deal with the useful and not so properties of ice cream.

What is a cold sweet?

Today, ice cream can be found for every taste: with chocolate, berries, nuts, various syrups, or just cream. Ice cream becomes especially popular in the summer, when you want to cool yourself with something tasty. And how can you deny yourself such pleasure - eat delicious ice cream while strolling in the hot sun?

Despite the presence of many types of ice cream, there are uniform standards for the preparation of this product. According to GOST requirements, ice cream should consist exclusively of natural ingredients. It should contain milk, it can be both natural and dry, butter, sugar and water. Supplements may vary depending on the type and taste of the ice cream.

Ice cream is prepared in several stages:

  • pasteurization;
  • exposure to low temperatures;
  • oxygen filling;
  • whipping;
  • freezing.

After all the steps are completed, the ice cream is packaged and gets on store shelves.

What is the usefulness of a cold treat?

As a rule, ice cream is always considered only as a sweet, but no one ever talks about its benefits. However, in fact, ice cream can be called a useful product, since it contains fats, carbohydrates and proteins necessary for the body, as well as amino acids, vitamins and minerals. In addition to a good composition, ice cream also has a number of other useful qualities:

  1. Eating ice cream is inevitably associated with the production of the hormone serotonin, in connection with which, a person experiences satisfaction, as well as a sense of joy. It is worth noting that ice cream is a kind of antidepressant, which is why it is so often eaten during periods of upset. Women in pregnancy, eating ice cream, feel much calmer and happier.
  2. Value for expectant mothers is the composition of ice cream. The fact is that milk and butter have a lot of calcium in their composition, which is very useful for a woman in pregnancy.
  3. Another point that may be useful is the high nutritional value of ice cream. Of course, women are used to counting calories and, conversely, tend to eat less high-calorie foods, however, ice cream can help those women who, on the contrary, need to increase their weight during pregnancy.

Due to the presence of such beneficial properties, it can be concluded that future mothers can eat ice cream, but only choose a better natural product without any non-traditional additives.

What is the harm of ice cream?

Despite the large number of positive aspects, ice cream carries some dangerous moments:

Ice Cream Harm during Pregnancy

  1. The first danger may be hidden in the composition of ice cream. The problem is that not all manufacturers comply with GOST requirements and prepare ice cream from fake milk, and instead of using butter and natural cream, chemical additives are used. Of course, there is nothing useful in such a composition for a future mother.
  2. Among other things, the composition of ice cream often includes various thickeners, flavors and other harmful components.
  3. Flavoring additives in the product, for example, syrups, fruits and nuts can cause unwanted allergic effects.
  4. High nutritional benefits far from everyone, and if you do not limit yourself to ice cream, you can get extra weight.
  5. The use of ice cream, especially in large quantities, can provoke the development of catarrhal pathologies, for example, tonsillitis or pharyngitis. The disease itself can be dangerous for the child. In addition, treatment during pregnancy is very difficult.
  6. Since natural ice cream has a short shelf life, there is a danger of contracting salmonella or listeria. For women during pregnancy, this is especially dangerous, since the body of the expectant mother is more sensitive to infections.

Who should not eat ice cream?

There are some contraindications to ice cream for pregnant women. You can’t eat ice cream if a woman:

  • diabetes;
  • impaired renal function;
  • excess weight;
  • toxicosis;
  • hypertension.

How should I eat ice cream?

In order not to harm your body, you should choose the right ice cream. First, you need to pay attention to the composition. It should contain only natural products. In addition, it is important to look at the expiration date. It is better to choose ice cream without additives in order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

Eating ice cream is better in small portions. This does not harm the figure and does not provoke the appearance of colds. Supplements in the form of syrups and topping can be replaced with fresh berries and fruits - so you get more vitamins. In addition, you can add cranberry syrup, which is not only tasty, but also very useful.

Video: how to make ice cream at home

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