Nectarine - benefits and harm to the health of the body

Nectarine, which is called only the brother of peach, is in great demand in the warm season. Bright, fragrant, juicy, sweet - all these and many other epithets are characteristic of him! The characteristics of the fruit include a smooth, without a single lint peel, orange or pink pulp with a dense structure. China is considered the homeland of nectarine, but this hardly makes nectarine less popular among our compatriots.

The benefits and harms of nectarine

The composition and characteristics of nectarine

There are many satisfied varieties of the fruit in question, crossed with figs, apples, peaches and even plums. Moreover, each variety boasts its own characteristics and impact on the human body. However, despite this, the chemical list of substances in all varieties is almost identical. Only the accumulation of one or another element differs.

If we consider the list of substances in comparison with peach, it makes almost no difference. Of the vitamins, the content of ascorbine in a decent volume, vitamin K, tocopherol, B vitamins, retinol is isolated. Beta-carotene, valuable for the eyes, is found in nectarine.

But judging by the mineral list of substances, peach is in the lead. However, nectarine boasts a fairly high content of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, calcium, manganese.

Adherents of PP and various diets love this fruit for its relatively low calorie content. Per serving weighing 0.1 kg. relies only 43 kcal. This is not enough considering that the fruit concentrates about 86% of the total water volume. Nectarine has few carbohydrates (8 g.), Fats (less than 0.5 g.), But there is protein (1 g.).

Most of the nutritional value is occupied by pectin compounds, dietary fiber, in particular fiber, ash, starchy substances, organic acids, mono- and polysaccharides.

It is worth considering separately the bones of an overseas fetus. About 59% of fatty oils are present in their cavity; glycosides and essential oils are also present. All of them are very popular in the areas of cosmetology and medical focus. The shell of these same bones is used in the production of absorbents (for example, activated carbon).

The benefits of nectarine

  1. The presented fruit is famous for its effect on the digestive system. It increases the excretion of juice, so it is ideal for consumption before meals or an hour after a meal. So you prevent overweight and heaviness in the stomach.
  2. The composition contains pectins, which reduce the risk of the spread of harmful microflora in the intestine. Also, these substances cleanse the esophagus from stagnation (toxins), toxins and poisons of a different nature.
  3. It is advisable to take the juice from the pulp of this fruit in order to improve the activity of the heart muscle and to conduct a high-quality cleaning of blood vessels from cholesterol deposits. He will contribute to the fight against constipation.
  4. Due to the ability to control the balance of water and remove excess salts, we can safely say that nectarine is considered almost the best remedy for swelling, hypertension, and kidney problems.
  5. Ascorbic, as many know, is important for maintaining the immune system. It is especially important to eat nectarines to people who are often sick. Vitamin C simultaneously with immunostimulating functions takes on the concept of an antiseptic.
  6. Dietary fiber is important for the intestinal tract. They stabilize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolic processes, and contribute to the reduction of increased body weight.

Nectarine for women

Nectarine for women

  1. The fair sex fell in love with the fruit under discussion due to its anti-aging characteristics.Masks based on nectarine pulp passed through a meat grinder tighten the face, whiten it and saturate it with moisture.
  2. If you remove the squeezed juice from the pulp with corn starch and egg white, you will prepare a wonderful mask for the skin from wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and acne.
  3. The value is revealed not only if you apply the fruit externally. It is eaten on diets to increase metabolic functions and lose weight. If you stick to PP, nectarine is administered to saturate the body with vitamins.
  4. The incoming dietary fiber acts as a brush, they cleanse the intestinal tract from stagnation, so it turns out to lose weight comfortably and quickly. In this case, it is not necessary to sit on strict diets.
  5. Nectarine will also benefit pregnant moms. At an early stage of gestation, a woman is tormented by vomiting, which are manifested by severe toxicosis. Just a few slices of fruit will eliminate such delicate symptoms.
  6. Pregnant women may have digestive problems. Usually they manifest as constipation, heartburn, indigestion. With systematic eating, nectarine eliminates unpleasant consequences.

Nectarines for men

  1. Seasonal fruits must be present in the daily diet of the stronger sex. Nectarines have excellent restorative properties. Systematic eating of fruits will save the body from the accumulation of excess fluid.
  2. Together with this, the tissues will be cleaned of salts and similar harmful impurities. Harmful substances are often deposited in the urinary tract and organs. Often, such minor problems develop into a serious disease in the form of prostatitis, etc.
  3. The fruit contains enough zinc. The enzyme is actively involved in the restoration of hormonal levels in men. Nectarines also have a positive effect on sexual health. The abundance of magnesium and potassium in fruits allows you to fully strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Nectarines for children

Nectarines for children

  1. According to experts, nectarine is not much different from peach, so the fruit can be introduced already from infancy (7-9 months). Start giving juice with just a few drops a day. Introduce nectarine into your baby’s diet gradually.
  2. Further it is already possible to give mashed potatoes from several nectarines. Believe me, young children enjoy this delicacy with pleasure. In addition, the fruit is very healthy.
  3. Regular eating of fruits will allow the baby to develop and grow properly. Nectarine also has a mild laxative effect.
  4. Doctors advise to include juice in the baby’s diet if he was born weak. The drink will quickly restore strength and bring the child into tone.

The harm of nectarines

  1. It is forbidden to include nectarine in the diet for people who are prone or suffer from diabetes. Nectarine contains a large amount of natural sugars.
  2. For the same reason, do not lean on nectarines with a tendency to obesity. Consider possible individual intolerance to the composition and the development of an allergic reaction.
  3. With extreme caution, consume fruits for pathologies associated with the biliary system. In order not to encounter problems of the digestive tract, nectarines should be eaten in the morning.

Thanks to a balanced and relatively multifaceted list of valuable substances, foreign fruit has a number of valuable qualities. But it is worth considering its potential harm.

Video: beneficial and harmful properties of nectarine

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A very strange article .... It is written that nectarine is eaten for weight loss and it is immediately written that nectarines can not be consumed with a tendency to obesity. Well, where is the logic ????


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