Cucumber Aztec F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Any gardener wants to get a good harvest on their beds, so when choosing seeds, many decide the question in favor of hybrids. The Aztec variety meets these requirements, which, in addition to the main characteristics, also has many advantages.

Aztec Cucumber F1


This variety belongs to gherkins, its bushes are medium in size. Fruits can be used both fresh to add to salads, and used in canning. As a rule, a cucumber grows no more than 12 cm and has small tubercles. Bunches consist of 3-5 flowers.

The main advantages of the species are listed below:

  1. They have a pleasant taste and are not bitter.
  2. Carry various weather conditions.
  3. Unpretentious in leaving.
  4. They have good immunity.
  5. They show a high level of productivity, even if the temperature fluctuates at night.

In the process of salting, this variety does not form a void inside. Fruits differ in the same size and do not grow longer than normal. They are well suited for growing both in closed greenhouses and in open beds.


The variety belongs to early ripening and has a high degree of yield - 9 kg per sq.m. The fruits grow in a dense structure and do not deform even during heat treatment during canning.

Cucumbers are ready for use already a month and a half after the germination of the first shoots. This variety has good immunity to major cucumber diseases.

Growing recommendations

  1. When buying seeds, they are calibrated and processed. To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, they must be soaked in advance by putting in a damp cloth. After this, it is advisable to harden the seeds, but only for those that have not germinated. They are placed in the refrigerator in a damp cloth for 2 days. Then they need to be transplanted immediately into boxes or already into the greenhouse.
  2. In conditions of cultivation in the middle lane or in the northern regions, it is recommended to grow a crop with a seedling type. Knowing that many cucumbers do not survive transplants well, it is recommended to use boxes in order to reduce possible trauma to the root system.
  3. After the appearance of the first shoots, one must carefully watch so that they do not stretch unnecessarily. To do this, they must be rearranged in well-lit places or organize additional lighting using lamps. Do not rush to sow seeds in boxes - they should be there for no more than a month.
  4. To transplant seedlings to the main place of cultivation, it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to observe a change in the place of planting with gourd pumpkin crops. The bed should be in a sunny place and be fenced from strong winds, and the soil should be well loosened and fertile.
  5. If seedlings are planned to be planted immediately in the greenhouse, then seeds must be sown in March, and in open spaces and in beds in mid-April.
  6. When using a special trellis grill, it is possible to more accurately organize a space for growing cucumbers - it will become more convenient to take care of them, this will allow the cucumbers to always stay clean and not touch the ground.
  7. When planting cucumbers directly on open beds, you need to wait for stable warm weather when the soil has already warmed up, and observe a distance between shoots of at least 30 cm and 50 cm between rows. At night, it is better to cover the seedlings with film and shoot during the day.

The main care is regular watering, loosening the soil and pulling out weeds. By following these recommendations, you can get a high yield.


  1. Marina Sergeevna, 46 years old: Hello everybody! I hasten to share with you good news and impressions! My daughter and I collected a decent amount of cucumbers this year. They selected a new variety for sowing, had not even noticed one before, and then they were already running on the train on January holidays, and I grabbed it already on the run. Daughter immediately, let's read on the Internet what we bought. I planted them immediately in the ground, in our south of the region it turned out to be a warm April, so almost all of them ascended and took root. I took care, grew as always, did not forget to water, and to feed, and very neat little cucumbers grew. I am satisfied!
  2. Polina Gyu, 53 years old: Good day! Aztec recommended to me a friend, she lives in a country house through a house. At first I was skeptical, well, such a person I think, okay, I’ll try to grow up, so grow up. She fed, regularly loosened. The cucumbers came out not very large, but neat, not bitter in taste. Collected, and even canned. During the preservation process, they did not burst, did not crack, they taste pleasant and plump.

Video: how to shape cucumbers

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