Cucumber Asterix F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

This hybrid has already been appreciated by domestic summer residents and gardeners. The Dutch, as always, did not disappoint all gardeners with their selection achievements. Good ripening, excellent taste, high and stable yield, the ability to successfully bear fruit under adverse conditions - all this is not a complete list of the advantages of Asterix F1.

Cucumber Asterix F1

Characteristics and features of the hybrid

Asterix F1 (Asterix F1) is a hybrid of a medium-ripening cucumber. Bred back in 1995 in the famous Dutch seed company Bejo. From sowing seeds to the start of harvesting takes 48-54 days. Asterix is ​​not a parthenocarpic, but a bee pollinated hybrid. This must be considered when cultivating to obtain a good harvest.

Plants have medium growth power. The leaves are medium sized, medium wrinkled, saturated, dark green in color with wavy edges. On the skin there may be white stripes to the middle of the fetus and medium-sized, lighter, yellowish spots. The hybrid is characterized by mainly female type flowers and a developed, powerful root system.

The fruits of Asterix are elongated-cylindrical in shape, slightly ribbed, beautiful, rich green in color. They are aligned, homogeneous, 10-12 cm long. The ratio of length to width is 3: 1. They are medium-tuberous, moderately prickly, covered with small whitish spines. The pubescence of Zelentsy is insignificant. The skin is thin, but strong, without bitterness. In the cross section, cucumbers are rounded, weighing 70-90g.

Hybrid inherent high tasting characteristics of the fruit, they have excellent consistency. The pulp is juicy, crispy, very tasty. The seeds in the pulp are few, watery, almost not felt when consumed.

This hybrid was included in the State Register of Russian Varieties in 1998 in two regions - Central Black Earth, which includes 6 regions. As well as the Central, including 7 areas. It is especially recommended by originators for cultivation in hot, arid regions of the country.

Asterix has high yields, for the season it is 13.3-33.3 tons per 1 ha for industrial cultivation. The fruits of universal use. They are excellent for sales in the markets of fresh vegetables, as well as for personal consumption. Asterix F1 cucumbers are good for full-fledged preservation. They are pickled, salted, fermented.

It is characterized by high resistance to the main diseases of cucumbers: cucumber mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, powdery mildew. Tolerant to peronosporosis.

Hybrid Strengths

Asterix F1

  1. Due to the developed root system, the hybrid has relative drought tolerance and the ability to perfectly absorb nutrients from the soil.
  2. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the fruits genetically do not contain bitterness.
  3. It has excellent regenerative ability, cucumbers on the stem grow very vigorously.
  4. The hybrid has a long fruiting period and amicable ripening of fruits. This makes it a good choice for commercial implementation in the markets.
  5. Universality of use of fruits, excellent commodity characteristics.
  6. High ability to adapt to different growing conditions and adverse weather factors.
  7. Cucumbers are formed predominantly compactly on the central stem.
  8. Seeds in Bejo branded packaging are factory-treated for disease, they are treated with Tiram.

The secrets of successfully growing a hybrid

Cultivation of cucumbers Asterix F1

  1. The variety has an intensive fruiting type, therefore, requires regular sampling. Moreover, daily or with an interval of one day.
  2. Regular tying of the trunk to the trellis or supports. Moreover, the tying of the trunk must be carried out strictly clockwise. Otherwise, the stem will simply unravel.
  3. At the beginning of the growing season, the hybrid needs enough sun. In summer, in the southern regions, on the contrary, shading is necessary with the help of shading nets or whitewashing the greenhouse film.
  4. Asterix F1 fruit insects require pollinating insects. In particular, bees and bumblebees.
  5. A hybrid can be grown directly by sowing seeds in the soil or through growing seedlings.
  6. Direct sowing of seeds in the soil is carried out at the beginning / middle of May, depending on the region of cultivation.
  7. It is not recommended to harvest the seeds for the next year by ourselves, since in hybrids in this case, the maternal properties in the offspring are split.
  8. Planting in the soil to carry out no deeper than 2 cm.
  9. When sowing seeds for seedlings, they are placed in a substrate to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.
  10. Maintaining the optimum temperature for seed germination of cucumbers: + 21- + 25C degrees.
  11. Prevent overmoistening of seedlings and often ventilate crops. In conditions of high humidity, a disease can quickly develop - a black leg, which is very dangerous for seedlings.
  12. When the first 2 leaves appear, the temperature must be reduced to + 18- + 19C and provide good lighting. Otherwise, the seedlings will simply stretch, become thin and weak.
  13. Seedlings are sown directly in early March.

Reviews of summer residents of the hybrid

  1. Svetlana Nikanorova, 40 years old: I admit honestly, I got this hybrid in a summer house just because of the name. Just watched with the family the same film, about Asterix and Obelix. And then I saw such seeds in the store. She laughed, but bought it. Plus branded, Bejo, Holland, crafted. Planted on seedlings in early March, and in early May, planted it in the ground. Seedlings took root well, cucumbers powerfully went to growth. A few months later began abundant fruiting. Cucumbers was the sea! Tasty, sweet and crispy. Very pleased with the Asterix.
  2. Anastasia Kochetkova, 37 years old: What can I say? Holland is Holland! Cucumbers are delicious, beautiful, crispy. The plants themselves did not hurt anything, greenhouses were actively building up. Only managed to collect. Excellent in salting. Yes, and I will not hide - I sold part of the neighbors. Asterix pleased me, for the next season has already bought seeds.

Video: Asterix F1 cucumbers

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