Cucumber Babushkin granddaughter F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

The grandmother’s granddaughter’s cucumber variety fully justifies the efforts spent on its cultivation. This distinguishes it from other representatives of this culture and fully meets the requirements of vegetable growers.

Cucumber Grandma's granddaughter F1

Grade Features

Grandmother’s cucumbers of the granddaughter class belong to early ripening, parthenocarpic hybrids. The plant grows well and gives a large crop when grown in open beds and in a closed greenhouse. The variety is distinguished by the presence of a female type of inflorescences, the average size of the bushes and relatively small leaves, which are painted in a saturated, green color.

The plant belongs to early ripening hybrids. From the moment of the appearance of the first seedlings to the harvest of the first crop an average of 40 days passes. The appearance and taste of the fruits allow this hybrid to be grown both for home consumption and for sale.

Grandmother's granddaughter belongs to the high-yielding varieties. From 1 square meter, you can collect 5-6 kg of ripened cucumbers. 90% of the total crop has an attractive, marketable appearance.

Grandmother’s granddaughter cucumbers are universal. Mistresses use them for cooking vegetable salads, winter preparations and pickling.

Fruit characterization

The description of the fruit, as declared by the seed producer, is fully true:

  1. The fruits have an oval-cylindrical shape.
  2. Cucumbers are covered with small tubercles.
  3. The size of ripe fruits does not exceed a length of 9 cm.
  4. The weight of each cucumber ranges from 65 to 80 g.
  5. The peel of a cucumber is painted in a saturated shade of green with pronounced spotting.
  6. The ripe cucumber crisp.
  7. Small family camera.
  8. High palatability.
  9. Attractive appearance.
  10. Good transportability.
  11. Normal keeping of fruits.

Growing Features

Agronomists recommend germinating the seeds of Grandma’s granddaughter in advance. Sowing is carried out from early April to early May. Germination occurs according to the classical scheme:

Growing cucumbers varieties Grandma's granddaughter F1

  1. Seed disinfection. Experienced vegetable growers recommend disinfecting seed material. For this, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used.
  2. Growth stimulation. Soaking in biostimulants will increase the percentage of germination and accelerate plant growth.
  3. Soil preparation. An ideal option for sowing seeds is a nutritious soil mixture purchased in a special store.
  4. The choice of capacity. Gardeners recommend germinating seed in peat cups.
  5. Greenhouse conditions. Before the first shoots, it is recommended to cover the containers with a film.

When germinating seeds, it is necessary to control:

  1. Lighting. Seedlings need bright diffused light.
  2. Watering. Regular, moderate watering should be observed.
  3. Temperature. The temperature regime must be stable and not fall below +18 degrees Celsius.

Transplantation of young plants to a permanent place of growth is carried out by the method of transshipment, after the appearance of 3 true leaves. Seedlings are placed on a garden bed according to a 50 × 50 pattern and covered with a film.

Care Features

Grandmother’s granddaughter care is no different from the standard:

Grandmother granddaughter F1

  1. Regular watering. Watering the bushes of cucumbers should be in the evening. On hot days, watering is carried out 2 times - in the morning and evening.
  2. Weed removal. Weed growth is not recommended. Weeds take a large amount of nutrients from the soil and oxidize it, which negatively affects the plant.
  3. Hilling.
  4. Proper fruit collection.Ripe cucumbers should be cut from the bush to minimize the risk of damage to the plant.

Diseases and immunity

The grandmother’s granddaughter variety is distinguished by good immunity, as evidenced by the reviews of many vegetable growers who grow this variety of cucumbers on their beds. This feature increases the popularity of the variety, both among experienced gardeners and among beginner gardeners.

This hybrid is not afraid of diseases such as:

  • Brown spotting.
  • Root rot system.
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Cucumber mosaic.
  • Overexposure.

Good plant immunity makes care much easier, eliminating the need for regular chemical treatment. In addition, cucumber bushes that are resistant to common diseases die less often, which allows you to get the maximum amount of yield.

Commercial appearance, excellent taste, basic care, high immunity and good keeping quality of fruits - all these characteristics were liked by experienced vegetable growers and provided great popularity to the grandmother’s hybrid granddaughter. Features of the variety guarantee a large crop, even in the absence of experience in growing this crop.

Video: cucumbers varieties Grandma’s granddaughter F1

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