Omelet - health benefits and harms

Today, products for a quick and healthy breakfast are quite expensive. But an undoubted favorite (despite the price) is an omelet. Its benefits and harms are largely determined by the composition of the liquid mixture. After all, rarely does anyone use the simplest basis - eggs and milk. We also need to crumble sausages, sprinkle with cheese. And it’s better to fry in butter ... In general, our article is not about recipes. Let's talk about the benefits and risks for those who like to eat an omelet.

The benefits and harms of omelet

Scary dish

Some people flatly refuse to use an omelet, calling it a nightmare for the heart and blood vessels. Huge eyes make: “What are you! There are eggs! Cholesterol!"

Meanwhile, in many countries, independent studies have been conducted. And they did not show any dependence of blood cholesterol on eating omelet for breakfast.

In fact, the worst fear is frying. Especially in butter with the addition of other high-calorie ingredients. But if you cook omelette steamed or in a slow cooker (in extreme cases, grind it in vegetable oil), then such breakfast will not bring much harm.

But besides cholesterol, there is another danger from omelet. And it consists precisely in the eggs. Firstly, they themselves are quite a powerful allergen. Therefore, they may well provoke an attack of at least diathesis. Especially in young children and in people with individual intolerance.

And secondly, the notorious salmonellosis. Many are afraid of him, like fire. But few people know that inside the egg is almost sterile. Remember, in childhood, small wounds were sealed with a film from the shell and fled to the street, to walk on. Salmonellosis bacteria can be on the outer surface of the shell. It’s not in vain that we are told that we must wash our eggs before eating! Preferably with soda.

This precaution saved many lives at one time. Do not forget to follow her always. Then the disease will not overtake you.

And maybe useful?

What are we all about bad and terrible? Indeed, on the other hand, scrambled eggs are a very good component of breakfast. Although during heat treatment, eggs lose some of their vitamins and minerals, but milk adds its own minerals. Therefore omelette:

  1. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels, promotes the speedy healing of cuts, wounds and scratches. This is vitamin E trying.
  2. It supports the skin from the inside, helps the body normalize oxidative processes, and serves vision. Vitamin A is responsible for this.
  3. Supports the skeletal system and prevents osteoporosis. This milk calcium serves you.
  4. Helps the nervous system, strengthens and enhances hair growth. B vitamins are at your service.
  5. It supplies Vitamin D to the body. By the way, it does not break down during heat treatment.

As you can see, a very good set of very useful substances. And an overdose is almost impossible. Still, rarely can anyone eat a lot of omelettes in one sitting. Well, whoever can, let him control himself. A lot of good is bad.

Lutein and Lecithin

Are the words similar in sound? But in action they are completely different. But both are very important for the human body.

Lutein. In fact, it is a pigment. On the other hand - a fat-soluble substance. It is it that is responsible for visual acuity. With his lack of human ability to see catastrophically falls. Therefore, a full omelet has a beneficial effect on your eyes.

Of course, you can get lutein from yellow vegetables and fruits. But it is in the omelet that it is in an easily accessible form and is absorbed almost completely.

Important! Protein omelette does not contain lutein. And it’s not good for the eyes.

Lecithin.This is the name of a complex of substances. They have a very extensive coverage:

  • support the liver, help its work and recovery
  • normalize metabolic processes
  • improve memory, activate brain activity
  • responsible for the quality of the membranes of all body cells
  • participate in all energy reactions of the body
  • keep up the work of the brain
  • involved in cell homeostasis

It is interesting to know that lecithin is found in all tissues of the human body. But the most important is its high content in omelet. Therefore, the benefits of the dish are simply invaluable. If only because with a lack of lecithin complex in the body, a person ages almost before our eyes. Plus, the body’s ability to regenerate is lost, serious diseases appear. Moreover, their etiology is incomprehensible, and the diagnosis is difficult.

But the most important thing is that this condition cannot be cured by any medicine or alternative methods. Only replenishment in the body of lecithin with meals will help. Therefore, do not take chances, eat the omelet regularly.

Interesting Facts

If you eat an omelet from 2 medium eggs per day, you can get 45% of the daily requirement for iron, phosphorus, potassium and copper.

Some sources argue for the benefit of eggshells. Say, there is calcium. But who adds the shell to the omelet? And for what? So that, tasting the most delicate mass, then grit your teeth from a nasty piece? Moderate your ardor, gentlemen, lovers of chewing omelet with shells. Calcium in this dish is abundant in milk.

Essential amino acids are present in the egg protein. They participate in many processes of the human body. Interestingly, amino acids are not destroyed by heat. And in combination with milk - perfectly absorbed.

Did you know? It turns out that the simplest omelet is a component of many diets. Cooked without additional fatty ingredients, it itself has a small amount of calories. At the same time, it saturates the body well. This chip has long been cut through by athletes. They often eat scrambled eggs as food. This gives them strength and vitality. And at the same time, it does not reflect on the figure and is not deposited on the body with unnecessary folds.

Such an omelet familiar from childhood. The benefits and harms of it are very interesting. Especially in light of the craze for healthy eating. In order not to harm yourself, read our recommendations. And may everything be all right with you.

Video: recipe for a magnificent omelet in kindergarten

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