Pepper Iceberg - description and characteristics of the variety

An impressive assortment of vegetable crops is grown in the gardens of Russian gardeners. Bell pepper is in demand and popular. Breeders are constantly working on breeding species with improved characteristics. The variety of peppers Iceberg is intended for cultivation in closed ground and in open beds. It is characterized by unpretentiousness to weather, high resistance to diseases and universality in use. From bell pepper cooked lecho, used for fresh salads, stuffed. All dishes acquire a unique taste thanks to the sweet vegetable.

Pepper iceberg

Grade description

The fruits have a wide conical shape with a flat tip. The peel is shiny, when fully ripened, it acquires a dark red color. The walls of the pulp are dense, thick, fleshy, with a thickness of 8-9 mm, a large ribbing is traced. The taste is pleasant, without bitterness. With proper care and compliance with planting varieties, you can get a good harvest of healthy, juicy and large peppers.

Cultivation agricultural

Peppers are grown in seedlings. Sowing of seed material is carried out in late February or early March. As soon as 1-2 real leaves are formed on the seedlings, they must be transplanted into separate containers. Soil for planting is prepared by mixing garden soil with sand and humus. It is recommended to add wood ash.

Seed material undergoes preliminary preparation. First, the seeds are kept for about 5 hours in hot water, then wrapped in wet tissue or gauze for several days until sprouts appear. Crops are covered with film or glass. The optimum temperature for germination is about + 20- + 25 degrees. With a lack of sunlight, it is necessary to organize additional artificial lighting. It is advisable to place the containers on the windowsill on the south side.

Landing area should be in a sunny place. The soil must be fertilized and disinfected. Planting in a greenhouse or in open ground is carried out 2 months after sowing seeds. The optimal time for the greenhouse is mid-May; they are planted on the beds in early June, when the threat of frost passes.

When planting seedlings, the distance between adjacent bushes and between rows should be observed. Bushes should be located one and a half meters apart. Between the rows leave the same gap.

Care Rules

Caring for Bulgarian pepper of the Iceberg variety is quite simple.

  1. It is important to carry out timely moderate watering. It is recommended to water with water at room temperature after sunset.
  2. Be sure to loosen and hill the soil. During the summer season, pepper must be fed with complex mineral fertilizers.
  3. When growing peppers, weeds must be periodically disposed of so that they do not pick up the nutrients needed by peppers for proper growth and development.
  4. If necessary, the bushes are tied to the installed supports.

Plants are resistant to various diseases, however, for prophylactic purposes, they are treated with special drugs. The first crop is harvested in early August, fruiting lasts until the end of September.

Gardeners appreciate bell pepper for its high vitamin content and versatility in use. If you follow the cultivation agricultural technique, the plants will generously give you beautiful, red and very useful fruits.

Video: growing pepper from A to Z

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