The benefits and harms of pistachios for women and men

Pistachio refers to a constantly flowering tree that preferably grows in tropical and subtropical zones. The fruits are distinguished by a special aftertaste that people tasted more than 2,000 years ago. In ancient times, only rich segments of the population ate pistachios, now nuts are available to everyone. It is believed that the fruits include almost the entire table of Mendeleev’s chemical elements. This determines the benefits and at the same time the harm of pistachios.

The benefits and harms of pistachios

The chemical composition and calorie content of pistachios

  1. Fruits include dietary fiber, fats, di- and monosaccharides, ash, protein, starch, water, carbohydrates, fiber.
  2. Most is given to fats, proteins and starch. Hence the calorie content of pistachios is so high - about 555 Kcal. with the calculation of 100 gr. product.
  3. Amino acids, which are part of pistachios, have a general strengthening effect. Separately, mention should be made about B vitamins (1, 2, 5, 6, 9), tocopherol, choline, nicotinic acid, and biotin.
  4. In a serving of pistachios 90 g. contains the daily norm of niacin and vitamin B1. These elements are necessary to maintain heart muscle and skin beauty. Moreover, ¼ part of the daily volume is given to biotin, tocopherol, vitamins B5-B6.
  5. However, if we talk about micro and macro elements, they are in excess in pistachios. Frequent consumption of fruits can harm the human body. Since 100 gr. fruits there is more than the daily norm of manganese, iron, silicon, vanadium than is permissible to use.
  6. It is worth mentioning valuable and rare elements: zinc, cobalt, boron, zirconium, strontium, potassium, molybdenum, and tin. Also in pistachios there is a lot of aluminum, nickel, selenium, copper, calcium, titanium. Do not forget about sodium, sulfur, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine.

The benefits of pistachios

  1. Vitamin E - Vitamin of this group refers to tocopherol. The element is responsible for preventing premature aging of the body, in particular skin tissue and muscle fibers. Vitamin E eliminates striae on the epidermis, smoothes fine wrinkles, and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Tocopherol fights pigment spots of any nature. In addition, the element is responsible for the normalization of blood pressure, the full functioning of the heart, and blood coagulation. It lowers blood sugar, which is especially valuable for people with diabetes.
  2. Pantothenic acid - is a vitamin B5, which is responsible for metabolism. The element accelerates metabolic processes, due to which other valuable substances are rapidly absorbed by the blood and spread throughout the body. In addition, pantothenic acid is responsible for the breakdown of fatty tissues and cholesterol plaques, and prevents thrombosis.
  3. Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin is responsible for the turgor of the skin, evens out the complexion of the face, strengthens hair follicles and contributes to the overall beauty of the human body. Vitamin B2 helps internal organs absorb food faster, receiving energy from it. Riboflavin normalizes the mental background of a person, combats the effects of stress, strengthens bone and muscle tissue.
  4. Vitamin PP - normalizes the hormonal background of men, women and adolescents. It takes an active part in the normalization of digestion, envelops the gastric walls and removes poisons from the intestines. Vitamin PP is used as an independent medicine, which is designed to remove harmful cholesterol from the blood. This quality is greatly appreciated by diabetics and obese people.
  5. Pyridoxine - inhibits jumps in blood glucose, therefore it is also appreciated by diabetics.Vitamin B6 improves brain activity, strengthens the ocular cornea and promotes the rapid assimilation of information received. Pyridoxine in combination with other elements of the B-group stabilizes heart rate, blood pressure and central nervous system (CNS) activity. Vitamin B6 is an excellent tool for the prevention of ischemia, heart attacks and strokes, atherosclerosis.
  6. Thiamine is vitamin B1, which takes part in the formation of muscle tissue and mental activity of all people. Most often, thiamine is prescribed for pregnant girls, elderly people, schoolchildren and students. The element increases efficiency, gives a person physical and moral stamina. Thiamine also helps to recover faster after heavy operations and protracted diseases. Like the whole group of vitamins B, the element is responsible for a good sleep, relieves mental fatigue, and fights with a depressive state.
  7. Folic acid - an element extremely useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers. If the fetus lacks vitamin B9, the baby may be born with congenital malformations. Folic acid improves hematopoietic function, boosts the immune system during the flu and colds, and cleanses the liver. Vitamin B9 has a great effect on digestion and prevents the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys.
  8. Lutein - useful for men to increase attraction to the opposite sex. It improves potency and sperm count, due to which the reproductive system is normalized. Pistachios are among the strongest aphrodisiacs. It is good for women to eat nuts to get rid of pain during menstruation.
  9. Fiber - in combination with vitamins, micro and macro elements of other groups, fiber prevents the formation of cancer cells. Regular use of pistachios is a great way to prevent cancer. In addition, the substance improves intestinal motility, reduces the level of bile, removes excess salts and fluid from the body.
  10. Proteins - without them it is impossible to build the bone tissue of a child. Elements fill the voids in the bones, form the skeleton, contribute to the rapid gain of muscle mass. For adults, proteins are useful because they fight fat deposits by removing them from the body.

The benefits and harms of pistachios for pregnant women

The benefits and harms of pistachios for pregnant women

  1. Doctors recommend pregnant women to review the familiar menu, and this is not surprising. The expectant mother must do everything to enrich the baby’s body with valuable enzymes.
  2. So, pistachios contain calcium and protein, elements strengthen the baby's bone tissue and contribute to the development of the skeleton. If you eat pistachios in moderation, you will free the liver from toxins, remove slag, stop the sand in the kidneys.
  3. In combination with unsaturated fatty acids, trace elements are responsible for the creation of the central nervous system of the fetus, as well as the heart muscle of a woman. It is easier for the expectant mother to cope with the stress, because amino acids purify the blood.
  4. The daily dose of pistachios is no more than 20 nuts. Otherwise, you run the risk of nausea and vomiting, dizziness, migraines. The abuse of pistachios in some cases causes premature birth.

The benefits and harms of pistachios for children

  1. Pistachios are among the strongest allergens, for this reason it is not recommended to give nuts to children under 5 years old. However, you can try to treat the child with one pistachio, starting from the age of three.
  2. Valuable minerals and vitamins are useful for children to get the right skeleton, muscle tissue, normal heart function.
  3. Nuts increase immunity, fight dysbiosis, remove helminths. Dosed use will clean up the psyche of the child and improve the absorption of information.

Harm of pistachios

  1. Nuts of this type can be harmful if you eat them fried.Heat-treated pistachios, seasoned with salt, lead to jumps in blood pressure, fluid stagnation in tissues, and problems with kidney activity.
  2. Pistachios are a strong allergen, so keep your daily dosage. It is not recommended to eat more than 30 gr. nuts a day. Otherwise, you will make breathing difficult and accelerate your heartbeat.
  3. If you wear dentures or have problems with your teeth, open the pistachios with your hands or with a hammer. So you protect the enamel and save the gums.

The benefits of pistachios are due to the impressive chemical list of elements. Nuts have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional background, heart, blood pressure, bone tissue, muscle fibers. Pistachios are good for people of all ages, the daily norm is 30 gr.

Video: what are pistachios good for

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