Health benefits and harms of red cabbage

Beloved by many generations, the garden lady has long been known not only in white dress. Such an original, but still not widespread, red cabbage. Its benefits and harms are not very well known among the general public. And completely in vain. Let's discuss it.

The benefits and harms of red cabbage

Useful properties of red cabbage

Red-violet leaves according to reviews contain much less juice than the white-haired ones familiar to everyone. But this does not detract from their merits in terms of benefits to the human body.

Did you know? That the content of vitamin C in red cabbage is 5 times greater than in its relative with white and green leaves. And due to its unique natural and biological properties, this vegetable preserves the vitamin much better than all other types of cabbage. That is, almost until a new crop, the chemical composition of the pulp and juice does not change.

The cosmetic richness of red cabbage is due to the high content of retinol (vitamin A) in the leaves. It is he who is more responsible for the condition of the skin and nails. It is enough to eat just a small bowl of salad of fresh purple leaves a day so that the nail plates stop flaking, and small wrinkles forget how you look.

By the way, freshly squeezed juice from the leaves is very good for rinsing dark hair. Not only does it give the hair a noble shade of mahogany, it also softens them while strengthening it.

Tip. Dress red cabbage salad with only vegetable oil (olive or sunflower). Because retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin. Without the addition of oils, it is not absorbed by the human body.

The health benefits of red cabbage are even greater. It is recommended to include it in the diet at least twice a week for:

  • excretion of heavy metals, toxins and toxins from the body.
  • increase the protective functions of the body and strengthen immunity
  • restore normal cholesterol
  • tuberculosis prevention
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and cleaning the circulatory system
  • normalization of blood pressure
  • for treating stomach ulcers and diseases of the respiratory system

What can I say, this vegetable is full of advantages. Therefore, pay close attention to red cabbage. Just do not abuse, because in addition to useful properties, the beauty has some

Harmful properties of red cabbage

Reddish-violet leaves contain a large amount of coarse natural fiber. It does not dissolve, is not completely digested. On the one hand, this is a good job for intestinal motility. On the other, hard work for a weakened gastrointestinal tract. For example, after a disease. Or in the presence of an open stomach ulcer.

Red cabbage is not recommended for children under 1.5 years of age. Because diathesis may occur. Remember that red fruits, berries and vegetables are not given to babies at all? For the same reason, we advise people with allergies not to risk their own health, and replace the purple beauty with more suitable vegetables.

And of course, the notorious individual intolerance. There is nothing to say. It is forbidden to eat and period.

Tip. Some sources recommend boiling or frying such cabbage for a prohibited category of people. We do not recommend it. Health troubles can happen.

Folk wisdom

From generation to generation, the fairy tale about the beneficial effect of cabbage on the growth of the female breast is passed on. And the people sacredly believe in this nonsense.Eats up salads and blanks from the garden lady, hoping for the best. Although the breast does not grow more than genetics tells. In this regard, a truly miraculous property is attributed to red cabbage. Say, it’s worth a month to put one sheet at a time to the chest at night and the main female wealth will increase as much as 3 sizes at least. Nonsense. A miracle will not happen.

Red cabbage

But if you eat red cabbage salads at least 2 times a week, then the muscle tissue will become much stronger. No, the breast itself will not increase. But then it does not hang ahead of time at the level of the knees.

Traditional medicine strongly recommends using freshly squeezed juice to treat various diseases of the stomach. In particular, ulcers and gastritis. There is no doubt the effect. But different sources give completely conflicting recommendations. Therefore, be sure to consult a competent specialist in order not to cause trouble in a rush of self-medication.

Did you know? What if you have a long feast with a plentiful libation of alcoholic drinks, then folk wisdom recommends pre-eating a plate of red cabbage salad. The fact is that a purple vegetable significantly neutralizes the effect of alcohol on the body.

By the way, the content of vegetable protein in the leaves of red cabbage is indecently high, so fresh vegetable salads have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, thyroid gland and kidneys. And this beauty also helps with anemia. It is thanks to her that the hematopoietic system begins to work like a clock.

Ever since ancient Rome, people knew about the beneficial effects of red cabbage juice on the human respiratory system. And even tried to treat them with tuberculosis. Scientific research on this topic has not been conducted, but the experience of our ancestors suggests combating cough in this way. That is, freshly squeezed juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions. And by the way, this mixture works akin to black radish juice. And all thanks to the characteristic sharpness in taste.

Another folk wisdom successfully applies recipes from cabbage with purple leaves to normalize the water-salt balance in the body. Thanks to this, a person stops suffering from high blood pressure. Just fresh leaves have a diuretic effect. By the way, which is very useful for various edema or the presence of excess fluid in the body.

Compresses from crushed fresh leaves help to quickly get rid of bruises, cuts and abrasions. And while the juice does not pinch! Therefore, parents, take note of this information.

Interesting. Each source considers it his duty to convey to the reader the supposedly special love of a famous mathematician and philosopher for red cabbage. It’s just not clear what is the value of this information? And who needs it?

Cabbage with purple leaves is very much appreciated by fans of various diets. The fact is that she is a champion by calorie content. Only on the other hand. That is, it is actively used for nutrition during weight loss. The minimum possible number of calories + fast saturation + long work of the intestines + proper physical activity = competent weight loss without any harm to health and chemicals.

Popular rumor says that a large number of antioxidants in red cabbage allows people suffering from the effects of radiation to include it in the menu. No, of course, blue cabbage is not a panacea or a cure for radiation. But in combination with competent therapy, even traditional medicine recognized that there is an undoubted effect.

Now you are quite savvy and you know why red cabbage is so good. Its benefits and harms are not a secret either. Plant, grow, eat this ruddy beauty. And don't be sick.

Video: red cabbage salad

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