The benefits and harms of passion fruit for the health of the body

Passion fruit is a tropical fruit that has come to the shelves of our stores relatively recently, but has already managed to gain recognition from gourmets and simply lovers of exoticism. And this is no accident, because all components, except the peel, have a number of healthy properties and are used in food.

The benefits and harms of passion fruit

How to choose the passion fruit in the store

You can count on the beneficial properties of passion fruit only if the fruits in the store are selected correctly.

The fruit may have a spherical or oblong shape. Depending on what species it belongs to, the fetus can be from bright yellow to dark purple in color.

The fact that passion fruit is ripe can be found by the following signs: the fruits will be large, slightly soft, the skin is wrinkled with cracks. Such a product will be the most delicious and sweet. It is necessary to store fruits in the refrigerator and not more than 7 days.

Slightly immature fruits with smooth skin can also be acquired. In this case, they need to be put in a paper bag and left for several days, giving them the opportunity to ripen.

If passion fruit is high-quality, then a small-sized product should be heavy.

Important! The light fetus will have a dried core, about any juiciness in this case we are not talking. Such fruits are not worth buying.

Judging the quality of the product by smell does not work, since passion fruit has a dense thick peel that does not let the smell pass.

The beneficial properties of passion fruit

In those countries where passion fruit grows, it is used not only for food, as a juicy and tasty fruit. This product is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for combating certain diseases and as a means that can strengthen and restore health.

The leaves and seeds of passion fruit have been widely used in the preparation of many medicines.

In pure fresh pulp, a whole range of useful substances that can have the following effects on the human body:

  1. Rid of cramping and pain in the stomach, is endowed with a slight laxative effect, can normalize the functioning of the digestive canal.
  2. To have a strengthening effect on the immune system, contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after diseases.
  3. Normalizes the functioning of the liver, kidneys, urinary organs.
  4. Helps to eliminate harmful components from the body.
  5. It has the ability to remove heat.
  6. Relieves pain in muscles and joints.
  7. Normalizes pressure, which is very important for patients suffering from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. It has a positive effect on the vascular system.
  9. Thanks to the flavonoids and beta-carotene present in the pulp, you can count on the fact that vision will remain.
  10. Passion fruit juice is tasty and enjoyable. It tones well. But it is advisable to mix this product with other juices before use because of its strong concentration.

A valuable substance is obtained from the fruits of an exotic fruit - a fatty oil, in which there are esters, acids, vitamins C, E, etc. This oil is obtained by manual pressing of seeds, the resulting volume is very small, because of this, such a product is especially appreciated. Such oil is used in cosmetology. Due to the content of antioxidants, this component is included in the composition of anti-aging compositions, funds that fight problematic oily skin.

Fruit seeds have a calming and hypnotic effect. It is enough to eat only one fruit in the evening to get a good night's sleep. Passion fruit seeds are an excellent remedy combating depression, nervous strain.

The use of passion fruit in cosmetology

Passion fruit oil is widely used in cosmetology. Today, store and salon counters abound in products (shampoos, conditioners, creams) with the content of this component.

The use of passion fruit in cosmetology

If desired, you can add yourself a little such oil to your cosmetics.

Passion fruit oil has the following effects:

  • stimulates blood flow, as a result of which there is a process of cell regeneration, their renewal;
  • restores the lipid layer, makes the skin smooth, gives it elasticity and firmness;
  • It has a calming effect on irritated skin, relieves swelling and redness;
  • controls the formation of subcutaneous fat;
  • nourishes dry skin, eliminates the problem of peeling;
  • able to heal, therefore recommended for eczema, psoriasis.

One of the most popular and effective skin mask recipes is prepared as follows:

  1. Passion fruit, in an amount of 50 gr. mixes with 1 table. a spoonful of sour cream (cream is also suitable). 1 teaspoon is added to this mixture. a spoonful of honey and a few drops of peach oil.
  2. Mix 1 table thoroughly. a spoonful of passion fruit pulp, the same amount of starch, 1 teaspoon. spoon of juice squeezed from lemon and 1 egg yolk.

Any of these masks is applied to the face, which is previously recommended to be cleaned, after 30 minutes washed off with warm water.

The compositions made with the addition of passion fruit are also very useful for curls. They have a strengthening effect on the root system, enhance growth, stop loss. After a month of using such a tool, hair will delight you with health, density, shine and elasticity.

To get a healing mask, you need to combine 100 grams of exotic fruit pulp with 3 slot. tablespoons of cream, 1 table. spoon burdock and olive oil. After thoroughly mixing all the components, the resulting mixture is applied to the head and covered with a cap of polyethylene. After 30 minutes, the composition is washed off with lukewarm water using shampoo. Such a mask should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days, applied in a day.

Passion fruit harm

There are no specific contraindications to the consumption of passion fruit. It is capable of negatively affecting the body only if it is consumed in unlimited quantities.

Passion fruit harm

If the fruit is present in the diet in large quantities, people who are prone to such reactions can earn an allergy.

Children should also not be given a lot of this fruit, especially for the first time.

The exotic fruit is an excellent sleeping pill, so before starting an active work or going on a trip by car it is better to exclude it from the diet.

Recommendations for use

It is best to eat about 100 grams of passion fruit per day. As a rule, this is done in the traditional way: the fruit is cut into two parts and the juicy pulp is eaten with a spoon. If desired, you can eat the seeds, but you need to remember that it is in them that a strong sleeping pill is contained.

You can make fragrant juice from the fruit, which will become especially tasty if mixed with orange.

Passion fruit can be used as a complement to cocktails, yogurts, ice cream and other desserts. Also, this fruit is often one of the components of salads, mousses and sauces.

Bright and juicy overseas passion fruit has a wonderful taste and aroma. Due to the wide range of beneficial properties, this fruit is used for the production of sedative medications. In traditional medicine and cosmetology, it is also actively used.

Video: how to eat passion fruit

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