The benefits and harms of almonds for women and men

Today, there are several varieties of almonds - bitter and sweet. The second type is often used in confectionery, and vegetable oil is prepared from bitter nuts. Almonds are not recommended to be used in raw form due to the large accumulation of toxic substances. For this reason, nuts are first thermally processed, then eaten. To extract all the benefits from the product, you must have sufficient knowledge regarding the composition and its effect on the body.

The benefits and harms of almonds

Chemical composition

  1. Almonds are rich in ash, natural water, dietary fiber (in particular fiber), protein and carbohydrates. It contains the entire group of vitamins B, niacin, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, beta-carotene, vitamin PP.
  2. From trace elements emit selenium, copper, iron. Also, it is impossible not to mention iodine, copper, manganese, fluorine, zinc. As for macronutrients, nuts contain chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium.
  3. Easily digestible carbohydrates (dextrins, starch, di- and monosaccharides) complete the list. Of the essential amino acids, cysteine, lysine, proline, isoleucine, tyrosine, serine, methionine, glycine are isolated.
  4. Almonds contain a lot of sitosterol, omega acids (3 and 6), saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, palmitic). For unsaturated acids, linolenic, palmitoleic, linoleic and oleic acids are included in nuts.

Calorie content

  1. The composition of nuts contains vegetable protein, which greatly raises the energy value of almonds. Poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, water- and fat-soluble vitamins raise the caloric value by a decent amount. Despite this, almonds are one of the healthy nuts.
  2. On 100 gr. composition accounts for about 580 Kcal. This indicator does not prevent almonds from being included in the diet menu. An advantage is that the nut has a fat-burning effect, it removes harmful compounds from the body and breaks down cholesterol plaques.
  3. Almonds are a low glycemic index product. It is often introduced into the diet of patients with diabetes and the first stages of obesity. Walnut prevents diseases and maintains blood sugar levels.

The benefits of almonds

  1. A large concentration of omega acids is concentrated in nuts, thanks to which almonds prevent heart and vascular diseases. Plant-based flavonoids combined with vitamin E are serious healing components of atherosclerosis and obesity.
  2. Retinol and B-group vitamins have an auxiliary effect in the fight against benign and malignant tumors. By eating almonds daily, you block the flow of blood to the cancer cells, thereby reducing neoplasm.
  3. Nuts of all kinds (in particular almonds) have a beneficial effect on the brain. The product promotes better digestibility of information, improves memory, helps to concentrate. Riboflavin in combination with carnitine soothe the nervous system and stop the risk of developing senile dementia.
  4. Regular consumption of nuts allows you to normalize the emotional background of a person and support the psyche on a "positive wave". As a result, people find it easier to deal with stress. Also, a metered dose of almonds tidies up sleep, helps to restore vision faster.
  5. Despite the high calorie content, almonds allow you to lose weight. Monounsaturated acids in combination with fiber suppress sharply raging hunger and maintain saturation for a long time.In this case, amino acids and antioxidants remove cholesterol and break down fatty plaques.
  6. The accumulation of ash and water is responsible for the water, alkaline balances. By using nuts, you will get rid of swelling of the extremities, remove salts from urine, and prevent the deposition of sand (stones) in the kidneys and bladder.
  7. Almonds control the absorption of carbohydrates, in particular glucose, by blood. As a result, diabetes is prevented and an existing disease is treated. At the same time, nuts contribute to the production of their own insulin, which is good news.
  8. To ensure full protection of tooth enamel, fill in the voids in the bone tissue, build muscle faster, you need to consume almonds in combination with other products. Suitable fish, meat, herbs, berries and cereals.
  9. Nuts are responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Almonds remove toxins from the body, sucks out poisons, is involved in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Fiber speeds up metabolic processes and increases blood flow to the digestive system.
  10. Almonds are used to eliminate parasitic worms from the body. The anthelmintic product is useful for adults and children. Just shaving nuts per day will help maintain intestinal microflora at the optimum level.
  11. It is difficult not to mention the benefits of almonds for skin and hair. Many girls not only take the nut inside, but also prepare scrubs, masks, serums on its basis. Especially valuable is almond oil, which lubricates the damaged areas of the epidermis and scalp.
  12. Almonds support the immune system during the spread of acute respiratory infections, influenza, tonsillitis, SARS. If you start prophylaxis in advance, you will protect yourself from infection and give your body vitality.

Almond benefits for women

Almond benefits for women

  1. Folic acid contained in almonds contributes to the correct course of pregnancy. It prevents premature birth and reduces the likelihood of birth defects in the fetus.
  2. Periodic consumption of nuts relieves muscle cramps during menstruation, eliminates lower back pain. Almonds also establish the regularity of menstruation and control the abundance of secretions.
  3. Almond oil is widely used as a base for skin masks. The composition removes dirt from the pores, smoothes wrinkles, removes nasolabial folds and combats premature aging of the epidermis.
  4. Almond oil effectively copes with any hair problems. So, masks based on it stop alopecia (male, female), accelerate growth, fight dandruff and dryness.
  5. Incoming magnesium contributes to the proper functioning of the central nervous system. Almonds help girls recover faster after stress, and cheer up.
  6. Nuts remove excess water from the body. This quality is very appreciated by people suffering from constant swelling of the limbs. Also, the product does not allow salts to accumulate in the urine.

The benefits of almonds for weight loss

  1. Vegetable fats, which are part of the product, occupy a quarter of the total volume. They are extremely difficult to digest in the human body, so a significant amount of calories is spent. The use of energy accelerates all metabolic processes, so fat deposits are broken down.
  2. Dietary fiber, especially fiber, combines with the right proteins and complex carbohydrates. Due to this, fast saturation and slow assimilation occurs. A snack in the amount of one handful can save from a sharp hunger.
  3. The slow absorption of valuable elements by the blood in the almonds allows you to control sudden surges in glucose. As a result, the release of insulin is carried out systematically. Weight loss is gradual due to increased tissue sensitivity to this hormone.
  4. Antioxidants remove toxic compounds that cause inflammation while in the body.Due to the harmful decay products, weight loss is slow. Elements also eliminate slagging and frequent constipation. Only harmful compounds leave the body, and all valuable enzymes remain.

The benefits of almonds for pregnant and lactating women

  1. Pregnant girls often suffer from digestive upsets. Fiber included in the almonds relieves constipation and possible diarrhea, normalizes the stool as a whole.
  2. A large accumulation of vitamins in combination with proteins and carbohydrates forms the skeleton of the unborn baby. Vitamins of different groups are responsible for the psycho-emotional state of the mother, eliminate possible mood swings and anxiety.
  3. Tocopherol eliminates the risk of uterine contractions and, as a result, premature birth, miscarriage. Incoming antioxidants are responsible for a full sleep.
  4. The iron in the almonds prevents the risk of anemia in the mother and baby. Due to the increase in blood flow, hemoglobin production increases, headaches and vomiting disappear with toxicosis.
  5. Almonds concentrate various acids that the body needs to maintain the course of pregnancy. They are responsible for the formation of the placenta, regenerate tissue at the cellular level, have choleretic actions.
  6. Ladies who are breastfeeding often experience a breakdown. Only 1 handful of almonds will give vitality and restore the body after a hard day.
  7. Nuts exclude the possible appearance of bitterness in milk, make it nutritious and thick. Almonds reduce the likelihood of developing postpartum depression, replacing chocolate, which is forbidden during breastfeeding.

Almond Harm

Almond Harm

  1. Contraindications include poor motility of the stomach, disorders in the central nervous system, ailments and possible deviations of the heart muscle.
  2. Almonds are among the strongest allergens. Abuse of the product will only harm a person. The first acquaintance with the nut should begin with small portions of 5-7 pieces.
  3. It is forbidden to eat a product to people who suffer from high excitability.
  4. If you overeat, you will experience vomiting, severe dizziness, and other symptoms similar to drug intoxication.
  5. People who are overweight should be dosed daily intake of almonds. Due to the high calorie content, abuse of nuts will lead to weight gain.
  6. Fiber and other dietary fiber, which are concentrated in large quantities in almonds, are difficult to absorb by the body. In view of this, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur.
  7. It is important to remember forever that only heat-treated almonds are taken as food. Raw nuts contain a ton of toxic compounds that cause poisoning.

Almonds are often used to normalize stool, stable heart muscle function, and the full functioning of the central nervous system. The nut is consumed by pregnant and lactating girls who suffer from swelling of the extremities and postpartum depression. Almonds are also useful for men, it increases potency and enhances sperm burning.

Video: the benefits of almonds

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