The benefits and harms of rabbit meat for the body

Everyone knows that rabbit meat is considered the most delicious, healthy and dietary. Indeed, meat practically does not contain fats, but it contains a lot of easily digestible protein, which is necessary for the body to work. Rabbit meat does not accumulate harmful substances, it is safe even for the first feeding of the baby. Dietary rabbit meat is recommended in hospitals - it is very easy, the rehabilitation process is much faster. In this article we will talk about the beneficial properties of rabbit meat, learn about contraindications to this product and learn how to cook it in such a way as to preserve the entire palette of useful elements.

The benefits and harms of rabbit meat

Useful properties of rabbit meat

The composition of meat is very diverse. It contains a huge amount of protein, the rabbit has almost no carbohydrates and very little fat. Rabbit meat contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, it contains vitamins A, PP, E, C. In addition, the meat has a lot of B vitamins - B1, B2, B4, B6, B9, B12. In rabbit meat there are valuable trace elements - magnesium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, etc. With such a high nutritional value, the calorie content of the product is quite low - about 150 kcal per 100 grams of product. How does the rabbit affect the human body, try to figure it out.

Everyone knows that protein is a necessary element for muscle formation. Therefore, protein products form the basis of nutrition for athletes, and especially bodybuilders. Studies have shown that rabbit meat is really perfectly absorbed - more than 90% of the protein enters the body. For comparison, protein from milk is absorbed by 83%, from fish by 70%, and protein from red meat is absorbed by only 65%. All this makes rabbit meat an indispensable product for fast muscle building.

Rabbit meat is good for people who watch their figure. That is, with high nutritional value and a large amount of protein, we get a low-calorie product without fat.

Surprisingly, the rabbit does not retain strontium in the body until the age of seven months, which can form after the breakdown of pesticides in vegetables. In other cases, rabbit meat is recommended for cancer patients in order to eliminate the additional effects of radiation through food.

The rabbit is considered the most gentle, safe and easy meat, it favorably affects the stomach and intestines, this meat is recommended for patients with gastrointestinal tract disease. Eating meat does not threaten flatulence, bloating or indigestion, it can be eaten without fear after surgery (the intestines will not cause additional worries).

Many women in the first months of breastfeeding follow a special diet that protects the baby from colic and abdominal pain. So, rabbit meat in this diet is unconditionally permissible - it contains many vitamins, but does not cause fermentation and the intestines.

Rabbit meat almost never causes allergies, so it is used in the first feeding for babies. The hypoallergenic properties of internal rabbit fat allow it to be used as the basis for decorative cosmetics.

Rabbit is beneficial for diabetics - it lowers blood glucose.

Rabbit meat has a beneficial effect on the body, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins. Meat is recommended for allergy sufferers - with regular consumption of this product, an allergy to other irritants will become much less pronounced.

B vitamins ensure the normal functioning of the metabolism, improve the functioning of the human nervous system. Due to this, the quality of sleep improves, stress and depression gradually pass.

Phosphorus and calcium, which are contained in meat, have a beneficial effect on the bone system, hair, nails and teeth.

Everyone knows that with gout, meat is contraindicated, but this does not apply to rabbit meat. Rabbit meat contains a minimal amount of purine bases, which means that the product does not retain uric acid salts. In a small amount, a rabbit is acceptable for gout.

Potassium in meat makes the product incredibly good for the heart, it improves the elasticity of blood vessels. There is no cholesterol in rabbit meat, moreover, it helps to remove cholesterol plaques and is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis.

The beneficial properties of rabbit meat indicate that it must certainly be included in your diet at least once a week. When buying rabbit meat, pay attention to the meat - it should be a uniform light pink color. The meat should not be weathered or fatty; it should not have any hair or hair. It is better to choose small carcasses - not more than one and a half kilograms, the meat of adults is more rigid. If you buy frozen rabbit meat, pay attention to the fact that there should be little ice, not more than 5% of the total mass of the product.

Contraindications to the use of rabbit meat

Despite the fact that the product is considered one of the safest and most beneficial, rabbit meat also has a number of contraindications. Remember that with gout, rabbit meat is acceptable, but in small quantities - no more than 150 grams per day. With an excess of meat can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. To reduce the amount of purine bases and make meat safer for patients with gout, it must be boiled in several waters, that is, the broth should be drained after boiling 2-3 times.

Contraindications to the use of rabbit meat

In addition, rabbit meat cannot be digested, otherwise hydrocyanic acid is formed in the muscle tissue, which reduces the acidity of the environment in the body. This can be harmful, especially for diseases like arthritis or psoriasis. Otherwise, meat can be considered useful and quite safe. It is better to buy carcasses from trusted breeders who grow animals in ecologically clean areas - away from megacities, industrial plants, etc. Indeed, the quality of meat largely depends on the nutrition of the animal.

To make the product as useful and safe as possible, it should be properly prepared. We have already noted that it is better to cook a rabbit in several waters, especially if the food is intended for children, the elderly, pregnant women, hospital patients, etc. In addition to the incredible benefits, rabbit meat has a deep rich taste. The meat is baked, steamed, fried, made from meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, minced meat, pate, stew, soup, boiled meat are added to salads and snacks. Rabbit meat not only pleases with its taste, but also amazes with the soft texture of meat. The rabbit goes well with vegetables, cereals and various sauces.

Breeding rabbits is a pleasure. They are very prolific and grow rapidly, which provides breeders with a good profit. Rabbit meat can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. For long-term storage, the cut carcass is better to put in the freezer. The rabbit is appreciated not only for its delicious and dietary meat, the wool and down of the animal, its internal fat and even manure, from which valuable fertilizers are made, are put up for sale. Therefore, breeding rabbits is considered quite a profitable business. Eat rabbit meat, because its benefits are undeniable!

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