Health benefits of asparagus

Asparagus, or asparagus, is a perennial herbaceous (rarely shrub) plant belonging to the asparagus family. The plant is cultivated everywhere, today there are about 100 species of asparagus. Among all the available diversity, there are also inedible specimens, so asparagus must be chosen correctly. As the plant is gaining popularity, many are wondering about the benefits and harms of asparagus.

The benefits and harms of asparagus

The composition, calorie content and value of elements

On 100 gr. Asparagus accounts for 21 to 33 Kcal., The final value varies depending on the variety of culture. Most of the asparagus is water, it is allocated 92.6 g. In asparagus, there are proteins (about 2 g.), Carbohydrates (3 g.), Plant fibers, fats, ash, organic acids. The plant includes a lot of trace elements and just one macroelement - iron.

Incoming elements, their benefits

Phosphorus - improves the digestive system, stops the fermentation of food in the intestines, fights flatulence and other disorders of this type. The element is responsible for physical activity and mental abilities. Phosphorus transforms carbohydrates obtained from food into energy, not allowing them to be deposited in the form of plaques on the vascular walls.

Calcium - is responsible for the correct formation of the skeleton. The substance strengthens bones and fills microcracks (holes) in their structure. The element is responsible for the peripheral nervous system. Calcium strengthens teeth, nails, hair. However, if you overestimate the dosage, you can get toxic calcium poisoning.

Potassium - a substance contributes to the smooth functioning of the brain, improves memory and visual perception, increases concentration. Potassium is necessary for humans to control the activity of the heart and vascular system. The trace element frees the liver from harmful decay products, prevents the deposition of stones and sand in the kidneys. It is useful for pregnant women to eat asparagus to prevent congenital defects of the central nervous system in the fetus.

Magnesium - an element is vital because it controls tissue regeneration at the cellular level. Magnesium tightens the membranes of the blood channels, accelerates the production of red blood cells, and boosts immunity. As a result of regular consumption of asparagus, the body's resistance to viruses increases.

Sodium - the content of this substance in the human body reaches 0.85% of the total body weight. An element is necessary for the correct functioning of internal organs and systems. Sodium deficiency leads to frequent headaches and migraines, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, decreased sensitivity of taste and olfactory receptors.

Iron is the only macronutrient that reduces the risk of developing anemia (anemia) in children and adults. Iron is an essential component of blood cells. If you eat asparagus daily, you will accelerate all metabolic processes in the body and will provide excellent prevention of breast, lung, and brain cancer.

Incoming vitamins, their benefits

Tocopherol is a vitamin E that takes part in the activity of the thymus gland. Tocopherol forms cells of the immune system, and is also a natural antioxidant. Vitamin E increases blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, takes part in the prevention of malignant tumors. The antioxidant removes toxic compounds from the liver, cleanses the kidneys due to a mild diuretic effect.

Ascorbic acid is vitamin C, which directly affects human immunity.Ascorbic acid increases the protective functions of the body, increasing resistance to influenza and vitamin deficiency. Only 2 stalks of asparagus can make up for the lack of this vitamin for 5 days in advance. Also ascorbic evens out the tone and relief of the face, eliminates hair loss and dandruff.

Carodinoids - Beta-carotene, which is responsible for human vision, is considered an ardent representative. The element is needed to strengthen the eye muscles and retina. Carotenoids prevent the occurrence of cataracts, moisten the eyeball (useful for people working for PC). Enzymes also increase blood flow to the cells, promote muscle building and weight loss. Beta-carotene does not allow free radicals to be deposited, destroying them.

Retinol - Vitamin A, which fights for the beauty of hair, nails, skin. Retinol accelerates the production of collagen fibers and elastin, thereby improving the condition of the dermis. Vitamin A smoothes wrinkles, removes earthy skin tone. The element fights against dandruff and alopecia, prevents the occurrence of seborrhea and other similar ailments.

Niacin - Vitamin PP has the ability to dilate blood vessels in the brain and, as a result, reduce blood pressure and headaches. Niacin is actively involved in the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness and joy. When nicotinic acid enters the bloodstream, mood and “fighting spirit” rise.

Riboflavin - forms red blood cells, is responsible for the synthesis of DNA, improves the functioning of the eye muscles and overall acuity. Vitamin B2 enhances the female and male reproductive function, so asparagus must be consumed for problems with conception.

Thiamine - Vitamin B1, which has an antioxidant effect. Thiamine removes toxins and poisons from the cavity of internal organs, frees the body from free radicals. Thiamine is used in the preparation of drugs for cancer, because it blocks the access of blood to malignant tumors. Vitamin B1 deficiency leads to excessive excitability, insomnia, impaired perception, memory loss, numbness of the arms and legs.

The benefits of asparagus

The benefits of asparagus

  1. Iron in combination with magnesium is responsible for the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Girls need to eat asparagus to make up for the lack of substances during menstruation.
  2. Nicotinic acid, which is part of the composition, reduces the likelihood of clogging of blood vessels. This quality allows the prevention of atherosclerosis, as well as reduce the discomfort during varicose veins.
  3. Asparagus reduces blood pressure, dilutes blood and relieves muscle cramps. Asparagus helps to recover quickly after training, as when taking amino acids.
  4. The value of asparagus is also seen in the digestive system. Asparagus gently cleanses the intestinal tract, removes even heavy waste, toxic substances. Dietary and plant fibers cleanse the liver of harmful decay products.
  5. Vitamin PP normalizes the central nervous system. As a result of systematic consumption, resistance to stress increases, insomnia decreases, and the psychoemotional background as a whole normalizes.
  6. Asparagus favorably affects the sensory system. Incoming retinol increases visual acuity and strengthens the retina, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
  7. It is good to eat asparagus for respiratory diseases. Asparagus helps to remove mucus from the bronchi, cleanses the lungs of tar (valuable for smokers). Similar properties are due to saponin entering the vegetable.
  8. Asparagus contains very few carbohydrates, which is why the plant is widely used in creating a menu for diabetics. As a result of frequent use, sudden surges in sugar are eliminated.
  9. Ascorbic acid in combination with vitamin A and beta-carotene increase the protective functions of the body. As a result, a person can more easily tolerate vitamin deficiency in the off-season and periods of acute respiratory viral infections.
  10. Asparagus must be consumed by dieters. Low calories and a mild laxative effect help cleanse the body and break down fatty plaques.
  11. The vegetable is considered a natural aphrodisiac, resulting in increased sexual activity in men and women. Asparagus makes a person attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, and also improves blood flow to the pelvic organs.
  12. Calcium in combination with phosphorus and iron increase the strength of bone tissues, contribute to the rapid gain of muscle mass. The listed macro- and microelements have a beneficial effect on the heart.

Harmful Asparagus

Despite the positive qualities described above, asparagus can harm the human body.

  1. Asparagus contains a lot of sulfur, which accumulates in the body and leaves in place with sweat through the glands. As a result of this, the body begins to smell not very pleasant. However, this quality does not prevent the inhabitants of Europe from enjoying asparagus.
  2. Asparagus should not be consumed by individuals who have a periodic allergy or complete individual intolerance to this plant.
  3. It is worth refusing to take a vegetable by people with ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, cystitis, rheumatism of the joints, prostatitis, gastritis. If you are not aware of your illnesses, go through an examination in advance.
  4. To bring the body only benefits, choose high-quality shoots. They must be hard to the touch without obvious signs of seeds and dried edges.

Asparagus will benefit your body if cooked properly. You can flush the product for a few minutes or bake asparagus in the oven. Some housewives prefer to cook shoots, it all depends on personal preferences. The main thing is to avoid contraindications before use.

Video: Asparagus Benefits

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