The benefits and harms of persimmons for the human body

Persimmon is successfully cultivated in Europe, in particular Italy and Spain. It is grown in Bulgaria, Armenia and Russia. Persimmon belongs to the Ebony family, the fruits have an astringent taste and fleshy flesh. This is precisely the distinguishing feature of fruits from other plant species.

The benefits and harms of persimmons

Chemical composition

Persimmon is distinguished by its dietary composition, per 100 g. fruits account for no more than 66 kcal. With all this 15.2 gr. carbohydrates, 0.38 gr. given to fats, 0.5 g. - squirrels.

If we talk about the list of valuable elements, it is necessary to highlight tocopherol, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, retinol. Also in the composition there is a B-group (B1-2, B6), vitamin R.

Persimmon includes phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, sodium, beta-carotene. The list will be incomplete if you do not mention dietary fiber and starch.

Persimmon contains a decent amount of natural saccharides, which practically do not affect the health of diabetics and people with obesity. Due to the low calorie content and other components that suppress glucose, these groups of people can consume overseas fruits. Naturally, within reason.

The benefits of persimmons

  1. For heart. The value of fruits is due to their positive effect on the activity of the vascular system and heart. Cardiologists unanimously say that you need to use persimmon for 1 pc. daily. In this way, possible deviations can be prevented, namely coronary disease, stroke, heart attack. The trace elements that make up the heart muscle do not allow wear.
  2. For eyes. Vitamin A, or retinol, which is found in persimmons, is responsible for the eyes. Products with this element must be eaten by people with low vision, as well as those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel and a computer. Retinol promotes the production of a natural tear that moisturizes the orbit. Vitamin A also develops the eye muscles, strengthening vision.
  3. For the oral cavity. Calcium in combination with vitamins and beta-carotene forms bone tissue and teeth. Regular consumption of persimmons will prevent bleeding of the gums, the formation of caries and other oral problems. In this case, the fruits perfectly prevent and treat scurvy, stomatitis.
  4. For the digestive system. Fiber and dietary fiber are responsible for the proper functioning of the duodenum and other digestive organs. Systematic consumption of persimmons relieves a person of parasitic worms, removes old waste from the intestines, and fights against stool disorders. Pectin has bactericidal properties, it destroys staphylococcus and other Escherichia coli.
  5. For the endocrine system. People with thyroid disease have a huge iodine deficiency. Persimmon includes this element, which is rapidly absorbed by the blood and spreads throughout the body. Hence, the prevention of the activity of the entire endocrine system is carried out, the thyroid gland normalizes.
  6. For the urinary system. Overseas fruits are rich in magnesium and potassium. Elements serve to maintain the functioning of the genitourinary and excretory systems. If you take persimmons daily, the risk of developing stones and sand in the kidneys is reduced, salts are removed from urine, and swelling of the extremities is eliminated. A lack of magnesium leads to general dehydration and investigative problems.
  7. For the nervous system. As mentioned earlier, persimmon contains many B vitamins, which are responsible for the production of hormones of happiness. If you eat 2 pcs. per day, you forget about the bad mood and increase the "morale" by an order of magnitude.In addition, the fruits help to cope with the effects of stress and prevent possible nervous disorders in the future. Most often, doctors prescribe persimmons to their colleagues, the military, teachers and other patients who regularly experience stress.
  8. For the immune system. The content of ascorbic acid in persimmons allows a person to be in good shape during the spread of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other viral infections. Fruits increase the protective functions of the body, help to remove mucus from the bronchi, stop the early development of pneumonia (pneumonia). Often persimmon juice is used as a means of gargling to eliminate redness and pain.
  9. For the circulatory system. The modern rhythm of life leads many people to the fact that they begin to develop anemia. By an illness is meant anemia, lack of iron. If you start the process, the person will often experience dizziness, apathy and lethargy. Persimmon perfectly cleanses the blood, dilutes it, promotes the production of new bodies (red blood cells), accelerates circulation and enriches tissues with oxygen. As a result of this, all metabolic processes increase, immunity strengthens, arterial and venous pressure stabilizes.
  10. For the vascular system. The vitamins P, SS, PP included in persimmons are responsible for the elasticity of the vascular walls, their impermeability and sufficient oxygen supply. For this reason, it is useful to eat persimmons for people who have varicose veins, signs of rosacea, and other manifestations of weak vessels. Fruits do not allow blood to stagnate, increasing its outflow.

The use of persimmons for women

The use of persimmons for women

  1. The use of persimmons can alleviate the symptoms of menopause, stabilize the level of hormones, reduce the number of hot flashes. During menopause, a woman feels irritated and depressed, persimmon eliminates negative thoughts.
  2. The fruits relieve painful cramps in the abdomen and lower back during menstruation. Persimmon controls the abundance of secretions, maintains hemoglobin at the required level and ensures regularity of menstruation.
  3. Women are prone to hypotension and heart disease. Daily consumption of fruits reduces the risks of diseases of the main muscle, stabilizes blood pressure.
  4. Persimmon is used by female doctors to combat infertility and other gynecological problems.
  5. It is useful to eat fruits for ladies who seek to lose weight or maintain weight at the right level.
  6. For cosmetic purposes, persimmons are used to treat massive hair loss, exfoliated nails. It is enough to chop the pulp, then put on the problem area and wait 1 hour.

The benefits of persimmons for men

  1. Persimmon prevents diseases of the prostate gland. It gives "strength" to the male half of humanity, improving potency. The product is able to increase sperm count and normalize reproductive function.
  2. Retinol is responsible for the production of sperm and is actively involved in the synthesis of hormones. Vitamin A prevents the development of possible pathologies of the male reproductive system.
  3. Not many people know that prostate adenoma develops due to the increased hormone prolactin. Persimmon is able to reduce the synthesis of the enzyme, stopping a possible ailment on the vine.
  4. Vitamin C strengthens the immunity of a man, allows the body to tolerate hard physical and mental work.
  5. In combination with the listed valuable qualities, moderate consumption of fruits will lead to stabilization of blood pressure, increase efficiency, eliminate pathologies of the heart muscle and vascular system.

The use of persimmons for pregnant women

  1. Pregnant girls should not take many medications, since drugs often harm the fetus. But what to do during the spread of influenza and SARS, the off-season? Persimmon helps to strengthen the immune system and resist viruses.It is rich in vitamin C, which is considered a natural immunostimulant.
  2. Vitamin A is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, therefore, after childbirth, mom may not be afraid of the appearance of stretch marks on her hips and stomach. Beta-carotene will prevent severe hair loss after the baby is born.
  3. Incoming amino acids reduce the likelihood of sand formation in the kidneys, remove uterine cramps, fight cramps and swelling of the limbs.

The benefits and harms of persimmons for children

The benefits and harms of persimmons for children

  1. The digestive tract of a child under the age of 3 years is partially formed. From this it should be concluded that until the specified time you can not treat the baby with persimmon. Otherwise, you will experience flatulence, upset stools, ailments of the stomach and rectum.
  2. After the onset of 3 years, begin to smoothly introduce the fruits into the diet of your child. The dosage rises gradually, the initial amount is 1-2 cloves. If there is no allergy, diarrhea or constipation, increase the volume to 1/3 of the fetus per day.
  3. The most optimal age for eating persimmons is considered an indicator of 8-10 years. It all depends on the "strength" of the body of a small person. At this age, you can eat 1-2 persimmons daily.
  4. Dosed fruit intake will increase the child's working capacity and stress resistance. Persimmon is responsible for the correct blood formation, so eating fruits will reduce the risk of anemia.
  5. The fruit strengthens the eye muscles and improves vision for many years to come. Persimmon forms bone tissue and strengthens muscle fibers, develops flexibility.
  6. The full composition of vitamins, beneficial elements and dietary fiber nourishes the body with everything necessary. The child will develop taking into account age.
  7. You can benefit from raw and thermally processed persimmons. The first option is preferable, because after baking (cooking, preservation), some of the elements are destroyed.

Persimmon Harm

  1. Persimmon is rich in saccharides, tannin, dietary fiber. These elements imply the observance of certain rules associated with the use of persimmons.
  2. So, the intake of fruits is carried out with caution in diabetes, under the age of 3 years, a tendency to obesity.
  3. If we talk about contraindications, it is categorically not recommended to eat fruit in the period after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract. Rehabilitation involves following a special diet, the violation of which will lead to the formation of adhesions and bowel obstruction.
  4. If you have obesity in the penultimate or last stage, exclude persimmons from the diet at all. Of course, you can consult a doctor to get permission for dosed consumption.
  5. People with pancreatitis should limit the use of persimmons at a time when the disease begins to worsen. Further consumption is carried out under the supervision of a treating specialist.

Persimmon reads about 300 species, the taste of which varies from bitter to sugary-sweet. To enjoy all the qualities of a fruit, you must have knowledge regarding its benefits and harms to the human body.

Video: health benefits of persimmons

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