Sugar - benefits and harm to the human body

In ancient times, honey was used as a sweetener, which is why people lived for a long time. This is not an empty phrase, but the conclusions of numerous studies of scientists. Today, granulated sugar is the basis of almost all desserts. But few people know what qualities sugar actually possesses. Let's look at these aspects, highlight key points and summarize. So let's get started.

The benefits and harms of sugar

Varieties and features of sugar

Sugar in its pure form is a complete carbohydrate, presumably consisting of fructose and glucose.

The name comes from Sanskrit, "sarkara" - sand. Later, people gave the name sweetener sugar. Today, absolutely everyone understands what exactly is being discussed.

Varieties of sugar depend on which raw material the product was produced on. So, sand can be sorghum, beetroot, maple, reed, palm.

Unrefined (brown) and refined (white) granulated sugar are isolated depending on the degree of processing. The refining process lies in the gradual purification of raw materials from mineral salts, molasses, molasses, a variety of vitamins and other substances. In the end, it turns out white sand that carries a minimum of benefit to humans.

Accordingly, refined sugar and brown sand can boast a different chemical list of elements. The light product is almost 100% carbohydrate, while brown has impurities. Their volume depends on how deep the cleaning was done.

In white sugar, fats and protein are absent, in brown - they accumulate in a small amount. Another difference lies in the fact that unrefined sand contains some vitamins necessary for the heart and vascular system.

As for mineral compounds, brownish tint sand is not deprived of such valuable elements as magnesium, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, potassium. White sand is devoid of all these substances.

The benefits of sugar

  1. Many people are used to believing and claiming that sugar is extremely harmful. No one thinks about what useful qualities a product boasts. But in vain, even a small part of the sand used per day will help to cope with some problems.
  2. It is worth starting with the fact that, as a result of research at a medical institute, the impossible existence of a person without sugar was proved. Sand must be supplied with food so that all organs and systems function correctly.
  3. With a lack of saccharides, the body malfunctions, the activity of the nervous system and the brain is disturbed, and blood circulation slows down. Sugar prevents all these unpleasant ailments. When even a teaspoon of sand is consumed per day, the body receives the necessary energy, and stimulation of various processes begins.
  4. Sugar is famous for improving memory. Glucose is needed for people who work mentally for a long time (schoolchildren, students, civil servants and other categories of people). Sugar has a good effect on eyesight, so if you work for a PC, use sweet foods to the best of your ability.
  5. If sugar will be supplied in small quantities, you will improve the emotional state. This means that the mood will increase, chronic fatigue and insomnia will disappear, and the effects of recently transferred stresses will partially be mitigated. No wonder all the troubles jam sweet.
  6. With a lack of glucose, the work of the lungs, liver, kidneys, gall bladder fails.When a person is hospitalized with the problems of the aforementioned internal organs, he is immediately prescribed intravenous glucose. Just a few spoons will save you from numerous problems.
  7. Serotonin is a hormone of joy, sugar improves its release into the blood. Serotonin stimulates brain neurons, giving the person satisfaction and joy. Even a small portion of sand per day will provide a good mood.
  8. People prone to thrombosis, it will be useful to know that granulated sugar prevents this unpleasant phenomenon. The sweetener reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing atherosclerosis.
  9. With the systematic intake of granulated sugar, the likelihood of osteochondrosis, arthritis, and osteoporosis is reduced. Brown sugar can even be included in the diet menu to save yourself from depression and breakdowns. In this case, brown sand should be preferred.

The benefits and harms of sugar for children

The benefits and harms of sugar for children

  1. The growing body needs energy, the production of which can be ensured by the use of granulated sugar.
  2. Children of school and preschool age need to lean on sweet foods to increase mental activity and prevent severe fatigue.
  3. Sugar can harm the body of a child by the fact that when consumed, it will interrupt appetite. And then in this situation we are not talking specifically about sugar, but about sweets with its inclusion.
  4. Granulated sugar should be given to the child in a dosage. Otherwise, if you abuse the sweetener, the child will begin to suffer from headaches, a sharp change of mood, bad sleep.
  5. At the same time, due to a lack of glucose in the blood, immunity drops, the body is more difficult to tolerate seasonal epidemics of influenza, climate change, vitamin deficiency in the spring.
  6. Otherwise, granulated sugar will positively affect the child if he does not have a predisposition to develop diabetes. Therefore, consult with your doctor in advance to eliminate the danger.

The harm of sugar when losing weight

  1. If you want to put the figure in order, you must responsibly approach the task. It is important to balance a new diet, while counting calories will not be enough.
  2. In the fight against unwanted pounds, you need to abandon unhealthy foods and sugary drinks. The presence of sugar in such formulations adversely affects the metabolic processes in the body. The normal activity of the digestive system and fat formation is disrupted.
  3. Sweet addiction develops. Sugar gives rise to a false sense of hunger, so you will always want to eat. It is worth remembering that 100 gr. raw materials contains 400 kcal. Sugar is strictly contraindicated by nutritionists.
  4. When improving the condition of the body, it is important to abandon the sweet and starchy foods. Cookies and various goodies make up 15-17% of the total mass of your body. Therefore, you should carefully review the main menu. You need to eat sugar-free foods.
  5. To comfortably lose weight and keep your health at the proper level, the number of calories consumed per day should be from 1500 to 2000. At the same time, the daily volume of sand is 35 grams, not more. This figure applies to all products in which raw materials are present. Pure sugar intake is contraindicated in the fight against overweight.
  6. Currently, granulated sugar is included in the diet of almost every person. Many people simply cannot imagine life without this sweetener. To maintain good health, it is strongly recommended that sugar be discarded completely. There are many useful substitutes.

Harmful sugar during pregnancy and lactation

Harmful sugar during pregnancy and lactation

  1. Sugar poses a particular threat specifically because of the technology of production of raw materials. Sand is processed by chemistry. In the end, it remains a minimum of healthy carbohydrates.
  2. When raw materials enter the human body, organs spend a huge amount of calcium on assimilation.Mineral is necessary for the correct structuring of the skeleton of the baby.
  3. When absorbed, calcium will be spent on glucose processing. As a result, mineral deficiency will affect mother and baby. In addition, sugar reduces the protective functions of the body. This phenomenon can lead to the development of serious ailments.
  4. If you consume sugar immensely, in addition to the listed complications, you will provoke a set of total body weight. If you do not balance your diet on time and do not give up harmful products, you will soon encounter serious problems. The risk of preterm birth is increased.
  5. Also detrimental properties are manifested in the fact that sugar spends important vitamins of group B. Deficiency of such enzymes will negatively affect the health of mother and child. As a result, vision deteriorates, increased fatigue and nervousness are manifested. Sleep problems begin, immunity drops, muscle tone decreases, memory worsens.
  6. In order not to encounter such problems, it is enough to replace the sand with natural products with natural sugar. It is important to follow a healthy diet. As a result, you will not encounter common problems, the baby will be completely healthy.

Sugar harm

  1. Uncontrolled consumption of sugar causes significant harm to the body. The composition has a devastating effect on inert tissue. Sugar processing must be accompanied by a large amount of calcium. As a result, bone fragility increases. Therefore, sweet tooth often crumble teeth.
  2. Excess sugar in the body leads to serious consequences. Often, diseases of the oral cavity and teeth develop. Soon, tooth enamel is greatly weakened. Under the influence of sugar, it breaks down and becomes vulnerable to bacteria.
  3. Sugar becomes the culprit in weight gain. Fat begins to be quickly deposited in almost all tissues. With the naked eye you can see how the sides, hips and stomach are full. Also, the raw material provokes a jump in insulin in the body, the substance excites the neurons responsible for the feeling of satiety. There comes a time when you are constantly hungry.
  4. Studies have shown that sugar is the culprit in premature aging. The product neutralizes valuable collagen. The enzyme is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Thus, sugar provokes sagging skin and deepening wrinkles.
  5. Sand, entering the body, neutralizes the available vitamins. For glucose to be fully absorbed, a large amount of B vitamins is required. If you do not start eating properly, you will soon encounter vitamin deficiency. Thus, the risk of developing chronic diseases and new ailments is increased.

Sugar is nothing but a way of saturating the body with energy. Useful properties of the product lie in its ability to enhance the production of the hormone of joy and improve brain function. In general, sugar is not harmful if consumed rarely. However, if possible eat better honey. If you are in an awkward position, consider the effect of sand on the body of pregnant women.

Video: the benefits and harms of sugar

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