How to cook eggplant until cooked?

Eggplant is a tasty and healthy vegetable. From it you can cook a lot of dishes that a real hostess can brag to guests. When an dish is prepared from eggplant, it is usually roasted. But not every hostess knows how to properly boil it, and how much time it will take. Meanwhile, the vegetable will retain maximum benefit only if the cooking process is carried out correctly. The rules and subtleties of cooking eggplant will be discussed in this review.

How much to cook eggplant until cooked

The time spent on the fire of a blue-colored vegetable depends on the form in which it is boiled. If the fruit is whole, then it will take 20 minutes. If the eggplant is cut into circles, then the exposure is halved and lasts 10 minutes. But you should not immediately run into the kitchen and put a pot of eggplant on the stove. First you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

Tips for those who decide to boil eggplant

This vegetable is no less capricious than others. In addition, it has certain specifics. Cooking success cannot be guaranteed, even if all aspects of cooking are well known in theory. But some advice can be of great help in this:

  1. Anyone who has decided to boil an eggplant should use only an enameled pan. This will protect the vegetable from oxidation processes, which will inevitably lead to the fact that it darkens.
  2. Vegetables should be placed in a pan only in boiling water, and not in cold water. If it is poured with cold water and put on a fire for heating, then it will swell and creep.
  3. The peel from the vegetable should be removed after the eggplant is boiled. This is a mandatory requirement and does not depend on which dish the blue fruit is used for. This requirement is dictated by two circumstances. First of all, this way all useful substances are stored in eggplant to the maximum. In addition, when cooking, the skin becomes thinner and can be more easily removed from it.
  4. The peel can be used in the processing process. It is necessary to use it because it contains a large amount of antioxidants and other equally useful components.

A properly cooked vegetable belongs to the category of dietary products. It is especially useful for people with a recent stroke. During the recovery period, he will provide worthy help. Boiled eggplant is also useful for women who are pregnant.

Cooking in a pan on the stove

The algorithm of actions in the cooking process on an open fire:

Cooking eggplant in a pan on the stove

  1. Of course, the vegetable must be thoroughly washed. Where the tail is located, the skin is slightly cut off. It is better to make an incision in the form of a cross. In this case, it will be easier to remove the skin.
  2. Water is poured into the pan and set on fire. It is necessary to salt water. After it boils, eggplant is lowered into it. The fire is then reduced to an average level.
  3. The whole product is cooked for 20 minutes, and for slices 10 minutes are enough. After the exposure is complete, the vegetable needs to be slightly cooled and the peel removed.
  4. The degree of readiness can be determined using a fork. If the product is ready, then the plug freely enters it.


Vegetables are washed and cut into slices. Then they must be soaked for 10 minutes in an enameled bowl. After this, the product must be slightly squeezed out and placed in the cooking bowl in a slow cooker. There you should pour a little water. Cooking time is 30 minutes using the steam mode. The time spent in the multicooker does not depend on the size of the pieces.


After preparation, which includes washing and puncture with a fork in several places, the product is marked in a microwave oven. Maximum power is used and exposure is 5 minutes. After cooking, peel the eggplant.

Double boiler

Before cooking, the eggplant is cut lengthwise. A little salt and pepper are added to the pulp. Exposure time is 30 minutes. The product itself is in the steam bowl during cooking, but you can also use the pan. Water is poured into it, and a colander with eggplant is placed on top.

It happens that eggplant can be bitter. You can correct the situation a little if you use such a product in dishes where tomato sauce and spices are present. But in no case should you add it to salads. He will only ruin everything.

One can only hope that these tips will help a caring hostess to prepare delicious dishes using eggplant. Guests, having tasted them, will become even more respectful of the hospitable hostess.

Video: how to cook eggplant (blue)

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