Dried figs - benefits and harm to the body

Figs are one of the most mysterious foods. Not many people know that this is an inflorescence, not a fruit, as is commonly believed. Those who are familiar with the gifts of nature prefer to enjoy them in all possible variations. Jam is made on the basis of figs, it is dried, dried, and eat fresh. This raises many questions affecting the benefits and harms of goodies.

The benefits and harms of dried figs

Composition of dried figs

The most valuable is potassium, which controls the work of the heart muscle and the entire vascular system. The dried fig contains a lot of carbohydrates, this explains the calorie content.

Natural saccharides are presented in the form of glucose and fructose. Figs also concentrate retinol, vitamin PP, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin. Figs boasts pyridoxine and folic acid.

Of the minerals, magnesium, calcium, iron, and sodium are considered the most valuable. Fig has a lot of tannins, starch, coarse fiber, organic acids, omega acids 3 and 6.

The product is rich in phytosterol, antioxidants, proteins and fats. The composition is low in water, only 70% of the total volume. Although this is characteristic of many dried fruits.

Calorie content of dried figs

During the heat treatment, the ratio of the elements in the composition of the fig changes. The amount of protein increases by about 5%, while the number of carbohydrates increases as much as 68%.

The nutritional properties and caloric content of fresh figs are relatively low. On 100 gr. fruits account for about 48 kcal. It all depends on the degree of maturity of the raw materials.

As you can understand, figs are famous for their low calorie content, so they are allowed to consume without much concern with regards to a set of extra pounds.

However, if we are talking about dried figs, the situation is complicated. In 100 gr. concentrated from 200 to 220 kcal. This is 4 times higher than fresh fruit.

If you want to keep fit, do not abuse figs. Dried figs have a sugary taste, so you can’t eat a lot of it.

The benefits of dried figs

  1. Fig is rich in fiber. Dietary fiber cleanses the intestinal tract from congestion, removes toxic compounds and heals the body "on all fronts." These qualities are used when losing weight. The main thing is to eat figs in moderation.
  2. Fig helps the esophagus to absorb beneficial enzymes, and sifting harmful ones. Against this background, a person gets more benefits, all the excess goes naturally.
  3. Figs cleanse the lymph, open the blood channels, and prevent atherosclerosis and varicose veins. It is useful to eat figs for people suffering from swelling of the limbs. Diuretic properties relieve heaviness in the legs.
  4. Just a couple of fruits per day will make up for the lack of iron, which is necessary to improve blood quality. Dried figs prevent anemia in adults and children, relieve abdominal pain in menstruation in women.
  5. Figs are indispensable for strengthening bone tissue. That is why the product is recommended for people who have recently had a fracture. Also, figs improve the condition of the teeth and prevent tooth decay.
  6. The composition improves physical endurance, so athletes need to eat it. Fig improves brain activity, strengthens vision through incoming beta-carotene.
  7. It is useful to eat figs for people of creative professions, as well as for those who work a lot mentally. The product relieves the effects of fatigue, including chronic. Normalizes sleep and the psychoemotional environment as a whole.
  8. Figs are often used in folk healing to combat many ailments. For the treatment of tonsillitis or diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of fig and consume it until the symptoms disappear.
  9. Figs can easily cure fever and a slight fever. Also, antibacterial properties will kill viruses, strengthen immunity, make up for the deficiency of vitamins and help to recover faster after a protracted illness.
  10. Fig favorably affects the work of the kidneys, stomach and bladder. Figs are needed for hypertensive patients, who often suffer from irregular blood pressure. Potassium reduces the likelihood of vascular spasms, preventing many heart ailments.
  11. Figs have the nice ability to thin the blood. Against this background, atherosclerosis and other similar diseases are treated. Dried figs are effective for intestinal obstruction because they have a laxative effect.

Dried figs for women

Dried figs for women

  1. It is proved that dried fruit is useful and necessary for the female body. Studies have shown that regular eating of the product helps the fair sex to stay young longer.
  2. Figs are a storehouse of calcium, so a systematic intake of the composition will help to cope with the problems of nails and hair in a short time. The active ingredients in dried fruit positively affect the internal organs of a woman during menstruation.
  3. The product effectively copes with pain and emotional outbreaks. It is good to eat dried fruit when planning pregnancy. The composition is enriched with folic acid. Figs are actively opposed to the inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.
  4. Regular intake of figs helps to resist the development of varicose veins. The product has a positive effect on the placenta. As a result, the fetus develops according to plan without damage. In addition, dried fruit helps out with anemia.

Dried figs in the lactation period

  1. During lactation, experts strongly recommend consuming dried fruit. Figs in this case will help to significantly improve the quality of breast milk and at the same time keep the weight at the right level. The product is an excellent supplement for losing weight.
  2. The systematic use of figs helps to normalize stool and stabilize the water-salt balance. Figs are effective for constipation, so you do not have to resort to laxatives.
  3. Eating a product will improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the vascular system, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, strengthen the central nervous system. If you include figs in your daily diet, you will avoid the development of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hypertension. The immunity of the baby will form.

Dried figs for pregnant women

Dried figs for pregnant women

  1. As mentioned earlier, dried fruit is rich in essential enzymes for humans. During pregnancy, the fetus will be invaluable for the girl. The main thing is to observe the daily rate of the product. Be careful with diabetes.
  2. Eating figs during pregnancy will help get rid of cough. Thus, you do not have to resort to the help of drugs. The fruit perfectly supplies the body with the necessary vitamins, vitamin deficiency does not threaten you.
  3. Fig helps keep weight normal, it has a positive effect on blood formation. Dried fruit suppresses the first symptoms of a cold in the shortest possible time. You are not afraid of digestive upsets and constipation.

Dried figs for weight loss

  1. During drying, the activity and usefulness of enzymes increases significantly. Therefore, fig is appreciated in nutrition. The product is rich in dietary fiber. From here we can distinguish the laxative effect. Thus you are cleared of slagging.
  2. The body receives the necessary amount of microelements, the tone and energy reserve increase. It is forbidden to use figs in mono-diet, you risk getting better.Combine fig with berries, vegetables and fruits.
  3. It is recommended to eat figs in the morning. Fig goes well with all kinds of cereals, fish, dietary meat, dairy products, nuts, eggs, honey and sweet spices. The daily norm is not more than 100 gr.

The harm of dried figs

  1. Figs are contraindicated in patients with gout, urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, and obesity.
  2. The product can significantly harm patients with colitis, pancreatitis, enteritis, and other inflammations in the digestive tract.

Dried figs include a rich vitamin and mineral complex, which determines its benefits. The composition contains almost all the elements necessary for the full functioning of the human body.

Video: the benefits and harms of figs

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