Beetroot juice - benefits and harm to the body

Beetroot juice is very popular among people from different countries. This is not surprising, because the drink focuses a fully formed list of chemicals. Today, there are more than 15 types of beets, each variety has positive and negative qualities. The most popular is beetroot. Most often, the juice is prepared from a red shade vegetable. Consider the benefits and harms of the drink.

The benefits and harms of beet juice

The composition and calorie content of beetroot juice

A rich list of mineral compounds and vitamins allows the use of beets in the treatment of many ailments. The drink concentrates all the same elements as beets, only in a more concentrated form.

So, the root crop is rich in vitamin PP, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol. Particular attention is paid to B-group vitamins, such as riboflavin, thiamine, pantothenic and folic acid, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid and others.

As for macro- and microelements, fluorine, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, calcium, copper, magnesium should be distinguished from them.

Beetroot contains a lot of carbohydrates and proteins, but not enough fat. Vegetable concentrates coarse dietary fiber, organic acids, pectin, water, ash. With all this, the caloric content of the composition is 42 Kcal. on 100 gr.

The benefits of beetroot juice

  1. Most often, root-based juice is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with the liver, kidneys, gall and bladder, and lymphatic system. Systematic intake cleanses the blood and gently opens the blood channels.
  2. There are a lot of pectin compounds in beets. These substances cleanse the liver of toxic substances, ethyl alcohol, heavy metals, radionuclides. Pectin also fills voids in the liver and removes excess bile. It is good to drink juice for people who are undergoing chemotherapy.
  3. Freshly squeezed juice includes a lot of iron. This element is needed for full blood formation, prophylaxis of anemia, increase of blood glucose level, normalization of arterial and intracranial pressure. Fresh enhances memory and concentration by stimulating brain neurons.
  4. Beauticians recommend their customers consume beetroot juice to improve skin condition. The thing is the ability of the drink to smooth creases, improve complexion, even out relief. Also, the composition prevents hair loss and dandruff.
  5. Before consumption, beet juice can be provided with a pinch of salt. So you will improve the digestive system, lead to the rapid absorption of valuable elements by the blood, remove excess water and urea. Against this background, tissue swelling is eliminated.
  6. Fresh must be taken during the spread of viral infections, in the offseason, after prolonged illnesses or operations. The drink helps to recover faster, strengthens the protective shell.
  7. Beetroot juice contains nitrites, which control intracranial pressure, thereby preventing migraines and headaches. Vasodilating properties urge people with cardiac abnormalities to consume juice regularly.
  8. Fresh is used to cleanse the intestines and all internal organs. Laxative properties quickly eliminate even the oldest stagnant phenomena. Men need juice for treatment and prevention of prostate diseases.
  9. When taking fresh, serotonin is produced, which regulates the human psychoemotional environment.The drink is indicated for use by categories of people who are often faced with stress and nervous stress. Juice perfectly copes with insomnia, apathy, unreasonable anxiety.
  10. The drink contains a lot of iodine. This element is needed for the prevention and treatment of ailments associated with the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system. Low calorie content allows the use of fresh in diet food. Weight loss is achieved by splitting fatty plaques, removing cholesterol, and cleansing the entire body.

The benefits of beet juice in diseases

The benefits of beet juice in diseases

  1. If you have any pathological changes in the gallbladder, liver or bladder, prepare juice from beets, carrots and cucumbers. Take an equal ratio of vegetables. Consume the drink three times a day for 200 ml. before the meal.
  2. Beetroot juice is an alternative to hormonal drugs. For menopause or menstruation, drink several times a day each half a glass of freshly squeezed fresh. Mix beets with carrots.
  3. The drink has the nice feature of lowering blood pressure. If you have vascular cramps or hypertension, consume 180-200 ml. Beetroot juice with a spoon of honey 2 times a day.
  4. The composition is indispensable for constipation and general disturbance of the digestive system. Take ½ cup freshly squeezed beet juice immediately after morning awakening on an empty stomach.
  5. The valuable qualities of the drink encourage many people to use beet juice for the treatment of tonsillitis. To prepare the composition, grate the root crop, pour a spoonful of vinegar and wait for the juice to appear. Gargle with the substance obtained.
  6. A large accumulation of iron in the composition of the drug allows you to use the drink to treat anemia. In this case, it is necessary to take once a day a glass of juice made from apples and beets (3 to 1 ratio).
  7. Doctors recommend that patients with lung cancer drink juice based on a green apple, carrot and beetroot. The ratio is equal. Additionally, the drink is supplied with fresh lemon and ground ginger.
  8. The composition is shown to categories of citizens who are obese or overweight. In such cases, beet juice is mixed with juice from grapefruit, plums, cucumbers, celery, carrots and apples. Against the background of a systematic intake, there is an increase in metabolism and the breakdown of fats.
  9. Beetroot juice is often treated for a runny nose. In this case, the composition is diluted with water in a proportion of 50:50, after which 2 drops are instilled into each nostril.

The benefits of beet juice for pregnant and lactating girls

  1. It has been proven that beet juice is useful for the fairer sex during pregnancy and lactation. The drink has a positive effect on the mother's body and the proper development of the fetus. The root crop inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine.
  2. Juice is an excellent tool for the prevention of infectious diseases, helps to cope with chronic constipation. The composition is rich in a subgroup of vitamins B and iron. Enzymes prevent the development of anemia. Pregnant girls are most often susceptible to this ailment.
  3. Beet juice perfectly prevents the development of rickets in a child. A positive property is determined by the presence of phosphorus and zinc in the product. In addition, the drink perfectly cleanses the blood of toxic compounds and normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Juice has proven itself as a means for the prevention and normalization of liver and kidney activity. Keep in mind that drinking beetroot juice during pregnancy should be used with caution and after consultation with a doctor. It is forbidden to consume juice for diabetes and hypotension.
  5. Experts recommend drinking fresh to pregnant girls with various skin lesions, regular constipation, high blood pressure, seasonal colds, overweight, edema and iodine deficiency.
  6. As for the lactation period, in this case it is worth to refrain from a drink. To replenish vitamins in the body, 50 ml is allowed. beetroot and carrot juice in total per day. Talk to your doctor.

Slimming Beetroot Juice

Slimming Beetroot Juice

  1. A diet based on beets is often used not only to reduce excess weight, but also to completely cleanse the body of slagging. Keep in mind that it is forbidden to drink juice in the presence of a duodenal ulcer, acute inflammation, kidney ailments and an allergic reaction.
  2. Without fail, before a diet of this kind, get a consultation with a nutritionist. Observing all the rules, you can achieve the desired result in a short time.
  3. Fresh is best drunk a quarter of an hour before a meal. After preparation, leave the juice in the refrigerator for 2 hours, so that harmful compounds evaporate from it.
  4. When on a diet, it is better to mix beetroot juice with apple, grapefruit, orange, celery, cabbage, carrot, pumpkin. At the same time, you can dilute the finished drink with water in an equal amount.
  5. Throughout weight loss, eliminate muffin from the diet. Refuse fatty, pepper, salty, fried foods. Cook in a slow cooker or oven.
  6. Make sure that the diet is accompanied by intense physical exertion. For example, you can jump on a skipping rope, run around the stadium, twist a hoop, swing a press, squat.
  7. You should not completely abandon bread. Eat fresh beetroot with natural brown bread (1 slice per day). Also eat boiled beets.

The benefits and harms of beetroot juice for children

  1. Experienced pediatricians advise parents to introduce beet-based juice starting from the first year of the baby's life. However, many mothers rush forward and feed the baby 1 drop of juice after six months. Such a move will relieve problems with the chair in the future.
  2. In most cases, admission is carried out in 1-2 drops of juice diluted with water in equal amounts. After time, the proportions increase to 1 dessert spoon.
  3. During feeding, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child's body. In case of violation of the stool, redness on the skin, vomiting, it is necessary to exclude juice from the diet.
  4. If the baby responds well to the drink, treat it to fresh 1-2 times a week. After the onset of the year, the amount increases to 2 dessert spoons.

Harm beetroot juice

Harm beetroot juice

  1. If you have not drank juice before, start acquaintance with it with 50-60 ml. Otherwise, allergies may develop.
  2. With individual intolerance to beets, fresh is contraindicated. The same applies to people who suffer from urolithiasis.
  3. Since the composition lowers blood pressure, hypotonics should be careful. And it’s better to completely abandon the product.
  4. It is extremely undesirable to take a drink to patients with a duodenal ulcer and stomach.
  5. In case of overdose, the product can cause headache, nausea and vomiting, chills, allergies, gastrointestinal tract disorders.

Natural beetroot juice is indicated for use in people with high blood pressure, kidney and liver pathologies, constipation and other diseases. The undeniable value of the composition is children. But acquaintance with a new product should be metered, before taking it, it is important to exclude all contraindications.

Video: the beneficial properties of beet juice

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