Tomato 100 percent - description and characteristics of the variety

A lot of tomatoes are bred by breeders to grow in cool regions. Varieties resistant to weather changes, temperature extremes with good immunity are needed. Important and taste characteristics of the fruit, as well as ripening time. One of the amazing varieties that many will enjoy is "100 percent F1." It will be discussed in this article.

Tomato 100 percent


"100 percent" grows well in open ground, in greenhouses and in greenhouses. It tolerates weather and temperature changes. It has good immunity to many common diseases. It is stored for a long time in a torn form and transfers transportation over long distances. It belongs to the early varieties. The first ripe fruits appear in mid-summer.

For ripening of the vegetable from the moment of sowing, an average of 80 - 90 days passes. “F1” in the name indicates the hybridity of the variety and good plant immunity. For seedlings, it is important to buy seeds in trusted stores. After growth, fruit seeds are not suitable for further breeding. On average, the bush reaches a height of 1.5 meters. Such a plant should be tied to an additional support. It is important to remove stepsons. The plant is formed into 2 stems, the remaining processes are removed.

Fruits of bright red color are rounded in shape, on average they reach a weight of 250 g. They have juicy pulp and dense skin. It does not crack during transportation and conservation. The taste is sweet and sour.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Early ripening of tomatoes helps the plant to avoid many diseases that appear in the second half of summer.
  2. Excellent immunity.
  3. Rich taste.
  4. Good yield from one bush.


  1. High enough stalk of culture, difficult to process.
  2. Needs additional fixation to prevent plant breakdown.
  3. Constant top dressing with mineral fertilizers.


Tomatoes are very tasty fresh. Will go well with other vegetables in salads. Complement cheese. Ideal for canning. Used in the preparation of meat dishes. They are used in the preparation of pasta, sauces, juices and adjika.


Sow tomatoes in special pallets or boxes for seedlings. First, the seeds are disinfected with a solution of manganese for 10 to 15 minutes. Then they are placed in a hole or trench to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The containers are covered with polyethylene or a piece of glass. After biting, the shelter is removed, and seedlings are placed on the windowsill, using additional lighting with a fluorescent lamp. With the advent of the second real leaf, seedlings are dived. Each sprout is placed in a separate pot.

Growing Tomatoes 100 Percent

Before the seedlings are transferred to the ground, it is quenched for 2 weeks. You can take it out for a while outside or open a window in the room. Tomatoes are transplanted in mid-May, depending on the region, into open or closed ground. When placing bushes in the ground, it is necessary to observe the distance between them - at least 40 cm from each other.

Soil is prepared in advance. Since the autumn, they dig it in large pieces and leave it to freeze for the winter to kill part of the parasites and diseases. In the spring, the soil is again dug up, manure, humus, peat and ash are introduced. Then dig holes and spill them with water. It is better not to touch the transplanted plants during the week. After a while, it is already possible to loosen the soil, water and add mineral fertilizers. Like many other tomatoes, “100 percent” loves nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

When the tomatoes have all ripened and the last fruits remain, watering is stopped. Lack of watering will help make vegetables more resilient and less watery. Such fruits will be stored longer.

During the plant season and fruit ripening, timely care is important: watering, fertilizing, loosening and mulching the soil.


  1. Water the tomatoes no more than 2 times a week. In days of heavy rains less often. Water is poured under the root. It should be warm and settled throughout the day.
  2. The earth needs to be loosened, stalks spud, allowing the formation of new roots. The soil should not be crusted. For a softer consistency, you can add sawdust.
  3. Timely weeding will prevent confusion of the root system of vegetable crops and weeds.
  4. If the plant grows in closed ground, it is important to ventilate the greenhouse or greenhouse daily.
  5. To prevent common diseases and the invasion of pests, the bushes are sprayed. Unfortunately, in many regions there are invasions of flies, bear, slugs, aphids, Colorado potato beetles and even crickets on tomatoes. Therefore, timely processing will save the crop from extermination. It will also prevent the development of viral and fungal infections.

Each gardener knows the more attention you pay to the plant, the greater its return and reward in the form of fruits. Proper care will help to get the maximum yield from such a wonderful variety of “100 percent”.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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