Tomato 6 punto 7 F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Many summer residents and farmers love to grow small tomatoes. They look great in jars when pickling and pickling, they can be used to decorate different dishes, add to salads, and eat fresh fruits. Ultra-ripe cherry tomatoes of grade 6 Punto 7 delight with their fruits already 3 months after sowing seeds for seedlings. The variety grows well in beds and in greenhouses.

Tomato 6 Punto 7 F1

Grade description

Bushes grow small, in height reach no more than 1 meter. Fruits are smooth, with a thin strong skin. It is well stored fresh and used for transportation to other regions by trading companies. The shape of the fruit is round, bright red. The pulp is juicy and tasty. The mass of each tomato varies within 20 grams.

The taste of the fruit is sweet. Tomatoes are suitable for all types of canning. They make excellent pasta, sauces, ketchup and lecho. Fresh fruits are suitable for many dishes.

Culture cultivation

Sowing of seeds is carried out around the end of March. The soil for sowing should be light and loose. First, the earth must be decontaminated from dangerous fungi and harmful insects. To do this, the day before sowing, it must be shed with a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water. The finished substrate already contains all the necessary trace elements, and the earth from the garden must be fertilized. To do this, add 1 glass of ash, 1/3 bucket of humus or peat and 1 tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizer to a bucket of earth. In the prepared container, lay the seeds to a depth of 10 mm, cover with a film or just lay the glass. Temperature for fast germination of seeds from 21 degrees.

After the emergence of seedlings and the formation of 2-4 leaves on the plant, you definitely need to dive them into a separate bowl. Landing directly on a permanent place is carried out (according to the recommendations of experienced gardeners) about 1.5 months after the first shoots appear.

It is also important to remember that before planting tomatoes in a greenhouse or garden, seedlings must be hardened. Landing is carried out in prepared holes at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. First, fertilizer must be added to each well. There is no need to place a support near low bushes.

Grade Care

  1. Watering the bushes is recommended to be carried out once a week with warm, settled water. Water needs to be poured only on the root system, try not to get on the leaves. Several times during the season the soil should be fertilized with organic additives.
  2. Loosening the soil, destroying weeds will help protect the bushes from fungal diseases and pests.
  3. Low bushes do not require tying and pinching.
  4. Grade 6 Punto7 is quite resistant to various diseases that may threaten members of the nightshade family.
  5. For prevention, several bushes can be treated with special insecticides several times during the summer.
  6. Approximately 3-4 times during the summer, bushes should be fed with complex additives. The first time fertilizers are applied during the growing season, the second time - during the flowering of bushes, then it is necessary to feed during fruiting. If the bushes are strong, and do not require top dressing, you can not waste time on this. Nutrient mixtures will help to get a richer crop.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Maria Sergeevna, 49 years old: The first time I planted this variety of tomatoes last year. Pleased with the number of fruits and their appearance. Tomatoes are great for canning, especially in general. All tomatoes are the same size, they look very beautiful in a jar.Next year I want to plant more of these tomatoes. Grandchildren liked the small tomatoes with a sweet taste.
  2. Sergey E., 63 years old: I have been growing the variety for several years, I recommend it to everyone. It is completely resistant to disease, and not demanding in care. Harvest is always rich. We eat fresh tomatoes, the wife preserves them whole, prepares amazing tomato juice. The fruits themselves are very sweet. Shorter bushes can not be tied, and with the clipping of extra branches and leaves, you can not bother. The whole family loves tomatoes of grade 6 Punto 7, so I will always grow them. Of all the small varieties, these tomatoes are the most juicy and delicious.
  3. Irina Arturovna, 35 years old: I like to preserve small and identical tomatoes. I have been growing grade 6 Punto 7 for 3 years and have not yet been disappointed. I use excellent small fruits of bright red color for pickling in general. Children eat them fresh, they say they are sweet and delicious. I want to recommend this cultivar. Tomatoes are easy to care for, watering is not often necessary, the main thing is to regularly loosen the soil, remove weeds and apply organic fertilizers.

Video: tomatoes grade 6 punto 7 F1

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