Tomato Amethyst Jewel - description and description

Tomatoes are considered a popular garden crop, which develops and improves from year to year due to the active work of breeders. And that is why gardeners and farmers can choose for themselves the most delicious and easy-to-grow variety. Immediately high productivity is considered a positive quality of the Amethyst jewel variety, which is one of the most popular among the entire assortment.

Tomato Amethyst Jewel

Amethyst jewel is a special kind of tomato, which ideally combines taste, aroma and beautiful appearance. For gardeners and farmers, it has become an ideal solution for a large and tasty crop. In addition, it is suitable for cultivation in open ground and in a greenhouse, since the breeding species has undergone various improvements for the possibility of comfortable cultivation in the future. This is a medium-sized plant, whose bushes are sprawling, so when planting seedlings in the ground, you need to carefully plan the space in order to get practicality and convenience in the subsequent processing of the bush.

Distinctive features of the variety

Amethyst jewel is a variety characterized by great fruiting, due to which, from one square meter, a large yield of the product is ensured. But an interesting fact is that when grown in open ground, the plant can reach half a meter height. And that is why special care is required when growing to avoid congestion and even damage to the bush.

The following features can be distinguished when growing amethyst jewel tomato:

  1. Tomato of this variety has an average ripening speed, therefore, after 100-115 days after planting, you can collect juicy and tasty fruits. But this feature only applies to greenhouse growing of fruits, since under such conditions optimal temperature and humidity are created, which positively affects the subsequent yield.
  2. High productivity is an important positive quality, which has become the basis for the development of demand for this product. Healthy plant brushes can provide more than 5 dense fruits, poured with juice and useful substances.
  3. The plant can bear fruit until September, and if we consider cultivation in a greenhouse, then the period is significantly increased.
  4. Gives dense and tasty tomatoes, poured with a bright red color, due to which an attractiveness is created in combination with a rich taste.
  5. During the selection, the plant was vaccinated against various diseases, so the fruits will please with their taste and aroma. And the growing process itself is not accompanied by plant diseases and infections. Even the most persistent diseases will not cause a violation of the flowering and fruiting of the tomato.

Also, the plant copes with temperature changes, hot days and cold nights will not create difficulties for the plant, and fruiting will be presented at a high level. But active fruiting is maintained while maintaining a temperature of over 25 degrees Celsius.

Fruit Description

Description of Tomato Fruits Amethyst Jewel
Fruits are flat round in shape, so they are ideal for conservation, and they will also appreciate their attractive appearance, since the features of the shape distinguish the fruit from all the existing diversity. But it also attracts a bright color, combining overflows of purple and red tones. Depending on the place of cultivation - in the sun or in the shade, the fruits have their own shade.This is a feature that distinguishes a variety from the entire assortment of tomatoes, so we can talk about individuality and originality. Those gardeners who have already been growing plants, were able to highlight the following positive properties of the variety:

  1. Meatiness combined with a small amount of seeds is the main property that will delight consumers. And also attracted by the fact that, despite the color of the tomato shell, the inner cavity has a bright red hue, filled with juice and a rich taste.
  2. The tomato flavor of the fruit blends perfectly with a small fruity note, so sweetness and spice are formed.
  3. The fruits are not large, so the weight is not more than 200 grams, but in the aggregate the weight of several fruits growing on the same branch can cause damage to the stem, so you can not do without tying for even distribution of the load.
  4. Fruits due to the dense peel can withstand long storage or transportation, so when you create all the conditions, you can enjoy the taste of tomatoes for a long time.
  5. For salads and canned foods this version of tomatoes is ideal due to its structure and spice. If we talk about preservation, the fruits will not crack and deform, which allows them to ideally preserve their basic taste and aromatic properties for a long time. The variety has proven itself in creating culinary masterpieces due to its appearance and taste.

The subtleties of growing and caring

Tomato Care Amethyst Jewel
Planting seeds for seedlings should be done no later than 60 days before the required date of planting in open ground, as it takes a certain time to germinate and strengthen the root system of the plant.

Fruits are characterized by active growth and development, therefore, there is a need to plant seeds correctly, since their oversaturation in one common capacity can cause a violation of subsequent fruiting. And it is important to remember that in the process of growing the stem of the fruit has an unusual purple hue. This should not be confused with a disease of the stem system, since the special shade is completely safe and does not cause difficulties for plant growth.

As soon as the seedlings are ready and transplanted into the open ground or greenhouse, then special care is not required, as it will be enough just to ensure timely weeding, top dressing, watering and hilling. And you also need to worry about the fruits being tied up in the process of starting the ripening of tomatoes, since this is the way to preserve the plant in integrity and safety.

As the plant grows, 2-3 stems will grow, each of which will have 5-6 medium-sized fruits. To maintain the stem can not do without plant protection, because otherwise it can cause fruit fragments from the bush.

To improve the growth of a tomato plant, you can use natural dressing based on needles, sawdust and wood chips. By mulching, the soil is filled with useful properties and substances, which favorably affects the overall cultivation process.

Tomatoes Amethyst jewel is tasty, fragrant and beautiful fruits, but to collect a large harvest you need to provide the right care and maintenance, as otherwise it may result in a violation of fruiting.

Video: Amethyst Jewel

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