Tomato Anastasia - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato is known to many firsthand, as it is a popular vegetable among gardeners due to its versatility. You can eat tomatoes raw, you can cook soups, canned, squeezed juice, make tomato paste and so on. There are many ways to culinary use the fetus, so you can always choose the most interesting option. But every year it takes a long time to choose tomato varieties that are ideally suited to the tasks for subsequent use.

Tomato Anastasia

It is worth highlighting the tomatoes of the Anastasia variety, as these are high-yield fruits that differ in different ways of application in cooking. This is a hybrid variety that is filled with useful properties that are preserved even during the heat treatment of the product. During the selection, the variety underwent antibacterial treatment, therefore, the probability of the development of pathogenic bacteria and plant diseases is excluded.

Resistance to temperature changes is the main advantage of the Anastasia variety, since regardless of climatic conditions during cultivation, you can get a crop.

The main nuances

Before you start planting and growing the Anastasia variety, you need to familiarize yourself with the main properties of the variety, since it is not so easy to achieve high yields without careful care.

The variety belongs to early ripening, so it is ready to please the first fruits before all garden plants. And if you plant the plants in the greenhouse, then the ripening period will be further reduced, therefore, special care is required for preparing seedlings so that subsequent fruiting is of high quality.

The weight of the fruit ranges from 130 to 180 grams, so several fruits in the aggregate create a large load on the stem part. Thanks to the dense structure and peel, it is convenient for transportation with full preservation of quality and taste. Not all fruits can cope with long transportation, so the Anastasia variety can be considered ideal for subsequent sale without violating the integrity of the fruits.

Despite the small size of the fruit, a high yield is ensured, therefore, from one square meter of planted tomato bushes, you can collect several kilograms of selected tomatoes.

Positive features of the variety

Why is Anastasia so popular? Among beginner gardeners, this question is very relevant, since not everyone knows how this variety differs, what features it has, and so on. For a general familiarization with the question, it is necessary to highlight its following positive parameters:

Features of the tomato variety Anastasia

  1. The variety is unpretentious, so you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort to maintain the health of the bushes and the quality of the fruit. It is enough just to water the plant, to cultivate it and properly process it from diseases so that fruiting is not exposed to dangers.
  2. Fast growth. After planting in open ground or a greenhouse, the plant begins to grow and develop quickly, therefore, the ovary of tomatoes should not be expected, which can be considered an important advantage. Bushes quickly grow to half a meter, so it is important not to miss the moment when you need to tie the plant to evenly distribute the load from the fruits.
  3. Resistance to diseases is ensured by grafting plants during the selection process. But all the same, it is important to periodically process tomatoes in the growing process in order to prevent their rotting or infection by harmful bacteria.
  4. High productivity, due to which it is possible to reduce the area of ​​plant growth, and excellent fruiting allows you to rationally use the garden space.
  5. The guarantee of rooting seedlings for the opportunity to get a large crop filled with aromas and tastes.

But with regard to the shortcomings, we can highlight only some points that easily turn into advantages, if the recommendations for growing Anastasia cultivar are correctly observed:

  1. The fruits need to be strengthened by installing additional support, since in aggregate the tomatoes create a large load on the stem part of the bush.
  2. It is necessary to take special care of the seedlings in order to get a large crop without the death of shrubs.

Growing rules

Like any other garden plant, tomatoes need proper preparation for planting, since tomato seeds cannot simply be planted in the ground. Planting in seedlings should be carried out from late February to mid-March, as the plant must grow stronger and develop until transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse. Seedling combines a lot of features and nuances, so here you can not do without the recommendations of gardeners. You can find them on the packaging with seeds. A brief guide to the season and the correct planting - the ability to grow good seedlings and tomato bushes themselves.

Seeds need to be prepared before planting, as they store all the nutrients that make the growth process begin. And that is why they are initially soaked, then stored for several days in a cold place. And only after that you can plant them in the ground.

Soil preparation is also important, as the tomato crop depends on it. Do not neglect the need for thorough watering, as the microclimate for the plant depends on this. But it is important to dose water in order to exclude a glut of soil.

The correct attitude to details is a guarantee of the successful growth and development of tomatoes, so even the little things play an important role and are displayed on the amount of tomato crop harvested.

Video: how to care for tomatoes

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