Tomato Anna German - description and characteristics of the variety

The authorship belongs to Moscow breeder Igor Maslov. Anna German is a tall crop variety resistant to disease and adverse conditions. The fruits are one-dimensional, regular in shape, attractive lemon-yellow in color, with an elongated nose. They have a wonderful harmonious, dessert flavor, are characterized by high sugar content, the mass of fruits is 80-100 g. 110-115 days pass from the moment of germination to fruiting.

Tomato Anna German

Variety characteristic Anna German

Tomato Anna German belongs to an indeterminate variety, when a certain size is reached, the bush does not stop growing, fruiting continues until frosts.

The plant is suitable for growing both in the spring-summer and in the autumn turnover. Fruits of elegant yellow color, oval shape, long retain taste and appearance after harvesting. Ideal for whole-canning.

Culture is demanding of light and heat. Recommended for outdoor cultivation in the southern regions or in greenhouse conditions everywhere. Tomatoes Anna Herman medium early, tolerant to dry rot, sunburn, belong to the group of carpal tomatoes. Bush height - 150 cm, requires tying. The plant is resistant to viral and fungal diseases, the fruits are universal in use.

Features of agricultural technology

Below are the recommendations, following which you can get an excellent tomato crop even in a small area.

  1. Pour the tomatoes under the root with water, heated to a temperature of 18-22 degrees. Watering is organized in the morning, until the temperature of water and atmospheric air have evened out. In this case, tomatoes will have more opportunities to assimilate useful substances and minerals, to absorb the moisture necessary for growth.
  2. During fruiting period watered less often. This will protect the fruits from cracking and improve palatability, since with excess moisture, the fruits are watery. The optimal watering regimen is twice a week or ten days.
  3. Maintain optimal temperature. If it is hot inside the greenhouse, tomato Anna German will grow poorly. To reduce the air temperature, spread stones between the rows (choose either dark from nature, or paint them black yourself). Dark glass bottles are an alternative. Such surfaces are well absorbed by ultraviolet rays and thereby lower the temperature in the greenhouse.
  4. In the process of vegetative development of tomatoes, Anna German, feed three times. The main components of top dressing should be phosphorus and potassium. The first time the fertilizer is applied 10 days after planting, the second time spraying is carried out after 30 days (repeating it after the same period of time at least once more).
  5. During fruit setting, do not neglect such components useful for their development as manganese, boron, copper, molybdenum, zinc. If the soil has neutral acidity, do not forget about iron. Use immunomodulators, for example, Zircon, Epin.
  6. Flowers of this variety are pollinated independently, but the quality of pollination can be improved. To do this, you need to organize the optimal level of air humidity so that it is moderately dry at a temperature in the range of 24-26 degrees.
  7. Productivity of tomatoes depends on many different factors. Here the conditions of agricultural technology, the freshness of the seed, climatic factors matter. Variety Anna German is distinguished by high productivity under standard growing conditions.In greenhouse conditions, it is much easier to control the conditions of the agricultural background. When growing in open ground, bushes can not be stepsoned, but in a greenhouse, where every centimeter of free space is expensive, you can not do without formation. With the correct formation of the variety, the fruit pulp is dense, very sweet (almost without acidity).

Why there is no tomato crop

Why there is no tomato crop Anna German

  1. The thermal regime recommended for the variety was not observed.
  2. Relative humidity was too high.
  3. The soil received little moisture.
  4. Plants did not receive enough nutrients.
  5. There was a lack of carbon in the air.
  6. Seeds for planting were prepared in violation of the rules in breeding.

The correct formation of the bush is of great importance. With proper care, the fruits are dense, smooth, very sweet, with a subtle sourness.

Reviews of vegetable growers

“I’m a vegetable grower with ten years of experience. Anna Herman learned about the variety by chance. I was very pleased with the harvest of 2018. Original tomatoes, lemon color, very sweet. Grandchildren are delighted with them! And recently I learned that yellow tomatoes are recommended for people with allergies to red tomatoes. Variety Anna German - decoration of my tomato beds. Taste is beyond praise, makes delicious ketchup and tomato sauce out of them. ” (Victor Timofeevich)

Video: the formation and care of tomatoes in greenhouses

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