Tomato Aristocrat F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes are an integral part of a complete human diet. They are consumed fresh, used as a component for the preparation of salads from fresh vegetables, and added to the preparation of first and second courses. Tomatoes are also widely used in canning. A variety of varieties and types make the vegetable an indispensable product on the table of any person.

Tomato Aristocrat F1

Variety tomato Aristocrat belongs to the hybrid group. Fans of carpal tomatoes have long appreciated this variety for its high yield in closed areas. Tomatoes ripen evenly, and are ideal for preparing preparations for the winter.

Grade description

The plant develops well and bears fruit both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. In open areas, tomato bushes rarely grow to 1.5 metro in height, while in greenhouses their growth can reach up to 2 meters.

Note! Despite the fact that the bushes have powerful stems, the plant must be tied to a support.

From one bush you can collect up to 8 kg of fruits per season. Tomatoes grow with brushes of 7-8 pieces each. The formation of inflorescences begins over 9 - 10 leaves, and continues every 3 subsequent ones. From planting seeds to fruiting takes about 100 days.

The fruits have a saturated red color, flat rounded shape. The pulp is juicy and dense, when cut, from 5 to 6 nests can be seen. The weight of one tomato reaches 140-150 grams, the vegetable does not have ribbing. Tomatoes are endowed with excellent taste.

Advantages of the variety Aristocrat

Excellent characteristics of the variety make it popular among many gardeners. Tomatoes are not only famous for their high productivity, but also for a long shelf life. Therefore, the variety is often used for transportation and further marketing. Aristocrat tomatoes have the following properties:

  1. The sugar content in the fruits is not high, so they have a pronounced sweet and sour taste inherent in this vegetable.
  2. Attractive appearance and perfect smooth surface allow the use of tomatoes for canning in its entirety. And the fleshy flesh and wonderful taste enable the housewives to make a variety of sauces from tomato and everyone's favorite tomato juice.
  3. Thick skin does not crack even with a lack of moisture. When pickling and pickling, the tomatoes do not lose their shape, the peel remains intact. This is very good for maintaining the attractive appearance of the tomato when transported over long distances.
  4. As it ripens, there is a green spot near the stalk, which disappears when the vegetable is fully ripe.
  5. The variety is quite resistant to various diseases inherent in tomatoes. Grow well in low light conditions.

Landing and care

Planting and care of tomatoes aristocrat f1
Hybrid tomatoes are grown in seedlings. If the owner of the plot decided to grow the Aristocrat variety, then the seeds will need to be bought every year in a specialized store. You can collect them yourself, but the tomatoes will not grow, since the hybrid group does not retain the signs of mother bushes. Seeds of this variety do not require treatment from most possible diseases. Tomatoes are quite resistant to the appearance of tobacco mosaic, late blight and fusarium.

To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in early March. To do this, prepare boxes or other suitable container. The soil must be fertilized with peat composition, after sowing seeds, the boxes are covered with a film, and put in a warm place. For faster germination, the soil must be regularly watered with water at room temperature.As soon as the seedlings will have two true full leaves, they need to be planted in a separate container. For this, disposable cups or cut-off plastic bottles are suitable.

Planting seedlings in the soil is done when the seedlings reach the age of about 60 days. To do this, prepare deep holes that will be at a distance of at least half a meter from each other. It is advisable to introduce mineral fertilizers into the ground. Peat or dung will be excellent for this purpose.

Plant care includes the following:

  • timely weeding;
  • regular watering;
  • loosening the soil and removing weeds;
  • treatment with copper-containing preparations;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Tomatoes must be tied to support sticks or rods. You also need to pick off extra branches and leaves. These actions will allow you to get larger and more elastic fruits, as well as this will positively affect the amount of yield.

Video: the formation and care of tomatoes in greenhouses

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